It took more than two minutes after the salespeople left, Yuan Shan and Ye Cai walked out of the changing room awkwardly.

  As Qiu Xing Qiye had expected, Yuan Shan and Ye's overall body was still in good shape, a little thinner, and her skin after using the water of life was very good.

  Only in terms of temperament and appearance, she is more suitable for some princess dresses or small dresses.

  " it nice?"

  At some point, the girl's heart is always very sensitive, and Qiu Xing Qiye doesn't need to say anything more.

  Yuan Shan and Ye Mo were a little lost.

  this girl.

  What are you missing!

  The clothes are not bought for themselves, and the style is not suitable at all.

  Looking at her reaction with a bit of confusion, Qiu Xing Qiye came to her, stretched out her hands and placed it behind her head.

  Very easy, just untie the ribbon.

  "This dress doesn't quite match your own temperament, but if you put your hair down, it looks like you can barely control it."

  Qiu Xing Qiye took a few steps back, looked at the current Kazuha carefully, and exclaimed in admiration.

  "Really?" Yuan Shan and Ye Xin were slightly overjoyed, and shyly stretched out their right hand to brush the hair between their cheeks.

  This kind of inadvertent action by women can sometimes bring out the most beautiful moments.

  "Don't move yet." Qiu Xing Qiye suddenly said.

  Yuan Shan and Ye froze slightly, and before she could understand Qiye's meaning, she saw him take out the camera from the space ring.

  As the best product available at this stage, this camera has captured many 'good' moments as well as family photos.


  "Okay." Qiu Xing Qiye retracted the camera with satisfaction.

  He Ye murmured with a heart beating from this little action, "Then do you think you should buy this dress?"

  "I think it's better to change it. This dress is more suitable for some banquets, but if you want to go to a banquet, its style is a little more ordinary."

  Qiu Xing Qiye gave a more pertinent opinion.

  As the party giving gifts, of course, the clothes must be chosen by Ye and Ye personally, which is the most suitable choice.

  At most he can give some advice, and that is enough.

  Hear the word banquet.

  Yuan Shan and Ye were full of joy in their hearts. She always felt that there was something strange, but now she realized it.

  I didn't choose a target!

  There are also many luxurious and beautiful dresses and many styles, but they all have one thing in common, that is... expensive!

  Not to mention that she couldn't afford it at all. Even if she could afford it, in Xiaolan's situation, it was impossible for her to attend a banquet every day.

  With the goal they wanted, Yuan Shan and Ye were not in a hurry to change back to their original clothes, so they dragged Qiu Xing Qiye to the casual wear area.

  After careful selection for a while.

  She finally chose a set of short-sleeved shirts that are suitable for daily wear, with a small opening on the shoulders to reveal a small shoulder design.

  Pair it with a plaid skirt.

  It looks good when you wear it, and it will look pure and lively.

  In terms of price, her pocket money was barely enough to pay, so Yuan Shan and Ye, who wanted to choose another pair of shoes for Xiao Lan, had to give up the idea.

  You can send it next time, too!

  In my impression, Xiaolan often wears school uniforms, and most of the socks on her legs are white socks.

  Socks themselves are not expensive, cute enough.

  The main thing is shoes. Xiaolan is almost always wearing sneakers, which is a very pure dress.

  But sneakers should be worn during physical education classes at school, and women's small leather shoes are usually better-looking.

  Neon features.

  Uniform with women's leather shoes.

  Although it is said that in Qiu Xing Qiye's mind, short skirts with canvas shoes and sneakers are also quite good.

  But Xiaolan's pair, I don't know how long I've been wearing them, so I'm not willing to buy new ones.

  Even though she is not short of money now, this girl is still so frugal in her expenses.

  In terms of food, it must be fresh, even if it is expensive, she doesn't feel bad.

  But in terms of outfits, her clothes and shoes rarely add new ones every year, and many of them were given to her by Fei Yingli who couldn't stand it.


  After choosing the gift and getting a suitable packaging box, Yuan Shan and Ye Zheng, who paid the price, handed it over to Qiu Xing Qiye.

  As for the gift that Qiu Xing Qiye had come to take care of these days, she still hadn't decided what to give.

  to her financial situation.

  Even if she wants to buy it, it has to be carefully selected. For this reason, she has visited many stores in Osaka before, but she has not found the product she likes yet.

  When driving to the station.

  This is a bit of a foolish woman, and only after realizing it did she realize that Qiu Xing Qiye was carrying three bags to her.

  "This is...?" Yuan Shan and Ye took the bag in confusion.

  She didn't even see when Qiu Xing Qiye bought it.

  "I think you should look good wearing it, so I bought it." Qiu Xing Qiye said with a smile.

  "Gift?" Yuan Shan and Ye were nervous, they wanted it very much in their hearts, but they felt it was too expensive.

  The witty Qiu Xing Qiye had already dealt with all the things with price tags.

  Under his compliments, saying that the price is not expensive, you look good in clothes, and I hope to see you wearing it when I come to Kanto next time.

  Yuan Shan and Ye finally took it over happily.

  At the same time, in her heart, she became more determined to choose gifts carefully.


  Yuan Shan and Ye didn't even realize their relationship with Qiu Xing Qiye.

  What the heck.


  surely not.

  normal friend?

  Certainly not, who ordinary friends can have such intimate actions?

  Whose normal girl would choose an ordinary male friend to give advice when shopping for gifts and clothes?

  In short.

  Habit is second nature.

  To change to Yuan Shan and Ye, who just met Qiu Xing Qiye, even if Neverland is very beautiful, it is impossible to say that he wants to live here.

  Mostly just think about it.

  Boiled frogs in warm water!

  Living in such a world full of routines.

  In the past, there were various unscientific heroes to save the beauty.

  Existing more scientific habits become natural.

  In Qiu Xing Qiye's impression, in the past life, there were many wonderful spiritual guys who bought breakfast for the goddess every day for several years during college in order to chase after their goddess.

  If you want to get used to it, it will become natural, and you will make a confession when you graduate.

  But such crashes are often very serious!

  It is true that getting used to nature can gradually cultivate feelings, but that requires daily interaction between the two parties.

  I only serve breakfast every day, and I don’t say anything else, such as occasionally inviting me to dinner, going out for a walk and chatting and other activities to deepen my relationship.

  That is ATM for free, or simply licking the dog.

  Don't even think about whether the goddess is interested in herself, just pay blindly, not licking the dog, what is it?

  Giving and receiving are totally disproportionate.



  The car parked steadily in the parking lot of the station.

  Yuan Shan and Ye hesitated for a while, but still didn't get out of the car in a hurry.

  "It's still early, don't worry!"

  "I want to try these three outfits and change them if they don't fit.".

  第 287

Chapter 54--339: I have a random reinforcement system

With the barrier of Qiu Xing Qiye condensing, Yuan Shan and Ye Hong had small faces, and first changed into a blue JK uniform.

  Skirt, white short-sleeved shirt, blue sweater jacket, bow rope.

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