All present except him were detectives.

  The only friend who could talk to him just left for a while, but he died.

  "There must be something odd about that central tower outside." This is something he can be sure of.

  At that time, Xinghe Tongwu proposed to go to the central tower, but he refused. At that time, he watched Xinghe Tongwu walk into the central tower step by step.

  To die, Xinghe Tongwu should also die in the central tower.

  But why did his body appear in the hall on the left, and who transferred it over?

  Thinking hard!

  The murderer is probably among the group of detectives. He doesn't dare to think about it, and he doesn't dare to doubt it. At present, it is still the most important thing to save his life.

  With the group!

  No order!

  This is his next step.

  Which team has more people, he is ready to follow which team, and do his best to ensure his own safety.

  After the discussion is complete.

  For the time being, I can only hang Xinghe Tongwu's body here. Now everyone is in danger, and there is no way to contact the Metropolitan Police Department.

  Except for Qiuxing Qiye.

  A total of 13 detectives survived at the scene, a magician, a maid, a total of 1 people, and left the hall together.

  with the efforts of the people.

  Just a few minutes of effort.

  I found Tokijin Junya who died in a hall above the annex.

  "Sure enough..."

  Before seeing the corpse with their own eyes, everyone still had a little extravagance in their hearts.

  "Detective Shijin should have been dead for less than an hour."

  "Fatal wounds in the chest area, stab wounds."

  "Isn't it poisoning?"

  "The room windows are locked."

  "The door is not locked, that is to say, did the murderer leave after killing people?"

  "Judging from the expression and the way of death, the murderer should be an acquaintance with Detective Shijin, otherwise it is impossible to kill him head-on, and he has no reaction at all."

  With the joint efforts of several professional detectives, the situation in the room was quickly sorted out.

  In the end, some simple conclusions can be drawn.

  The murderer should be an acquaintance, that is, it is very likely that he is one of the crowd.

  The way of death is different from that of Xinghe Tongwu, and the possibility of the same person committing the crime is reduced.

  "You watch first, I'll go out."

  After learning that the murderer was very likely to have two people, Kogoro Mouri, who was a little worried about the situation on Xiaolan's side, left the room. .

  第 274

Chapter 54--339: I have a random reinforcement system


  With the relaxation room door pushed open again.

  While watching it was exciting, Qiu Xing Qiye, who was interrupted, looked towards the door with dissatisfaction.

  "What's the matter, Dad?" Xiao Lan said speechlessly.

  "Uh..." Seeing the harmonious scene in the room, a look of embarrassment appeared on Maori Kogoro's face.


  At this moment, Mouri Kogoro was very tangled in his heart.

  The situation in the other hall is too strange, and there are unknown 'killers' outside.

  He really wanted to tell Xiaolan to follow him, but now there are two dead people in a row, such a scene is not suitable for Xiaolan to see.

  But if you don't follow him.

  He couldn't rest assured.

  For fear that Qiu Xing Qiye would be negligent and not optimistic about his precious daughter.

  After thinking about it again and again, he still decided to let his daughter stay with Qiu Xing Qiye. To be on the safe side, he said very seriously: "The other hall is very dangerous now."

  "Two people have been killed so far, so next, I hope you don't leave the lounge, even if you want to go to the bathroom, it's best to stay together."

  "The two were killed?"

  Hearing the news, Xiao Lan and He Ye stayed for a while.

  Did they just play in the lounge for more than an hour, what happened outside?

  Did they spend the night isolated from the world in the leisure room, and then go out, and the people outside will be wiped out?

  Mouri Kogoro didn't stay too long. After confirming that Xiaolan listened to his words, he closed the door and returned to the room where Jin Runzai was killed without stopping.

  "I can't read this book. I'll talk about it next time when I have 20 empty spaces."

  Qiu Xing sighed for seven nights and put the book into the space ring.

  Is this the end of two murders?

  Do not!Quite the opposite.

  This is just the beginning.

  Yusui Nanatsuki took a hitchhiker to solve Tokijin Junya, and he could easily push the murderer to someone else afterward.

  As long as Qianjian Kodai thinks about it, he can also achieve this free ride.

  Because she did not use poison in front of a group of detectives like the original book, revealing too many flaws, and the result was reversed.

  Under the magic of the wind card.

  Not only the situation in the annex.

  The situation outside the hall is also clear at a glance.

  There were originally several members of the organization's periphery on the side of the mountain.

  The explosion of the wooden bridge was to block the members of the organization outside, but in response to the inside and outside, only one rope was needed to connect the opposite side and this side.

  Anyone with good skills can easily climb over.

  At present, outside the entire annex, the Black Organization has sent a total of more than 10 peripheral members who have undergone certain training.

  They did not choose to enter the annex for the time being.

  But waiting for news from the insider.

  Once it was certain that the treasure in the annex had been found, it was time for them to rush in.

  Red Queen: "Mr. Seven Nights, two people tried to pry open my door, do I need to fight back?"

  Qiu Xing Qiye: "With a purpose? It seems that the insider has already passed your information to others in some way!"

  Red Queen: "It looks like this, they even called my name."

  Regarding the identity of the magician, Qiu Xing Qiye didn't hide it much, and as a product of semi-technology, the Red Queen had no need to hide it.

  At most, it is the deformation ability, and it still needs to converge a little bit.

  If the other party doesn't take out the RPG, there is no need for the other party to shoot mosquitoes with cannons.

  Qiu Xing Qiye: "Just a little scare the little ones, after all, the other side is just a little scoundrel."

  Red Queen: "Understood!"

  After disconnecting, Qiu Xing Qiye took out the handheld game console, divided it into several by-products, and greeted Xiao Lan and the others: "The chess game is almost done, let's play black together."

  The little loli reacted the fastest.

  He took the best position in a flash, nestled in Qiu Xing Qiye's arms, took over a secondary game console, and started it skillfully.

  Xiaolan and He Ye sat next to him on the left and right.

  Qiu Xing Qiye's chin lightly pressed against Little Loli's shoulder, and the two of them were almost cheek to cheek.

  "Speaking of which, I often see Qiye playing with Yuanzi in class. Is the game so fun?" Xiaolan sat down next to Qiu Xing Qiye.

  Yuanshan and Ye are still a little reserved, and their relationship is good, but not so good that they can stick together.

  "It's pretty good, although it's all small games, when you are familiar with it, we can directly enter the game with our spirits and play with the characters in it ourselves."

  Qiu Xing Qiye introduced them to the operation. The buttons on the handle are very simple to control. The left hand controls the character up, down, left and right, and the right hand controls the character to attack or jump, which is not difficult.

  It's just that girls generally like beautiful and aesthetic styles, such as tank battles, which are not suitable for them.

  MapleStory and Super Mario are pretty good.

  When technology develops rapidly in the future, Qiu Xing Qiye wouldn't mind doing it himself if he didn't have the familiar games from his previous life.

  Like light and anime, even if it was for his own enjoyment, he would come up with them all.

  Think about the Tianlong, Tomorrow, Xuanwu, etc. that I often played in my previous life. The scenery or characters in it have great merits. As long as there is no major problem with the painting style inside, the game settings and background can be completely changed. .


  While playing the game here.

  Detectives such as Mouri Kogoro are all attentively searching for clues in the room where Tokitsu Junya died.

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