He glanced at some place down the mountain, and then said, "Red Queen, record the information of the five people, and give temporary permission to pass."

  Red Queen: "Order received."

  Accompanied by the rapid flashing of the headlights twice, everyone was surprised, confused, and shocked.

  The lights in the black Lamborghini car were turned on, and the doors of the other cars were slowly opened except for the main driver's seat.

  The Red Queen: "Ms. Qianjian, Mr. Motegi, Mr. Kawashima, Mr. Ogami, and children of Edogawa, please get on the bus."

  White Horse Detective: "..."

  Maori Kogoro:"......"

  other people:"......".

  第 267

Chapter 54--339: I have a random reinforcement system

"The car... the car started talking???"

  Mouri Kogoro pointed at the open car door in disbelief.

  Qiu Xing Qiye: "Rare and strange, it's just an application of artificial intelligence, there is no difference, I would say that the technology of this car is 100 years ahead of other countries?"

  "artificial intelligence?"

  Except for a few people.

  The expressions of many detectives changed one after another, obviously they had a certain understanding of this.

  "Sure enough, my speculation is correct. This young man's identity is definitely not ordinary-."

  Detective White Horse secretly said: "As far as I know, the Syndora Group has artificial intelligence, but that company's main research direction is virtual games."

  "I didn't expect that besides the Syndora Company, there are other forces that have mastered artificial intelligence technology and have also applied it to other fields!"

  Compared to White Horse Detective.

  The rest of the people only have some knowledge about artificial intelligence.

  No one dares to imagine that such a powerful technology has already been mastered by forces?

  It's no wonder that these detectives have poor intelligence capabilities.

  In fact, the Syndora Company has not released information about artificial intelligence to the public, except for a few people with backgrounds, only to know one or two.

  In addition to his own IQ, White Horse Tan, his background is definitely one of the best among the group of people on the scene.

  My father is the director of the Metropolitan Police Department.

  For that alone, who can compare?

  After a brief shock.

  As the only lady, Chikan Koyo sat in the co-pilot seat without a doubt.

  Others sit in the back seat.

  "Mr. Qiu Xing didn't plan to be together?" Seeing the car door closing a little bit, Gun Tian Yumei looked at Qiu Xing Qiye who was standing above him indifferently.

  "I'm not a detective, why did you join in the fun in the past?" Qiu Xing Qiye asked strangely.

  "Then you just..." Gun Tian Yumei was only halfway through the words, and he had already reacted.

  Qiu Xing Qiye said that other than himself, no one else could drive a car at all, but he did not say that he would go with him.

  Word games?

  AI autonomous driving?

  "The darkness represented by this annex has come. If you encounter any danger at the foot of the mountain, you can hide in the Red Queen."

  "With its defense, it can easily ignore the attack of small arms firearms."

  In the end, Qiu Xing Qiye kindly said an unknown reminder.

  Immediately afterwards, the headlights of the Red Queen came on, and under everyone's attention, the speed gradually increased, and after a few seconds, they had already left the annex.


  "artificial intelligence!?"

  "The technology is so advanced now? Or is it that I, Kogoro Mori, have fallen behind??"

  An uncle looked at this scene with a dull face.

  "I don't think it should be. Mr. Qiu Xing may have some mysterious background, so he was able to get a car like this."

  "Normal Lamborghini, if you want to buy it, you have to spend tens of millions of R yuan, equipped with artificial intelligence and defense modification, this is not something you can buy with money!"

  Beside him, Ishihara Aki explained.

  Just now, she had been wanting to say that her car should still be able to drive behind the annex, but she couldn't find a chance to speak at all.

  Maori Kogoro: "I know this car is not something money can buy from seeing its performance, but... artificial intelligence, what is it?"

  Aki Ishihara: "..."

  Others around: "..."

  Obviously, Maori Kogoro's performance brought down the feeling that had just risen in their hearts.


  At this time, inside the car.

  Conan was looking at everything inside with a novel look on his face, especially the main driver's seat. There was no one, but the steering wheel was turning.

  At this moment, in his heart, he was even more convinced of the existence behind Qiu Xing Qiye, and what level of technology he mastered.

  "Let me just say, how can there be such an unscientific existence as a magician in this world?"

  "Applying artificial intelligence to the car, you tell me it's magic?"

  Sigh to sigh.

  In Conan's heart, he didn't have the slightest intention to look down on Qiu Xing Qiye because of this.

  Magic is fine.

  Even technology!

  Like this car, he can't be more clear about the meaning it represents.

  The powerful scientific and technological power that has led the world for an unknown number of years is almost unknown to ordinary people, and the official high-level officials may know about it.

  But they didn't dare to force anything.

  Thinking hard.

  Just thinking about the meaning behind it, Conan couldn't help but feel a chill down his spine.

  Others in the car are also discussing the extraordinaryness of the Red Queen.

  Compared with this, Motegi Haruka instantly felt that his baby Romeo, who was blown up, seemed to have nothing to be missed.

  This car is a man's dream! !

  Among them, listening to the conversation of several people, Dashang Zhushan's expression became cloudy and uncertain.

  on the passenger seat.

  Qianjian Kodai glanced at the scene he quickly skipped outside the window, and said tentatively, "Your name is the Red Queen, isn't it?"

  Red Queen: "Yes, this is the name my master gave me."

  Can you really respond?

  Motegi Haruka said a little excitedly: "What a nice name, can you tell me about your master?"

  Red Queen: "I don't have the right to say anything more about the master's privacy."

  Conan: "Then did you just see someone planting a bomb nearby?"

  The response of this product cannot be unpleasant.

  Hearing this, Dashang Zhu Shanqing couldn't help clenching his fists.

  Red Queen: "I don't know, only the hazard sensing system and defense system are installed on the car, and no monitoring system is installed."

  "Just now, after sensing that someone has installed dangerous objects on the body, I can easily remove it, but I don't know who the target is."

  · · 0 flowers · · ·

  "The master only activated the defense system, not the counterattack system."

  "Little brother, the response is good."

  Motegi Haruka reached out and rubbed Conan's head.

  Hearing this answer, Dashang Zhu Shangang breathed a sigh of relief, and after hearing Conan's next words, a look of fear flashed on his face.

  Conan: "What's the situation with the counterattack system?"

  Red Queen: "It literally means, this car is made of the latest high-alloy steel, all modified materials are top-notch, and its defense ability is basically immune to most external attacks."

  "After the counterattack mode is turned on, the body can be attacked, and the target can be crushed and cannot be counterattacked, and it will not be fatal."

  "Awesome, I really want to get a car like this." Motegi Haruhi sighed expectantly.

  Red Queen: "Can I understand you're complimenting me? But I'm sorry, you can't afford it."

  Haruka Motegi: "..."


  What if you are despised by an artificial intelligence?

  He really wanted to refute, but unfortunately, his own hardware really couldn't keep up.


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