It can't be said to be flickering, it is really an elder identity there, she doesn't know at all, today Fei Yingli is the first time to know Qiu Xing Qiye.

  At noon, there was something wrong with the atmosphere. She patronized and secretly exchanged text messages with someone without paying attention.

  "Xiao Lan, what's wrong with you?" Fei Yingli asked with concern.

  After a while of disappearing, my daughter's face was not right, it looked a bit like...


  But there is no sign of heatstroke at all, and even if it is heatstroke, it may happen when the sun is thick at noon, not that the temperature has returned to normal now.

  Is it a cold?

  "Just after ordering, I went to the bathroom to wash my face, maybe the water is too hot." Xiaolan replied with a dodgy look: "It will disappear soon."

  In such weather, will there be hot water in the hotel bathroom?

  Even if there is really hot water, is Xiao Lan a fool to wash her face with hot water.

  It feels a bit wrong.

  But Feiyingli didn't doubt anything.

  In her impression, this precious daughter of her family would never lie.

  At least, until you know someone, that's right!

  Bystanders are clear, Fei Yingli is good at fooling around, and the simple girl Yuan Shan and Ye won't think much.

  Only Yukiko Kudo, who had come over, showed a thoughtful look.

  After taking a glance at someone's face that showed no strange expression at all, she dispelled the 'thought' in her heart a little.

  "After dinner, let's take a walk on the beach."

  "I heard that there are several hot spring hotels nearby. Would you like to experience it?"

  Qiu Xing Qiye suggested.

  "This is great!!"

  Yukiko Kudo's eyes lit up.

  In front of someone's topic-changing Dafa.

  Qiu Xing Qiye took them very easily.

  A few words of effort.

  Even Yukiko Kudo completely left all the thoughts in his head behind.

  "Occasionally soaking in hot springs can promote blood circulation, activate muscles and bones, and maintain youth, especially if it can be matched with my family's special body wash, the effect is not just as simple as 1+1=2.".

  第 252

Chapter 54--339: I have a random reinforcement system

Girls sometimes have really weird brain circuits.

  They are naturally beautiful, and they can spend a lot of money to buy a bunch of cosmetics, as long as it is good for the skin, or something that can make themselves beautiful.

  They are not stingy with money.

  Even some girls who are not very confident in their appearance will choose to borrow money for surgery.

  Some of them are successful.

  There are also many examples of failed surgeries.

  In Haibara Ai spent a lot of time researching various products in the market, selecting the best products, and after many attempts, the ingredients of the water of life were perfectly integrated into the cosmetics.

  Although it has the disadvantage that if it is no longer used, it will slowly expire within a week.

  But its advantages, the same ~ can not be ignored.

  The skin is fair, supple and shiny, not much to say.

  The body will gradually form a more perfect state according to its own genes and bones.

  Not fat, nor thin.

  This effect can almost be said to have reached its peak, and it is impossible to say that it has become more perfect.


  For normal people, soaking in hot spring water does have various benefits.

  But for Xiaolan and the others, who often use the six-piece set of shower gel, mask, shampoo, etc., in addition to being able to get a certain comfortable feeling.

  The benefits of the body itself are already full, and naturally they will not get any other benefits.

  these situations.

  Qiu Xing Qi Ye did not specify.

  Anyway, hot springs are said to be really comfortable, and whether there are benefits is secondary.

  due to geographical factors.

  The hot springs on the Neon side can be said to be one of the national characteristics.

  In the case of hot spring + Qiuxing Qiye, 'high-quality shower gel' is provided free of charge.

  This dinner looks very exquisite, and the other people don't seem to taste as good as they imagined!

  Qiu Xing Qiye was eating with relish.

  After dinner, they took a walk on the beach. Qiu Xing Qiye drove the Red Queen, Xiao Lan and the others, and the group of five went to the hot spring hotel that he had stepped on earlier.

  Among them, Xiaolan naturally sat in the co-pilot seat.

  Concubine Eri and Kudo Yukiko, Toyama and Ye sat in the back seat.

  At this time, the benefits of large interior space are once again reflected.

  The towel and change of clothes they have prepared are in the trunk, and it will not be crowded at all.


  No one thought of it at all.

  In addition to the fact that the hot spring itself is really a very comfortable thing, Qiu Xing Qiye deliberately made time to quietly ask the hotel staff.

  Among the many hot spring hotels, a relatively large one was selected.

  The price may be slightly more expensive.

  But definitely worth the money.

  Private rooms are also supported.

  Neon here supports mixed bathing, and even the price of mixed bathing is cheaper.

  It is naturally impossible for Qiu Xing Qi Ye to choose the cheapest service.

  There are special baths for men and women, not all of them share a bath.

  It is a separate mixed bath.


  It was about 15 minutes after the group of Qiu Xing Qiye left.

  After a busy afternoon, Conan and Hattori Heiji came to the restaurant with an empty stomach.

  They ate the dinner given by the hospitality voucher.

  Mouri Kogoro followed the Metropolitan Police Department, and there was also no shortage of dinner.

  "As a whole, this case is not very complicated. The key is that the place is too large, which makes it difficult to find clues and evidence."

  "Compared to such a troublesome case, I still prefer a secret room or a murder case in a house." Seeing that Conan's mood was not very good, Hattori Heiji quickly talked about topics of interest to him.

  "Murder cases that occurred in the house, the murderer is easy to leave various traces on the scene, and it will be much easier for us to find it. It is true."

  Conan glanced at him: "But the murderer's modus operandi is often more complicated and weird."

  "This case is not difficult as a whole, and I have a general grasp of the murderer's modus operandi and time. Next, as long as the other party's alibi and key evidence can be found, the case can be closed."

  "Sometimes, the murder in the secret room is also very complicated, like the curse of the mask case I encountered before, because of the lack of critical evidence."

  "But on the whole, this kind of case is a little easier. A few days ago, when we went to a rural farm to pick pine mushrooms, it was so complicated that I broke my legs, and in the end I couldn't find any suspects. People, it is estimated that they have hid in the deep mountains and old forests."


  Unknowingly, the two of them went from discussing the case to the bitter end.

  In the end, the reason is that this class of detectives is not easy to mix! ! !

  Relatively speaking, as long as Conan encounters Qiu Xing Qiye, the case will not be easy.

  On Heiji Hattori's side, the cases encountered ranged from simple ones to super complicated ones.

  Finish a meal.

  Let Hattori Heiji go to find the key evidence.

  If nothing else, the murderer wouldn't even be aware of that thing.

  Conan is looking for Kudo Yukiko, and wants to know more about what will happen at noon from her side.

  · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·


  After looking around for a long time, although Conan was fortunate to learn the whereabouts of Yukiko Kudo from the mouth of a hotel manager, he was not happy at all.

  "Aren't you two together?"

  "Miss Kudo should go to the hot spring hotel with Mr. Qiu Xing and Miss Toyama now."

  The 20-year-old lady in a hotel uniform looked at Conan in surprise.

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