Decisively choose to strengthen three.

  Reinforcement [-] seems to be okay, a production line that can be modified independently. With it, little Lolita will no matter what she develops at home.

  When you want to mass-produce, as long as there are enough materials, the production line can be played and modified at will, and the efficiency should not be too bad.

  But a pity.

  There are better things ahead, Qiu Xing Qiye can only choose to temporarily abandon it, and then I will talk about it when I have a chance to meet it later.

  · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·????

  "Let's go Xiao Ai, go to school first." Qiu Xing Qiye greeted the little Loli who was sitting on the opposite sofa and was a little unhappy.

  Just put the bread oven there first, don't worry about it.

  The bread machine that used to be the original was still useful at the beginning, but since Mingmei moved into the villa, this Western-style breakfast has completely stayed out of Qiu Xing Qiye's sight.

  The bread machine was also tragically abandoned and thrown into the kitchen cupboard.

  Hai Yuanai silently followed behind him.

  It's heartbreaking to see.

  Let the Red Queen drive to Didan Elementary School automatically. The levers, brakes and other devices on the right side of the car are all flattened after a while, and the color is the same as the seat.

  Qiu Xing Qiye can easily pull the sullen little Loli into her arms.

  "Are you mad at me?" Qiu Xing Qiye asked knowingly.


  Huiyuan mournfully said, "No."

  Qiu Xing Qiye smiled face to face: "Really not?"

  Admiring the delicate and lovely appearance of Little Loli up close, in less than three seconds, Hai Yuanai instantly broke her power: "No!"

  "However, do you have any magic that can turn me back into an adult state?"

  "The power of the monkey charm is not good, it is a magical effect after all, even if the magical effect can last forever."

  Hear this.

  Qiu Xing Qiye probably understood what Little Loli was thinking.

  Apparently she wasn't just jealous.

  "The monkey spell is actually quite convenient. After all, it is a permanent change in biology." Qiu Xing Qiye didn't quite understand Little Lolita's thoughts.

  Is it taboo?

  "I know."

  "But I just don't want to rely too much on magical effects. This is equivalent to if the power of the monkey spell can be placed on food and turn the rice field into food, even if it has been permanently changed, will you eat it?"

  Qiu Xing Qi Night: "..."

  This question hits the nail on the head.

  Terrible little loli.

  Biological genius, can't be bothered.

  Well said not to be black.

  He has already felt that he can no longer look directly at the food!

  Perhaps uninformed people can eat with relish.

  But psychologically, this is really important.

  There is no hurry to change the way to grow bigger.

  In view of Xiao Luoli's actions that dared to be black in front of him, Qiu Xing Qiye unceremoniously gave her a 'lesson'.


  ps: Don't blame me for this operation, I saw the reply of a certain Niubi brother in the comment area, borrow it haha~~

  I don't often talk nonsense, since I have said it all, I ask Bo Hua Hua~~er.

  第 228

Chapter 54--339: I have a random reinforcement system

People's ability to adapt is very strong.

  The fundamental reason why Hai Yuanai was reluctant to use the monkey spell to change her back to her original appearance might be the same as Xiaolan.

  Hungry for his body.

  Therefore, when boys go out, they must take good care of themselves.

  Otherwise, it is easy to be dragged away by the girl knocking the sap.

  Except for the monkey spell.

  A big Clow card can also make her bigger, but it's just a simple proportional increase. I believe this result is not what Little Lolita wants.

  And it's also a magical effect.

  If she wants to grow naturally, if she is not treated by the horse charm, it is possible to develop an APTX antidote to restore her original appearance.

  Not anymore!

  "It really doesn't work, I can only continue to brush the glass ball."

  "As long as the seven Dragon Balls can be collected, there are simply not too many ways to make her bigger by making a wish."


  "Eight Nine Zeros"

  "Time Machine?"

  After sending Hai Yuanai to school smoothly, Qiu Xing Qiye, who went to Didan High School, was thinking about it all the way.

  But unfortunately.

  Whether it is the last Dragon Ball, or the black technology of the time machine, it is not something that can be brushed out in a short period of time.

  Luck matters!

  "take it easy."


  Get off the car in the parking lot, and the Red Queen will park herself obediently.

  Qiu Xing came to the class seven nights.

  On the way, many classmates were discussing the explosion of the Rice Flower Cinema yesterday.

  He must have no interest in it at all.

  Even the mastermind of the bombing, now completely lost his noble temperament, like a beggar, lingering in Silent Hill.

  Unlike those in the church who received immortality indirectly.

  Sengoku Emperor II will age a little bit.

  Perhaps when the day of death comes, he should show relief.

  It is also possible that his will will be destroyed soon, and things like suicide can be done!

  "Qiye, how was your date with Xiaolan yesterday?"

  "Is it all right?"

  As soon as she entered the class, Suzuki Sonoko couldn't wait to get first-hand information.

  Xiaolan had obviously concealed something before.

  In the face of such a garden, Xiao Lan was embarrassed to pull several times, but after failing to dispel her strong curiosity, she had no choice but to let it go.

  "Overall it's going well."

  "It was then that the explosion that took place there affected the mood."

  Qiu Xing Qiye, who understood Xiaolan's eyes in seconds, said calmly as usual.

  "Is it that simple?" Suzuki Sonoko looked suspiciously at the two of them.

  Xiaolan's face is still a little thin after all, but at a critical moment, she found a suitable reason to change the topic: "It's that simple, what else do you think!!"

  "Compared to this, Yuanzi, have you heard that the English teacher of our class seems to be replaced."

  Taking a deep look at her best friend, Suzuki Sonoko cooperated and did not continue to ask. The amount of information she just learned was enough to make her fantasize.

  "Speaking of which, I have a bit of an impression. I saw her when I went to the teacher's office yesterday. The name is not clear. Judging from her appearance, she should be from the Lighthouse Country."

  It should come, it will come.

  Hearing this, Qiu Xing Qiye naturally guessed the identity of the other party.

  Judy Sterling.

  Now she's supposed to be using a pseudonym: Judy St. Timilion.

  She is a strong woman full of heroic spirit, and she transferred to Tedan High School in order to follow Belmod.

  As expected of the FBI, the intelligence is indeed very powerful.

  Qiu Xing Qiye only received a message from Belmod three days ago, saying that something needs to be investigated. At present, she has disguised as a doctor named 'Shinbu Chi Ming' and infiltrated Didan High School.

  Outside he has a small hospital with a new clinic, and the identity of Didan High School is the school doctor.

  This 25-year-old young man is also a genius, handsome in appearance, gentle in character, and a very hard-working spirit.

  In the original book, by virtue of the convenience of his identity, he had a very good relationship with Xiaolan, but unfortunately he failed to pry the corner smoothly in the end, and the family was also very miserable by Conan's death halo.

  Now that Xinlu Zhiming has successfully entered Didan High School as a school doctor, even Qiu Xing Qiye has never had time to go there to meet the 'Witch with Thousand Faces' that he subdued.

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