At this time.

  Very decisively, use the number of active reinforcements against the car.

  【Ding!The selection is complete, the strengthening options are refreshed, please select the strengthening direction for the host——]

  Strengthening direction one:...

  Strengthening direction [-]: Suspended cars from a certain technological world can be transformed without changing the shape of their own cars, with flight functions and loaded with primary artificial intelligence.

  Strengthening direction [-]: The black technology 'fire source' from a certain Cybertron planet has a chance to transform once, which can make the car have a car form and a war form (transformers), and have a very high intelligence, add the function of identifying the main binding, remote control communication function.

  (Hint: In the form of a car, it has the potential of a perpetual motion machine, and it is not a dream to run all the time.)

  (Hint: In the form of war, there are a variety of powerful thermal weapons, which are extremely powerful. The source of fire will not be extinguished. Even if the car body is damaged, it can be recovered slowly by nature or accelerated by magic.)

  (Hint: After selecting this option, you can get a maximum of 10 mana points.)

  Cost: 200 energy points.

  "Kuoyi, it's long overdue!" Qiu Xing Qiye smiled with satisfaction and chose three without hesitation.

  Option [-] is also good, but it also depends on who you are comparing with.

  Although for Qiu Xing Qiye, now he only needs a car that has a certain level of intelligence and can drive automatically.

  But obviously, strengthening the three cost-effective is the best, and in the case of comparability, spending that 100 more energy points is nothing.

  With nearly 2 energy points in his body, as long as this consumption is suitable, he really doesn't care about it!


  A beam of white light flew out from Qiu Xing Qiye and quickly merged into the car.

  Immediately afterwards, the car that was driving on the road did not change at all on the outside, but the inside seemed to be active, turning into countless moving parts and constantly assembling.

  "This is..." Hai Yuanai looked at Qiu Xing Qiye in confusion.

  The sisters in the back seat were a little flustered at first, especially since their seats were constantly changing. Fortunately, after being nurtured by many magical things in Qiu Xing Qiye's house, their receiving ability has increased a lot.

  "Don't worry, I used magic to remodel the entire car, and it will be fine soon." Qiu Xing Qiye almost finished his words, and the changes in the entire car slowly stopped.

  The situation in the entire car was the same as before, and it seemed that nothing had changed.


  "Great creator, please name me." A mechanical voice sounded in the car.

  · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·????

  "Let's call it... the Red Queen." Thinking of the artificial intelligence in a certain movie, Qiu Xing Qiye chose this name very casually.

  In this regard, the Red Queen, who has just given birth to a new life, will not mind this at all: "Thank you to the great creator for the name."

  Qiu Xing Qiye suggested, "It will be easier to call me by my name in the future."

  Red Queen: "Understood, Mr. Qiye."

  Qiu Xing Qiye continued: "Record the little girl next to me and call her: Xiao Ai."

  "Record the two girls behind you, called: Ho Nami, Mina Ho."

  Red Queen: "The record is complete, Xiaoai, Hoonami, Minaho, hello, I am a new life created by Mr. Qiye, Red Queen, please give me more advice in the future."

  "Please... give me more advice."

  ...... 0

  Little Loli and sisters Nami Shimokasaho were dazed at this time.

  "Qiye... This is, artificial intelligence?" Hai Yuanai asked in surprise.

  "No, this is a product of magic. You can understand that biological intelligence, in simple terms, is to give life to mechanical life forms." Qiu Xing Qiye explained seriously.

  In fact, it is almost the same, the existence of the source of fire is to give life to the machine.

  The newly born fire source wisdom is already comparable to adult human beings, that is, in terms of knowledge, it needs a wave of learning on the Internet, or it can be taught.


  After having a detailed understanding of the performance of the Red Queen, in the car mode, Qiu Xing Qiye directly let it start the camouflage mode.

  It is also an application of car glass. From the outsiders' point of view, the main driver of the car is driving, and the co-pilot Ai Haibara is sitting very well.

  In fact, the situation in the car was that all the chairs were automatically leveled, and several people played online games inside.

  As the saying goes, technology changes life!

  Apart from thermal weapons, in terms of life, technology is indeed improving human life step by step.

  "It's really amazing. This touch is no different from the previous one. How can it become a mechanical creature? Also, the car doesn't need to be refueled in the future."

  "What is the principle? Even human beings can't live without eating."

  Little Loli played the game absentmindedly.

  It is impossible for Qiu Xing Qiye to give her an answer to such a detailed data question.

  What is he going to say?

  Consume 200 energy points to complete the transformation! ?


  第 204

Chapter 54--339: I have a random reinforcement system

The Red Queen controls 'self' and follows behind Dr. A Li's yellow beetle. There is absolutely no doubt that the safety issue is strong.

  Even the so-called bullet-proof car is definitely not as good as the Red Queen, which is strengthened by the third-order reinforcement.

  If there is any accident on the road, it can also brake in time, and it is too close to hit it.

  Dr. A Li's driving speed is not fast. The original journey of more than an hour has forced him to double.

  More than 10 noon.

  The two cars parked one after another in the open space in front of a three-story old house-style hotel.

  Red Queen: "Mr. Seven Nights, the destination has arrived."

  "Oh, it's quite fast." Qiu Xing Qiye turned to look at the situation outside.

  "Red Queen, when I'm not around, just keep on standby. If someone approaches you with bad intentions, just scare you a little bit, and try not to change the war mode."

  The Red Queen: "Yes, Mr. Qiye."

  "[-]" clicked, the four car doors slowly opened, Qiu Xing Qiye took the small bag used to cover up, and everyone got out of the car.

  The doors close automatically.

  The seat inside rose slowly.

  Putting aside the war mode, when technology develops to a certain extent in the future, such intelligent vehicles will be relatively common.

  They can still fly.

  In contrast, the Red Queen only has two modes of sea and land, and cannot be turned into a helicopter.

  This is not a big problem. Qiu Xing Qiye has a spell. When needed, chickens and rabbits are faster than planes!


  "Qiye, let's go to the hotel to register first." Dr. A Li, who was wearing a long-sleeved shirt and had a slightly fat belly, came over to greet him with a smile.

  "Alright." Qiu Xing Qiye nodded.

  The weather is fine today, neither too hot nor too cold, and there is no big sun.

  Therefore, everyone wears long-sleeved shirts, so that when they are in the woods, they can avoid being scratched by the branches of the branches and grasses to a great extent.

  "So handsome, Ai-chan's brother, the more you look, the more handsome you are." Yoshida Ayumi, who followed behind the team, had countless little stars twinkling in her eyes, looking at the back of Qiu Xing Qiye in front of her.

  It's a pity that because Huiyuan Ai had said that her brother didn't like children very much, she wanted to visit Qiu Xing Qiye's house countless times and play with Hui Yuan Ai, but she didn't dare to make a decision.

  Beside her, Tsuburaya Mitsuhiko also stared blankly at Qiu Xing Qiye in front of her. Haiyuan Ai beside her. The two held small hands, talking and laughing, showing incomparable intimacy.

  "Calm down, calm down, that's just Xiao Ai's brother..." The little boy kept beating himself up.

  Conan also silently followed behind the team.

  He now only feels that the decision to agree to come here with him this time is really too hasty.

  The two big demon kings in front, Qiu Xing Qiye, who was prying at his corner, and his current creditor, Huiyuan Ai.

  "Sometimes, I really wonder if this guy is God's illegitimate child, how come all kinds of good things have happened to him?"

  "Besides, with Miyano Akimi and Shimabukuro Junhui two beautiful big sisters, plus two sisters like Shimokasaho Nami, isn't he satisfied?


  Qiu Xing Qiye naturally wouldn't care about the reactions of the 'little kids' behind him.

  Quickly check in at the hotel lobby.

  Qiu Xing Qiye and his party of four opened a large room with tatami floors.

  Dr. A Li and his party of five also opened a large room.

  After paying the money, a middle-aged uncle in a blue hat and a work uniform quickly greeted him enthusiastically.

  "Guests, do you go to the room first and put your luggage away, or go directly to the breeding area to pick pine mushrooms?"

  "Qiye, what do you mean?" There were only two principals at the scene, and Dr. A Li asked very kindly.

  "We don't have much here." Qiu Xing Qiye smiled.

  "The same is true for us, shall we go to the breeding area before? It's more than 10 o'clock now, and we can just experience and pick fresh pine mushrooms by ourselves." I noticed the excited little guys.

  Dr. Agasa also had no plans to go to the room first.

  "Since the guests have discussed it, please come with me." The middle-aged uncle greeted.

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