Chapter 54--339: I have a random reinforcement system

Sunday afternoon tea.

  This will not affect Qiu Xing Qiye's original plan to find a breeding base to pick mushrooms and wild vegetables on Saturday.

  Neverland's vegetation is too sparse and ultimately inappropriate.

  In this era, the 2G network is still unstable, let alone online shopping.

  At most, there is this prototype. For some well-known companies, you can find the phone contact information on the Internet, and then call to order items. It is no problem.

  As long as you have money, you can still buy most things.

  Like coconut trees, Qiu Xing Qiye bought them from a company specializing in selling all kinds of fruit tree seedlings on the Internet.

  Although it is a lot more expensive, it is worth the price when someone finds someone to load the goods and deliver it to you in person.

  Not to mention that Neverland is an island, even if it is not, any plant can grow vigorously if there is a tree card.

  Coconut meat is not very delicious, but coconut water is really delicious!


  In the end, except for the invitation letter from Emperor Morigu, the rest of the letters did not escape the end of being thrown into the trash.

  At first glance, this old guy has limited information.

  Also magic magician.

  To put it bluntly, it is not just hearsay, but also a person who does not believe in the real existence of magic.

  Organize your letters.

  Miyano Akemi's breakfast is almost ready.

  Steamed buns, tofu soup, soy milk, and millet porridge are not particularly rich, but for breakfast, Qiu Xing Qi Ye is still used to this.

  The steamed buns are just tofu soup, which is simply delicious.

  Hu spicy soup is also good, unfortunately I didn't make it today.

  Soon, after breakfast, 7 o'clock sharp.

  The familiar system beep sounded again.

  "Ding! Detected that something near the host has mutated, please choose the direction of strengthening-"

  [Item: A long knife in the left bedroom of the host on the third floor. 】

  Strengthening direction one:

  Strengthening direction [-]: The 'Demon Sword Murasame' from a certain world possesses unknown power.

  Strengthening direction [-]: The 'Zanpakuto·Hinrenwan' from a certain world has two liberation forms: the first solution and the swastika.

  "It seems... ok, in a short time, it will be a collectible ¨〃!"

  Choose three.

  Feeling that the magic power in the body increased again, Qiu Xing Qiye made a move, and a long knife appeared, and in less than a second, it was put into the space ring.

  In the future, if you can strengthen your swordsmanship skills or something, it would be good to play around in your spare time.


  Time flies, after school in the afternoon.

  After the club activities ended, Xiaolan and Yuanzi went to the nearby street for a walk. After parting, they returned to the office.

  "After all, it's still a little late, otherwise it would be better to go to Qiye's house and play for a few hours!"

  A little absent-mindedly cleaning the office, Xiao Lan made a murmur from time to time.

  Maori Kogoro, who was sitting in the office chair, had to take out his headphones, connect it to the radio, and switch to the horse racing channel with ease.

  "This girl Xiaolan doesn't like that kid Qiye, right?"

  "Should I talk about her? It's estimated that this girl will not listen! Qiye, this guy is good at everything, even if there are so many beautiful women at home, he can still look at Xiaolan?"

  "No! I have to think of a way..."

  He was also absent-mindedly listening to the live commentary of the horse racing coming from the earphones, but unfortunately, his income has not been much recently, and Kogoro Mouri has no extra money to spend on horse racing.

  With his 'smart' brain, after a while, he came up with several methods, but in the end he rejected them one by one.

  Some time ago, Xiaolan often whispered the name of Kudo Shinichi in his ear from time to time. He also tried to suppress it, but he couldn't see any results.

  In the end, Maori Kogoro decided to explore his daughter's thoughts first. Thinking of this, he put down the newspaper and asked, "Xiao Lan, what do you think of this young man Qiu Xing Qiye?"

  Xiaolan glanced at him suspiciously: "Dad, what do you want to say, Qiye is pretty good, handsome, gentle, capable, and magical..."

  "It's over... Xiaolan really likes that kid!"

  As a person from the past, seeing his daughter as if he didn't realize it at all, talking about the advantages of others, Kogoro Mori raised his brows: "What about Shinichi Kudo?"

  Before he could finish speaking, Xiao Lan, who was interrupted, gave him a somewhat unhappy look, and after thinking about it, she replied, "Xinyi.. it's pretty good too."

  "No more?" Maori Kogoro was heartbroken.

  "No, what else?" Xiaolan looked blank.


  My daughter is now reluctant to say anything about complaining that Kudo Shinichi, a stinky brat, only knows how to solve cases all day long.

  Tired of heart!

  But his daughter has grown up, and his father's words can only be used as a reference, and he will not listen to him at all.

  Mouri Kogoro, who felt completely useless, simply picked up the newspaper and read it.

  Hmm.. there seems to be no interesting news today!

  "It's inexplicable." Seeing Mouri Kogoro, she asked two random questions, and then she read the newspaper on her own. Xiaolan, who couldn't understand her father's operation at all, shook her head and continued to clean up.

  At this moment.

  Dr. Li's home.

  Haiyuan Aigeng was the same as yesterday. After sending the three little kids here, he found time and slipped back home.

  Conan and Dr. Agasa were there to sort out the mail in the mailbox at the entrance of the Kudo house next door.

  Dr. A Li is responsible for picking it up, so that those who follow it outside will not suspect anything.

  Most of these letters were sent to him by Yusaku Kudo's fans.

  Among them, a letter specially sent to Kudo Shinichi caught Conan's attention.

  This is an invitation letter.

  After the character of Kudo Shinichi gradually disappeared, the high school detective who often appeared in newspapers and TV was gradually forgotten.

  Under such circumstances, it is difficult to receive an invitation letter from others, and it is not easy for Conan to refuse directly.

  But the identity of Kudo Shinichi is definitely impossible to appear, so...

  "." Doctor, then I'm going back today, and I'll call Xiaolan from a phone booth on the roadside. It's the same if I ask her to go there on my behalf. Anyway, doesn't the letter say that you can bring friends?It just so happens that I can (Wang's) go there together! "

  Conan is still a little interested in the person who sent him the invitation letter.

  "Be careful on the road." Dr. Li responded.

  After seeing Conan leave, he packed up the letters scattered on the sofa.

  Then go into the kitchen to prepare snacks.

  It would be fine if Haibara Ai slipped away.

  Now Conan is gone too.

  He could almost encounter the scene where the three little guys would make trouble.



  A public phone booth on the street not far from the Maori Detective Agency.

  Conan skillfully dialed the office's number.

  Mouri Kogoro: "This is the Mouri Detective Agency, may I ask who you are?"

  Conan adjusted the bow-knot voice changer: "Uncle Mori, I'm Kudo!"

  "Hey, it's you kid, wait a minute."

  In the office, Mouri Kogoro, who thought he had come to do business, changed his attitude in an instant, and handed the phone to Xiao Lan in dissatisfaction. .

  第 202

Chapter 54--339: I have a random reinforcement system

Xiaolan: "Xinyi?"

  Conan: "It's me, sorry, I haven't contacted you for a long time."

  Xiaolan: "It's okay, aren't you dealing with a complicated case?"

  Conan: "...Yes, so I might not be able to go back any time soon."

  "Um... can I ask you one thing?"

  "On Sunday, a professor from the Department of Architecture of Dongdu University named Teiji Morigu invited me to have afternoon tea with him. The specific time and address are written in the invitation letter."

  "Calculate the time, the envelope should have been sent to the office's mailbox."

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