第 195

Chapter 54--339: I have a random reinforcement system

Although he was delayed for a while in Cupo City because of a small matter, when Qiu Xing returned home in Qiye, it was still earlier than the little loli, Haibara Ai.

  At this time, she was helplessly dealing with the three little kids, Kojima Motota, Tsuburaya Mitsuhiko, and Yoshida Ayumi.

  The three energetic little guys are completely idle masters.

  However, they can also encounter all kinds of not-so-simple things, which are also very miraculous. Haibara Ai seriously doubts if he ignores them.

  Maybe these three little guys won't be able to see them tomorrow when they go to school!

  It's fine today.

  With Conan injured before, Haibara Ai could easily fool them all to play at Dr. Agasa's house, at least that way.

  She doesn't have to worry about anything.


  "It's unfortunate, it looks like I can't go home for dinner tonight."

  On the sofa in the living room of Dr. Agasa's house, Ai Haibara was looking at a fashion magazine with a little gloomy interest.

  The three children are happily playing the software game newly developed by Dr. A Li.

  Opposite her is Conan, who has a lot of resentment in his heart.

  Obviously this black-bellied little loli has no ill will towards him. Strictly speaking, their double 18 parties are also in the same situation.

  But she just kept the thread and didn't share any important clues with him.

  "Isn't it just hugging someone's thigh with a mysterious identity..."

  "It wouldn't be good to tell me more about that organization.."

  Seemingly sensing someone's dissatisfaction, Hai Yuanai glanced at Conan, whose face was swollen in a circle until now, and said helplessly, "Can't you be more calm and be a good kid? "

  Conan whispered: "Don't you want to change back to the way you were?"

  Haiyuan Ai: "I don't want to. Isn't it bad to be a child?"

  "It's pretty bad okay.."

  Thinking of the tragic experience he has been through since he became smaller, and looking at the various experiences of being pampered after he became smaller, Conan said indignantly: "Then don't you have the idea of ​​destroying that organization?"

  Haibara Ai: "No. I have already told you what I should say before. Even if I have that idea, in the end, it is nothing more than destroying the peripheral forces of several organizations. It is not that simple to want to disintegrate it internally. ."

  Although it is also clear that what Haibara Ai said is true, Conan still has a hard time believing that she really shared all the information.

  With the character of this black-bellied loli, it is difficult for him to believe all her words [-]%.

  It is better to beg for others than to beg for himself. Conan, who saw that the two of them did not have the same purpose after all, took a deep breath: "This is your choice, and I have no right to interfere, but how much do you know about the information about that mysterious force last night?"

  "And that 'special gem'."

  "I don't know, just based on the information in the newspaper, I can tell that this is a completely different organization from the black organization, and its purpose is fundamentally different."

  "One is an organization whose main purpose is APTX longevity medicine, and the other is an organization whose main purpose is gems."

  Maybe it's a bit boring, but Haibara Ai doesn't mind telling Conan some information she knows, so that it will save trouble.

  This spiritual guy wants to kill by hitting a stone with an egg, that's his business.

  Hearing this answer that was the same as his own guess, Conan was completely relieved.

  Although Haibara Ai's character is a little dark, the authenticity of the information is at least 90% credible, as for the information the other party doesn't want to say.

  Neither can he.

  Not to mention that he is not a person who likes violence at all, let alone bullying girls, just talking about the particularity of this loli, if he really dares to do it.

  In the end, it doesn't matter who bullies who!

  Recalling the last time he wiped the 'energy' weapon that flew past his ear, Conan couldn't help shivering.

  Then, after confirming that this was information from two completely unrelated organizations, a strong curiosity followed.

  Noticing his scene, a flash of light flashed in Hai Yuanai's eyes. If Qiu Xing Qiye was here, there would be no need to mourn for Conan for a few seconds.

  "I think it's better for you to put aside your own curiosity, don't take yourself as a god, you can't solve the black organization, and you want to get involved in another mysterious organization?"

  After Hai Yuanai reminded her, her voice changed: "However, for the organization that targets gems, I really know their ultimate goal."

  "What is it?" Not surprisingly, Conan's curiosity was indeed seduced.

  "Prada and Fusa's new bags." Haibara said sadly.

  "Huh?" Conan was stunned for a second.

  Hai Yuanai casually threw a newly released fashion magazine he had just read to him: "There are prices and styles of things."

  With trembling hands, turning over the impurities page by page, Conan suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart.

  "Nothing in this world is free. Your curious personality has nothing to do with me. The information about the organization before, sees that we have the same destiny. I have already told you what I should tell you, later... "

  Hai Yuanai needless to say.

  In Conan's eyes, at this time, she was not just a black-bellied loli.

  After turning a few pages, I looked at a series of zero eggs below the picture above, watches, lipsticks, cosmetics, and it is indeed a fashion magazine specially created for women.

  Nothing in it is cheap.

  Soon, when he turned to the prices of the latest bags and wallets from Plaka and Fusha, even though he felt blood dripping frantically in his heart, he couldn't be prompted by his inner curiosity to bite the bullet and say, "Yes!"

  The transaction amounted to 663%, and the satisfied Haibara Ai slowly said the information he had learned from Qiu Xing Qiye: "The mysterious organization that targets gems and the phantom thief Kidd have the same purpose."

  "What I did was a special gem called 'Pandora'. At the beginning of the last century, this gem appeared once in the East Asian continent, and then disappeared mysteriously."

  "It is said that this gem can give people eternal life."

  "Eternal life again? These people are crazy!!" Conan's mouth twitched.

  There is no record of Pandora's gems on the Internet at all. Judging from the information, it costs several million R yuan in just a few words?

  loss?Still not bad?

  It's not a big loss to satisfy curiosity and get this kind of hidden information, but what Conan didn't expect at all was...

  One has two, and this is just the beginning.

  Although Haiyuan Ai still didn't know that Qiu Xing Qiye had a black shadow corps in her hands, it didn't prevent her from knowing a lot of secret information.

  One piece of information and one bag, even if Conan has the financial support of his own father behind it, it won’t be long before the Kudo family will announce the rhythm of bankruptcy!

  No one thinks that money is too little.

  This is a must-have in the world for wanton happiness. Money may not buy everything, but if you don’t have money, even taking a bus is a huge problem.


  第 196

Chapter 54--339: I have a random reinforcement system

After getting the information you want.

  Conan immediately went to the undisturbed room and took out his mobile phone to contact his father.

  Several million R yuan, he can't come up with it himself.

  In the past, he was also a hobby in solving cases, and he didn't like the reward given by the Metropolitan Police Department, so he didn't even ask for it.

  Now he...

  When you gradually realize the importance of money, it is too late to regret.

  Really pretending to be cool for a while, crematorium afterwards.

  It didn't take long for Conan to wait, the phone was connected, and the familiar voice of his father came from inside.

  Yusaku Kudo: "What's wrong, Shinichi, did something happen?"

  I don't know if it's an illusion or not, Conan always feels that his father seems to be in a state of high-intensity work all the time.

  Called him several times, and his voice sounded exhausted.

  Conan: "Why do you feel so tired recently?"

  Kudo Yusaku: "It's not the organizational issue you were involved in. If you are willing to come to the Lighthouse Country with Yukiko, I won't have to work so hard."

  Listening to the laughter and scolding on the other side, Conan did not suspect him, and said embarrassingly: "No way, I really don't have neon comfort in the lighthouse country."

  Kudo Yusaku: "Okay, can I still not know you? It's okay to come here if you don't want to. Be careful not to reveal your identity, it shouldn't be a big problem."

  "We follow those people near our house, you can try it, but you must not be careless!"

  Knowing son Moruo father.

  Conan also knew that his actions would definitely not be able to hide from him, so he did not refute and lie.

  But being a father is always one level higher than his son, and Conan didn't notice it at all. In order to prevent him from getting more involved, Kudo Yusaku did a lot of tricks.

  Conan: "Okay, Dad, let's get to the point. Can you give me some money? I need it urgently."

  As soon as these words came out, the other end of the phone fell silent.

  Inside a hidden base in the Lighthouse Country.

  Kudo Yusaku, who had fooled his own son into keeping his face intact, also had an embarrassed look on his face at this time.

  In the past, when the father and son chatted on the phone, they basically talked about various cases. This was the first time that their son had borrowed money.

  He also made the monthly allowance on time, and every time Conan couldn't spend it, this time...

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