The beginning of everything is difficult, and some things, after the first time, the second time, and the third time, will gradually become more and more familiar.

  This is the case in every industry.

  In life, the same is practical!

  To be honest, the sisters around her are all online, but she looks a little ordinary, and the pressure on Suzuki Sonoko is not small.


  After putting down the bangs, her appearance suddenly improved by an unknown amount, which is really beautiful.

  In terms of appearance, it is a bit like an enlarged version of Haibara Ai, and his temperament has also changed a lot.

  The house was lively today, and Qiu Xing Qiye also went up a little later, so when Suzuki Sonoko said to go back to the room to wash his face first, and then came downstairs.

  Everyone was a little confused.

  Especially Xiaolan, who has been her best friend for many years, can't believe that such a simple thing as putting down her bangs will bring about such a huge change in Suzuki Sonoko!

  "Hee hee, how is it, have you been taken aback by me now?" Satisfied with everyone's reaction, Suzuki Sonoko came to Xiaolan and walked around a few times.

  Although she didn't put on the 'dress' she prepared at home, in terms of effect, it was not much different.

  All right..

  Still the familiar character.

  And Suzuki Sonoko obviously didn't mean to drink, and those big eyes kept looking at Qiu Xing Qiye, except for Xiao Lan, who was really innocent, how could others not understand what she meant?

  "Yuanzi's forehead is relatively wide, but her face shape is still very perfect. I thought she would look a lot better after she put down her bangs, but it's really amazing that her appearance has improved so much all of a sudden."

  Miyano Akemi gave a sincere compliment.

  But it would be unrealistic to say that she didn't show any sign of being seduced by exotic wildflowers.

  not to mention.

  Miyano Akimi has the advantage of home games.

  In addition to the wardrobe inside the clothing is complete.


  Inexplicably, in the hall, it has become a clothing exhibition, which has a kind of catwalk feeling.

  Among them, although Huiyuan Ai has always occupied the C position and was nestled in Qiu Xing Qiye's arms, she had to admit that she felt a little sour in her heart.

  "Small has small advantages, but there are also disadvantages, alas..."


  We are having fun in the villa...  

  There is also a feeling of wind and rain in the outside world.

  Under the sky-high net arranged by the Metropolitan Police Department.

  According to his own reasoning, Kuroba Kuito, who came to one of the places where the men in black might have their next target, hid quietly on the roof.

  "It's so lively..."

  "And the group of detectives sitting in the Metropolitan Police Department. In the face of such a powerful alliance, even if I have enough abilities, I am not sure that I will retreat so easily."

  "Would they still come under such circumstances?"

  It was interesting to see an armed helicopter passing by from time to time in the sky, and Kuroba Kuito also knew very well that the Metropolitan Police Department had dispatched a lot of power.

  But the protagonists tonight may not be them.

  In the corridor, several professional security personnel who protect the gems have also received news from the company's boss in advance.

  If you find that an unidentified person is robbing the gem, you don't have to resist, just let the other party take it, and then take the gem back when it's a big deal.

  The purpose of the group seems to be just to find a 'special' gem, and the rest of the gems, once it is confirmed that they are not their target, will be discarded.

  "I hope the energy behind those people is not too complicated, otherwise..."

  Thinking of the young man with terrifying magic, Kuroba Kaito couldn't help shivering.

  Fortunately, the other party didn't have much hostility towards him, but he didn't have much affection for him, so if there was nothing he could do, he didn't want to go to the magician for help.

  Koizumi Hongzi should not be able to count on 5.3!

  Otherwise, in the morning, he should be able to get her prompt.


  Just as many forces are silently observing the trend of tonight's events in the open or in the dark.

  In a dark alley in Cupido City.

  A middle-aged uncle wearing a gray hat, a dark green coat, and a mustache walked out slowly.

  "Humph, there is one place left, and on the eve of the celebration, it will be completed."

  "And thanks to the Metropolitan Police Department, the main locations they patrol are located elsewhere, so my plan should be a perfect success."

  "Speaking of which, I would also like to thank those people who robbed gems last night, otherwise I wouldn't be so easy!"

  ps: I was busy on Saturday and Sunday. I thought it would be over for the fourth shift, but I still boiled it for a while.

Chapter 54--339: I have a random reinforcement system.

In the new January, ask for a wave of flowers to support~.

  第 185

Chapter 54--339: I have a random reinforcement system

After the middle-aged uncle left the alley, it didn't take long for a sky-high fire to emerge from a warehouse deep in the alley!

  This scene.

  It was clearly seen by the pilot in the helicopter in the sky.

  "Report to the Mumu Police Department, there is a fire in the K area!"

  The Metropolitan Police Department headquarters looked at the fire point identified by the satellite map on a display screen.

  A little-known private detective said in surprise: "K area? There is not even a big shopping mall there. The reason for the fire should have nothing to do with the mysterious organization."

  "Speaking of the fire, I remember that there has been a continuous arsonist in Tokyo in the past few days..." Kogoro Mouri's expression moved.

  Just yesterday morning, the news that a series of arsonists had set fire to buildings in three cities around Tokyo was still in the headlines.

  Although the targets selected by the other party were all unmanned warehouses, and there were no casualties, this incident was also very striking.

  But compared with last night in many cities in Neon, precious jewelry was robbed by unknown forces, and many security personnel were injured, the person who committed arson three times in a row 18, the attention has also dropped a lot. !

  "It was also at night, and the fire place seemed to be a remote warehouse for storing supplies. It should not be wrong."

  Mu Mu Shisan and everyone in the hall agreed with this statement.

  "Knowing that our Metropolitan Police Department has set up such a big battle, there are still people who dare to commit crimes tonight. Could it be that he really thinks that we can't use the extra police force to deal with him!?"

  Mu Mu Shisan with an ugly face immediately took out the walkie-talkie: "Team 02, you are the closest to the K area, please rush to the scene immediately..."

  "The headquarters will also dispatch people to help analyze all the characteristics and clues of the perpetrators. The flow of people tonight is not large. With the monitoring equipment on the main street, I can't believe that there is no arsonist!"


  "Received, Officer Mumu, we will rush to the K area immediately!"

  Hearing the order from the walkie-talkie, the three police cars closest to Area K were quickly diverted. In the leading police car, Shibu Takagi in a gray suit flashed a solemn expression.

  Inside the Police Department.

  Conan, who hastily ate a boxed lunch, glanced at the situation here, and quietly left here without knowing it.

  Don't look at the big action of the Metropolitan Police Department this time.

  But these detectives gathered together, many of them with top IQ figures, who could detect something.

  "The mysterious black-clothed forces who steal gems but don't take them are all top-notch, even if they are compared with the phantom thief Kidd."

  "No clues can be found at the scene, fingerprints, traces, almost no..."

  "It's more likely tonight that the high-level Metropolitan Police Department will confront the mysterious forces. If the other party still shows up, then it's more of a test."

  "It's natural to be able to capture and destroy it smoothly, but if the battle isn't going well, try to find out the opponent's true purpose and formulate a next-step combat plan..."

  After leaving the Metropolitan Police Department, Conan rode a skateboard toward a commercial building, and Conan could even have a dual purpose.

  Think and control the skateboard without delay, shuttle back and forth in the deserted streets and remote trails.

  The solar skateboard has the best battery life during the day, and at night, it can only run for about 30 minutes at most. This is the result after being improved by Dr.

  This time is enough for him to reach his destination!

  "I hope my reasoning isn't too wrong."

  "Although from the bottom of my heart, I would also like to participate in the arrest of the arsonist, but there are priorities and the top priority is to first find out the general identity of that mysterious force!"

  Driving fast beside the road, Conan didn't expect much. He only hoped that this group of people wearing uniform black night clothes and some similar to ninja uniforms would not be too involved with that organization.

  Otherwise, things will get serious!

  If possible, Conan also wants to try to stun and arrest a person, but from what he learned during the day, it is obviously not that easy.


  More than 9 o'clock in the evening.

  Conan successfully arrived under a company building. According to information, the boss of this company has a very valuable gem in the top floor.

  With his identity as a child and a few auxiliary props in his hand, Conan easily slipped in.

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