Anyway, Qiu Xing Qiye's speculation that she might be some magic inheritor was dismissed directly.

  Magic power is the basis for activating magic.

  If magic is compared to firearms, and magic is compared to bullets, then without bullets, the firearm is nothing more than a larger burning stick.

  And without firearms, only getting a few bullets is also meaningless.

  Taking advantage of the time between the few people chatting, Conan refocused on these strange white masks, and was just beaten a bit hard by the violent little loli, Haibara Ai.

  He didn't even have time to watch it.



  He just focused his attention on these masks when he saw a young man wearing a black jacket and striking yellow hair hurried in from the east gate.

  Unprepared, Conan was directly knocked to the ground.

  "I'm sorry, little boy, I didn't notice you just now." The central character of the plot, Lan Chuan Dongya stretched out his hand to help this little guy who looked very pleasing to the eye.

  "It's okay." Even though he was very depressed, Conan had to respond with a dry laugh.

  Children's bodies are often so inconvenient

  Noticing the situation here, Su Fanghongzi said with a meaningful smile: "Fuya, why did you come back so late?"

  "Forgive me, teacher, I'm doing a tour across the country right now, don't worry about it if it's a little later." Holding an unopened letter in his right hand, Lan Chuan Dongya looked at it very calmly. The murderer who killed his mother.

  "Compared to this, my company also received a very strange letter today. The sender is not displayed on it, and even the recipient's information is very strange. 213"

  "Could it be..." Maori Kogoro, who was beside Su Fanghongzi, saw that she didn't seem to have any interest in the letter, and took it, and asked with a serious look: "Can I open it to take a look? ?"

  "Of course there is no problem." Su Fanghongzi replied simply.

  The people on the scene are not stupid. After a little thought, they can roughly guess the content of the letter. It is estimated that it is similar to what they received.

  Among them, Matsudaira Shou also specially glanced at Qiu Xing Qiye. When he saw that he was holding the cute little girl and didn't pay attention to the situation here, there was no reason in his heart, and he felt a lot more relieved.

  "With this real great god, even if you really encounter some trouble tonight, you don't have to worry too much about it."

  Noticing his gaze, Katagiri Masaki and Nagara Haruka couldn't help but look at Qiu Xing Qiye.

  Just now, they were very curious about what kind of identity this handsome looking young man had that could make Matsudaira so excited.

  Too bad people don't say it.

  They also know Qiu Xing Qiye's surname now, and the rest are not clear.

  On the other hand, the new yellow-haired young man, in addition to Conan looking at him curiously, Xiaolan and Matsudaira who stood behind Mouri Kogoro curiously watching him open the envelope, all recognized his identity.

  One of the most popular rock singers recently: Fuyuya Aikawa.


  第 161

Chapter 54--339: I have a random reinforcement system

"Tonight, the cursed mask will suck blood again." Mouri Kogoro murmured.

  There wasn't much on the note, but it was horrifying.

  Hearing this, Katagiri Masaki looked away from Qiu Xing Qiye and said solemnly: "This is not as simple as a threatening letter, right?"

  Maori Kogoro agreed: "Yes, this has risen to the issue of personal safety, Ms. Su Fang, I suggest that it is better to call the police directly."

  In the face of their kindness, Su Fanghongzi's eyes flashed a hint of emotion, but in the end she chose to refuse.

  The reason is very simple. It is rare that so many people give her face at this party. When the time comes, she can also receive more donations when the official charity party starts next week.

  If she chooses to call the police at this time, it will be a huge blow to the charity party next week.

  "Don't worry, everyone. The security of this mansion is very strong. It is almost impossible to sneak in. If the other party moves too much, there are so many of us, and we are not vegetarians."

  Since the owner of the house has said so, as guests, Kogoro Mouri and the others are not saying much.


  Not long after, when night came, snowflakes like goose feathers fluttered outside the house again.

  On the third floor of the mansion, in the center of an empty dining room, on both sides of the long dining table, everyone sat down casually.

  The twin maids, Shimokasaho Nami and Shimokasa Minaho, kept carrying plates of prepared dinners, the characteristic beef tongue soup. In such a weather, a bowl of hot soup was really perfect.

  In terms of enjoyment, Qiu Xing Qiye is quite satisfied when paired with a medium-grade red wine with good taste and maid service by her side.

  Even at home.

  Such rules, such as the current situation where other people are guests, are very good.

  My own home, it’s better to eat together as a family. If they eat, Miyano Akemi is waiting by the side, and when the host has eaten it, they will eat again, no matter how delicious the food is, it will have no taste.

  Sitting in the front seat, Su Fanghongzi raised her red wine glass and glanced at the guests on both sides with satisfaction: "To be honest, I'm really thankful to all of you for agreeing to come to the charity party hosted by me.々〃 ."

  For her words, it is polite, and all the guests look at her. At this time, the advantages of children are reflected.

  Haibara Ai didn't have to worry so much at all, sitting leisurely beside Qiu Xing Qiye drinking soup.

  This kid Conan obviously has something on his mind, he is sticking his head and don't know what he is thinking.

  "Ms. Su Fang Hongzi, can I ask you a question?" At this moment, Katagiri Masaki, who was on her right, asked.

  Su Fanghongzi gestured, "Just say it."

  After hesitating for a while, Katagiri Masaki asked, "How did you come up with the idea of ​​holding a charity party for those children who lost their families due to car accidents?"

  Su Fanghongzi gracefully shook the red wine in the glass and replied with a sigh, "Actually, this problem is all because of a car accident 20 years ago."

  "The reason was that a woman who had been taking care of me ran into someone and ran away. Since then, I have set up a new branch under the Hongyan Performing Arts Company I founded and started my charity work."

  "I've been doing philanthropy for 15 years so far.."

  Under her eloquent speech, except for Qiu Xing Qiye, who knew about it, and Lanchuan Dongya, who saw through her ferocious face that eats people and doesn't spit out bones, the rest of the people couldn't help but look at her.

  Even Hui Yuanai who was drinking soup couldn't help but glance at her in surprise, but when she noticed Qiu Xing Qiye's calm eyes, her heart moved slightly.

  "That..." The kind-hearted Xiao Lan was moved by her 'greatness' and asked curiously, "How is that woman now?"

  "Suicide." Touya Lanchuan, who was sitting on the far right, answered the question: "That woman is my mother, and my father died relatively early, so after my mother committed suicide, I stayed at the boarding house when I was young. at a relative's home."

  "To be honest, during that time, life really suffered a lot. Fortunately, there was Teacher Su Fang's assistance in all aspects."

  "So I am able to be today, all thanks to the cultivation of teachers."

  Qiu Xing Qiye didn't know how he suppressed the resentment in his heart, to be able to answer in such a normal tone, but it was not easy to think about.

  As soon as his words fell, the secretary Kazuyo Inaba also echoed: "In the outside world, people often criticize our president for making a name for themselves, but things are definitely not like this."

  Hearing this, Lan Chuan Dongya's hand holding the fork tightened quite a bit, that kind of anger in his heart, but the feeling that he couldn't show on his face, really endured very hard.

  Other people who didn't know the truth were moved by this story, especially Matsuhira Mori, a somewhat enthusiastic young man (idiot): "." Don't worry, Ms. Su Fang, I will do my best for the charity party next week. s hard work! "

  "Me too." Katagiri Masaki echoed: "In this way, my wife, who died unexpectedly in a car accident, is in the spirit of heaven, so I should also feel relieved."

  The reason why he agreed to come here to participate in the charity party is because the banner of the Su Fang Hongzi Foundation touched his heart in this regard?

  Nagara Haruka did not express her opinion. As a newly popular tarot card fortune-teller, she did not have much money at all, nor did she have any profound background.

  Otherwise, she doesn't need to come to such a charity party to gather news. I believe that at this time, the outside world may have news about her going to a certain foundation party in the newspapers.

  This is also a way to increase the heat.

  (is it money)

  Who told her that she couldn't sing or dance, what else could she do except play some niche 'tarot cards'?

  Even if it's just a niche, it won't take long before her heat will be completely cool, at least she has been popular?Is not it.

  In terms of money, Mouri Kogoro will not take the initiative to say anything more!

  Your own home is not enough, donate?Just think about it!

  Qiu Xing Qiye also didn't say anything, not to mention that Su Fang Hongzi was doomed to die tonight, even if she didn't die, he wouldn't be able to donate to such a foundation.

  He is not short of money now, and he can't even spend it in a short time, but this does not mean that he will choose to waste it!

  Silently tasting the delicious dim sum, the beef tongue soup was not very suitable for his taste.

  "Nami Shimokasaho, the sisters, have good craftsmanship, but in terms of taste, they need to be improved. Don't worry, you can take it slow in the future.. Straight"


  第 162

Chapter 54--339: I have a random reinforcement system

Su Fanghongzi, who was sitting in the main seat, glanced at the people below without a trace.

  Although at present, only two people said that they will definitely donate at that time, Qiu Xing Qiye and Nagara Haruka are unknown.

  A 50% success rate, as far as the results are concerned, is already very good!

  With these two famous people taking the lead, those who will come to the official charity gala at that time will more or less donate some for their own sake.

  As for Maori Kogoro, she didn't care about it at all. The reason why she invited him was that in the recent period, the sleeping Maori Kogoro often appeared on TV and newspapers.

  Thinking about her fame is definitely not low, and there are some things she wants him to investigate, so she invites him!

  After a dinner.

  Su Fanghongzi was old and unwell, so she chose to leave because she couldn't stay up too long.

  Qiu Xing Qiye and others led the sisters from Shimokasaho Nami to a leisure room for entertainment. There is a pool table, a chess and card table, and drinks and snacks.

  After a while, everyone formed different circles.

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