Looking up at the situation on both sides of the road, Little Loli who was sitting in the passenger seat reminded her, and immediately continued to look at the huge magic book in her hand.

  Reminders are reminders.

  Even if the car does skid, she is not at all worried about any accident, at most it may affect her diligent 'reading'.

  "Got it." Nodding slightly, Qiu Xing Qiye looked at the road ahead and asked casually, "Xiao Ai, how many spells have you learned?"

  "Eight first-order magics take an average of about 8 hours. It's not a big problem to learn one magic." Huiyuan Ai replied without raising his head.

  Her memory and learning ability are very powerful.

  It's a pity that the 18 magic power in the body is a hard injury. At present, Qiu Xing Qiye has strengthened her with divine power twice. The upper limit of magic power is about less than 10 o'clock.

  With this magic power, it is impossible to cast magic a few times, let alone master it.

  Haibara Ai could only memorize it by rote, and then relying on her own experience, try to use the magic five times or so to change the magic from unfamiliar to familiar.

  Looking at it this way, 4 hours of magic is indeed very efficient.

  "Because of your hard work, I also have some water of life in my space ring. If the magic power is exhausted, just tell me, drink a few more water of life, and restore and improve the magic power. Good effect." Qiu Xing Qiye smiled softly.

  "So, are you opening a small stove for me?" Hui Yuanai asked in surprise.

  "Almost, you don't have to think so much. As the tree of life continues to grow, 100ml is just the beginning. Now the daily output has also increased to about 180ml, and it was still 170ml two days ago."

  Qiu Xing Qiye replied: "I believe it won't take too long. It's a bit extravagant to use it for bathing, but it's easy to use it as water to drink."

  "This is good news." Hui Yuanai felt a joy in his heart.

  The water of life is a good thing. If you insist on taking it, you can live forever, but the amount of 100 ml is really small. Even if Qiu Xing does not drink it for seven nights, the two sisters will only consume about 50 ml per day.

  Not to mention that there is still Shimabukuro Junhui.

  No matter how much you save some drink, you can drink it all in a few sips. This amount alone can delay aging at most. If you want to live a long life, you must drink at least 200 ml per day to keep pace with the aging of the body. , to achieve alternative immortality.

  Each person drinks 500 ml per day, and every day they live, not only will they not have any aging, but their life expectancy will be increased by one day.

  Each person drinks 1000 ml per day, and for every day they live, their life expectancy can be increased by three days.

  A normal person needs to drink at least about 1500 ml of water every day. Therefore, the tree of life at home produces about 4500 ml of water every day to maintain the normal needs of this home.

  Akimi, Haibara Ai, and Shimabukuro Junhui, they can only drink more than 200 milliliters per person per day, but it is natural to be able to completely replace ordinary water with the water of life.

  Not to mention cooking with the water of life, and the fact that the family will have a pair of twin maids coming in the future, so the more this stuff, the better.

  With the current growth rate of the Tree of Life, Qiu Xing Qiye is expected to take at least a month to maintain the daily drinking water needs of the entire family.

  After three months, the family will no longer have to worry about the water of life.

  Especially Miyano Akimi and Shimabukuro Junhui are still young and have several decades to live. Therefore, even if you don't drink the water of life every day, it is undoubtedly the most appropriate to save it and use it where you need it.

  This is also the reason why Qiu Xing Qiye can save a lot of water of life in his body. Although it is not a lot, it will definitely not be a loss to let Huiyuan Ai to improve the magic power, restore the magic power, and speed up the magic cultivation speed!

  Well... as long as you don't waste it, it's not a loss.


  The two chatted from time to time, and Qiu Xing Qiye would not feel bored.

  Haiyuan Ai also understood this, so she simply closed the magic book and prepared to wait for some free time to read it slowly. Now, of course, she was chatting with her 'boyfriend' to pass the boring time.


  Qiu Xing Qiye has been hesitating whether or not he should hand over the newly strengthened space ring to his little loli. In the end, he still couldn't hold back.

  When the car was parked on the side of the road for a short time, she took out the space ring, grabbed Haibara Ai's left hand, and slowly put it on her middle finger.

  Who cares, what others think, that's their business.

  As long as you are not embarrassed yourself, it is others who are embarrassed.

  In foreign countries and in China, it is popular to wear the engagement ring on the ring finger of the woman's left hand, but most of the domestic traditions are also inherited from abroad.

  In fact, with the development of the times, more and more Chinese people choose to wear the ring on the left middle finger when they get engaged. Anyway, the meaning is similar.

  Declare the Lord!

  "You just scared me."

  Haiyuan Ai blushed and retracted her fingers. The upper space ring has been recognized and shrunk to a size just enough to carry.

  "Isn't it just an engagement? Do you think you can get out of my hand in this life?" Qiu Xing Qiye restarted the car with a smile.

  "I didn't mean it that way, okay?"

  At this time, Hai Yuanai also rarely spoke and began to stutter: "It's difficult.. to.. just.. there is no 683, is there any other style of space props?"

  "The ring .. is not .. not good-looking, but I am now, after all, the body of a child. What do you want others to think of me??"

  Qiu Xing Qiye nodded thoughtfully: "I didn't think enough about it, don't worry, I will definitely make up for the engagement ceremony in the future."

  "Otherwise.. I'll take the ring back first, and I'll give it to you when I make other styles of space storage magic props next time?"

  "don't want!!"

  The little girl's reaction was very honest.

  "The ring is nice too."

  "Don't think too much about it, I just saw the space inside. It's so big, it's not good to let it sit idle."

  "And, if I don't accept it, you will give it to another woman!"

  Very standard arrogance.

  Usually a little loli can be arrogant from time to time, but this time, it is especially cute.


  Received his engagement ring, maybe...

  "Forget it, that kind of thing is really too much. It's good to maintain the current state.."

  "If you really want to eat, let the wishing dragon give the little girl the ability to change back and forth between adults and children. It's not fragrant."

  Double the joy.

  "Drive well and pay attention to the curve ahead!!!"

  Noticing Qiu Xing Qiye's obviously malicious thoughts, Little Lolita's red face was a slap in the face.


  第 156

Chapter 54--339: I have a random reinforcement system

Just a corner.

  Even with his eyes closed, Qiu Xing Qiye didn't panic at all.

  Swish! !

  A very beautiful little drift in a corner, the car parked firmly beside the road.

  It's not that Qiu Xing Qiye doesn't want to continue driving forward.

  Instead.. a white ordinary car was stuck in front.

  And a familiar uncle was carrying a large dry tree that was deliberately placed in the middle of the road, and beside him were Xiaolan and Conan, the little kid.

  "Really, who is so immoral to put such a big tree in the middle of the road, and it's still a bend here, fortunately my reaction is fast enough."

  While complaining, Kogoro Mouri had moved the dry tree to both sides of the road little by little. Noticing a note stuck on the dry branch, he picked it up.

  Curse the Masked Messenger?

  Don't want to attend the charity party organized by Su Fanghongzi?

  What is this all about!

  Another boring threatening letter! ?

  "This should be a joke.." After a few dry glances, Xiaolan didn't have a reason for it.

  Conan was restricted by his height and couldn't see it after jumping several times. In the end, Kogoro Mouri handed this note to him.

  Before Conan could read the content above, he heard the familiar voice of Qiu Xing Qiye from the god queen: "It seems that I don't need my help here."

  "Qiye, why are you here too?" Seeing the person coming, Xiaolan felt a little overjoyed that she could meet friends in such a place, but also felt a little weird.

  Noticing the nice silver-white Porsche parked at the corner, and looking at the ordinary sedan he rented, Mouri Kogoro felt a burst of sadness in his heart.

  Look at the high-end cars that others drive are so stable, but the ordinary car that I drive just barely stopped the car and directly hit the trunk of this dry tree, causing a car accident.

  There really is no comparison, no harm.

  "Hey, it must be the quality of my car is not good, otherwise I could have a more handsome drift in the situation just now~¨."

  The thoughts in his heart, Maori Kogoro did not show it on his face. In addition, the young man Qiu Xing Qiye gave him a very good impression on the whole. As an elder, he naturally would not sullen his face.

  He smiled and said hello.

  Unlike Conan, this young man looked at Qiu Xing Qiye in a depressed mood, and didn't even think of coming up to say hello.

  "It's really unfortunate, how can I meet him anywhere? There won't be some bad things happening tonight, right??"

  Conan, who was not at all arrogant, instead blamed Qiu Xing Qiye for the reasons for his several troublesome incidents.

  Although his guesses are indeed similar, but if he knew the mind of this spiritual guy, he would definitely not mind educating him.

  It's okay to just throw the pot! ?

  "Xiao Lan, Uncle Maori."

  Conan ignored him, and Qiu Xing Qiye also ignored the meaning of this little brat.

  After a simple greeting, Qiu Xing Qiye said, "Looking at your appearance, you must have also been invited by Ms. Su Fanghongzi to attend the small-scale charity party hosted by her tonight, right?"


  "I didn't expect it, so coincidentally."

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