I just pity the murderer in the original book. He was obviously avenging his mother, but he was sent to prison by Conan, a dead-headed just guy.

  What is justice?

  Su Fanghongzi ran into someone and ran away and killed an innocent woman. As a result, she put all the responsibility on the murderer's mother and killed her brutally, disguising herself as a suicide because of regret.

  As a result, no one cares about Xiaoyaozi for 20 years, and a charitable foundation is also established to collect money.

  What about the murderer, just avenging his mother, is it wrong?The result is to face a lifetime of prison life!

  Destiny.. how unfair is it?

  To say whether Conan is wrong, from a rational point of view, no, but from a human point of view, Conan has done a lot of 'evil things'.

  This spiritual boy completely treats himself as a saint. As long as it is something he encounters, no matter the reason, as long as he commits a crime, he will arrest him.

  Also too young!

  For such a spiritual guy, Qiu Xing Qiye couldn’t get along at all anyway. If he wanted to kill someone, I’m afraid that after this guy knew his abilities, the first thought in his mind was to send him to prison too!



  Had breakfast at 7:[-] sharp.

  "Ding! Detected that something near the host has mutated, please choose the direction of strengthening-"

  [Item: A book in the study on the third floor of the host villa. 】

  Strengthening direction one: ..

  Strengthening direction [-]: The magic book from a certain world has a card slot inside, which can store fifty-two Clow cards, which can restore magic power as soon as possible.

  Strengthening direction 10: A magic book from a certain world, which records 50 third-order magic, 500 second-order magic, and [-] first-order magic cultivation methods.

  (Hint: After selecting this option, you can get 10 points of mana cap.)

  Cost: 100 energy points.

  oh well..


  After actively strengthening it so many times, I wanted magic books, but what I refreshed was a bunch of unused things.

  Now in a random boost option, here it comes!

  The second option is also good. It is the book used to place the Clow card in the world of Mengwang. Maybe there is a guardian beast in it, a big cat with an Osaka accent?

  I don't think so, if there is really that big cat in it, the level of this book should be the third-order enhancement.

  Of course, it does not rule out the possibility that the ability of the big cat will be weakened.

  As a guardian beast symbolizing the attributes of the sun, it needs to gather the four elements in charge: fire and earth, in order to restore its original powerful posture.

  Although Xiao Ke is okay, unfortunately, as pets, Qiu Xing Qiye prefers to be cute and obedient.

  That big gluttonous cat.. forget it.

  Strengthen three!


  第 153

Chapter 54--339: I have a random reinforcement system

The magic book is placed in the bedroom on the third floor, and it will not be too late to study it when you come back after school.

  Now that this item has been obtained, Qiu Xing Qiye does not need to use the number of active reinforcements to continue strengthening the book, just as Little Lolita wants a storage item with a larger space.

  School in the afternoon.

  Xiaolan Karate Club has training, Qiu Xing Qiye just drove directly to a large shopping mall in Mihua City.

  Bought a bunch of rings.

  After returning to the car in the parking lot.

  Don't be in a hurry to leave.

  One active boost is applied to a ring in the hand.

  【Ding!The selection is complete, the strengthening options are refreshed, please choose the direction of strengthening~——]

  Strengthening direction one:...

  Strengthening direction 10: From a certain world, a ring with magical magic, after recognizing the master, all body attributes - attribute +[-]

  Strengthening direction 1000: A ring from a certain world with magical effects, containing [-] cubic meters of space inside.

  (Hint: After selecting this option, you can get 10 points of mana cap.)

  Cost: 200 energy points

  not bad.

  Get what you want in one go.

  Qiu Xing Qiye inexplicably thought of a very classic sentence: "The goddess of luck is smiling."

  1000 cubic meters.

  The internal space is 10X10X10, it is not square, but cubic.

  The bag originally used by Hui Yuanai is only 1 cubic meter, and it can hold a lot of things in it.

  Now it is 1000 cubic meters. It is rude to say that it is only enough for daily necessities. Such a large space is completely sufficient.

  "There is also a random number of enhancements. If today is really my lucky day, I will add another dragon ball and collect all the seven dragon balls, it will be perfect!"

  With a dream of extremely low probability, Qiu Xing drove back home in seven nights.

  When returning to the door.

  He saw that a woman with wide black sunglasses on her face had obviously been waiting on the trail for quite a while.

  "Mr. Qiu Xing, this is a check for Rs 1000 million for the purchase of the amulet." Yoko Okino, who had waited for a long time to see the familiar car returning, but there was no impatience on her face, came over happily.

  "Looking at your appearance, it's obvious that you have been waiting for a while, right?"

  "Why don't you ring the doorbell? It's okay to give the check to my maid." Qiu Xing Qiye took the check and asked curiously.

  "It's okay, I didn't wait long." Yoko Okino explained with a smile.

  Can she say that she was specially waiting for Qiu Xing Qiye to return?

  The maid who handed it to his family is definitely fine, but how can there be sincerity in handing it over to me?

  Qiu Xing Qiye didn't care about some small thoughts in her heart, and asked casually, "It's still early, do you want to go in and sit for a while?"

  Hearing this, Yoko Okino's eyes lit up, and she nodded again and again, a little flattered: "Then I'll disturb you."


  The door of the villa slowly opened automatically to the inside.

  "I'll park the car in the garage first, wait for me at the gate of the villa."

  "Okay..." She stared at this magical scene with twinkling eyes, and when Qiu Xing Qiye drove the car in, she quickly followed.

  Smell the familiar scent of flowers.


  After accumulating the tiredness of the day, Yoko Okino, who had completely dissipated, came to the front of the villa with joy, and looked at the beautiful gardens on both sides and the pink cherry blossoms floating around.

  She couldn't help being a little crazy.

  Whether it is a man or a woman, no one can resist the temptation of Qiu Xing Qiye here, even if you can only smell the fragrance of flowers every day, it is a heavenly treatment!

  Yoko Okino really wanted to stay here as long as possible, but after entering the lobby, before she sat down for a long time, the manager called her and said that there was a show that needed her to host at night.

  No way, Yoko Okino had no choice but to give up this opportunity and leave hastily. The next time I come here, it doesn't necessarily take long!

  Just like listening to a nice short story.

  According to Yoko Okino, the day after she got the amulet, she was attacked by a fanatical fan.

  The result is...

  Needless to say, the fan not only failed to achieve his dream of going to Huangquan with his favorite star, but he was also taken to the Metropolitan Police Department. If nothing else, the package must have been gone for a few years!

  Even if the attack with a knife is unsuccessful, Yoko Okino's reputation is there, and it will definitely not be so easy to understand this matter.

  "Recently, the overall security of Neon is still so bad." Shimabukuro Junhui sighed, she carefully arranged her red dress and sat beside Qiu Xing Qiye.

  · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·

  Seeing this scene, Miyano Akimi raised her brows, and she was a little tired just by cleaning the house, so she chose to sit down on the other side of Qiu Xing Qiye without hesitation.

  "Neon public security is generally okay, mainly because the darkness of the human heart is under the influence of some magical power, and ordinary people can easily be affected by it."

  "In daily life, it is very likely that some small things, in front of some small-bellied people, will easily lead to a murder case after being affected by darkness..."

  Qiu Xing Qiye looked a little bored on the new big TV in front of him.

  Although it is not an LCD, in the current era, the TV he bought is also the best style.

  As for the two girls who were sitting and resting beside him, he noticed it, but didn't take it to heart, because it wasn't the first time that something like this happened.

  Personally, he really wanted to find an opportunity to take down the little sheep of Miyano Akemi, but he had no choice but to have the 'intimate' little padded jacket, Haibara Ai, and he never found a suitable opportunity.

  Shimabukuro Junhui's words are not in a hurry, take your time, and if the time is right, he will naturally not back down.


  Today, Hui Yuanai came back very late today.

  Even dinner was eaten with those little brats at Dr. A Li's house before they came back.

  Originally, Qiu Xing Qiye wanted to give her the newly strengthened space ring, but she was not in a hurry to give it later.

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