The process of raising magical girls!

  Signing a contract with the book holder, Qiu Xing Qiye, is the first step.

  Next, the books will be very intelligently arranged and the signatories will be trained.

  The limit is: female.

  Must not be older than 20 years old.

  All of the above are fine, but the most important thing is the process of casting magic.

  Even if you need a spell.

  Let’s start with the last sentence, it’s okay to transform the little magic fairy Balabala! ! ?


  第 142

Chapter 54--339: I have a random reinforcement system


  After taking a shower.

  The little girl changed into a loose short-sleeved shirt and snuggled into Qiu Xing Qiye's arms again.

  Mmmm, it smells delicious.

  The shower gel developed by using the water of life is really easy to use. It can not only deepen the good smell, but also lubricate the skin.

  After scratching the little girl's soft belly a few times, Qiu Xing Qiye finally took out the magical girl contract from the space ring after a while of protest.

  "That... Xiao Ai, if you really can't wait to learn magic, you can consider this..."

  After a few minutes.

  Get a feel for the effects of this book.

  Hai Yuan's sad eyes were very vigilant and said to Qiu Xing Qiye: "Can you put away your expectant eyes?"

  "Hantai seven nights, actually can make such a magic book."

  "I've explained it many times before. I'm only responsible for providing the magic power output and materials when making magic props. As for the final shape and effect, I can't control it at all."

  Qiu Xing Qiye, who knew that this would be the result, took the book back into the space ring.


  Maybe when it's useful.

  As a child, there are a lot of innocence, such a goal is very suitable for the 950 book.

  Ok? ? ?

  Suddenly realizing that his thoughts were a little dangerous, Qiu Xing Qiye quickly calmed down.

  Although Dragon Ball is easy to use, it is only one six planets away. He can't say when it will be released. If it is viewed according to some online game routines.

  The faster you gather things, the slower you get to gather them in the end.

  So he couldn't give Haibara Ai a specific time guarantee.

  Maybe, the Dragon Balls haven't been collected yet, so it's not impossible to get a prop that allows her to obtain some normal magic first.

  All depends on luck.

  "Xiao Ai, you don't have to envy Jun Hui too much. She seems to have all kinds of incredible magic, but the price is not small. She has to take a lot of time to pray every day."

  While speaking comforting words, Qiu Xing Qiye suddenly thought of the divine power in his body.

  Although there are not too many now, can this kind of panacea-like power be used to improve people's aptitude, and let the other party awaken their magic power and enhance their magic power?

  Thinking of this, Qiu Xing Qiye tried to condense the golden divine power in his hands.

  "Hey, wait, Qiye, you don't mean to..." Feeling the big hand on her lower abdomen getting hotter and hotter, Hai Yuanai's expression changed.

  Although Shimabukuro Junhui is not here, her sister is still there!

  "Don't think too much, just feel it carefully, I'm trying to improve your physique, maybe I can give you magic power." Qiu Xing Qiye looked at the strange reaction of the little girl speechlessly.

  For him.

  Haibara Ai temporarily suppressed her skeptical attitude to the bottom of her heart.

  What I have to say is that this warm feeling quickly flowed from the lower abdomen to the whole body.

  In about 2 minutes, the divine power in Qiu Xing Qiye's body was exhausted.

  But the upper limit is there, that is, the recovery of this kind of power higher than magic power will be quite slow.


  "Generally speaking, my thinking is correct. Divine power is worthy of a panacea!" He felt the obvious magical fluctuations in Haibara Ai's body.

  Qiu Xing Qiye breathed a sigh of relief.

  Although it is still weak and the amount is too small, it is indeed a good start.

  Don't worry about learning magic.

  He really can't get the magic book or the last dragon ball, so he also has a backup plan.

  That is to find Koizumi Hongzi, or the inheritance of other magical families in this world.

  The modern environment is not suitable for cultivation, but this does not mean that among those families, all magic books are also lost.


  Moisturized by the warm divine power, he slept for more than 3 hours. When Haibara Ai woke up, Miyano Akemi was almost ready for dinner.

  "Is this what magic feels like?"

  Even if she couldn't control it as she wanted, Haibara Ai could still clearly feel the power in her body.

  "If you're interested in magic, you can ask Jun Hui for advice. Maybe you can learn something from it." Qiu Xing Qiye, who held her motionless for several hours, couldn't help yawning.

  After speaking, his voice suddenly became much smaller, and it was attached to the little loli's ear: "This time my consumption is so big, look at night..."

  "Don't say it!!"

  Seeing that Miyano Akemi and Shimabukuro Junhui were both in the hall, Haibara Ai didn't have time to understand the benefits of magic to her body, and she stretched out her little hand to cover Qiu Xing Qiye's mouth.

  "When my sister goes to bed, I will send you a message..."

  Taking advantage of the fact that they didn't turn their eyes to this side, Haibara Ai hurriedly responded in a low voice.

  Qiu Xing Qiye understood her meaning in seconds.

  The existence of card transfer, in some ways, is really useful.

  Not only can you teleport yourself.

  You can also teleport other people.

  Let the little girl teleport directly to her bed, that is something that can be done in an instant!

  Easy, convenient and efficient!

  The conversation between the two was very low.

  Even Shimabukuro Junhui, whose physical fitness has been strengthened several times by Divine Power Feedback, can't hear clearly. At this time, she is helping Miyano Akemi.

  By the way, share your cooking experience.

  What happened to the witch!

  What a maid can do, she needs to do too.

  Who told her to live with her own gods, take care of the gods' daily life, and even dedicate her everything to the gods, isn't it normal?

  Although it is said that the latter, Shimabukuro Junhui did not dare to think about it at all.

  With a modern education, she is still very entangled in her heart.

  At least...

  There is also a buffering process, right?


  It didn't take long for the family of four to enjoy a warm dinner.

  During this period, we will discuss the transformation and ideas of Neverland from time to time.

  at the same time.

  The group of Kogoro Mori in the Mermaid Island also successfully made a boat back to Kanto.

  Not surprisingly.

  Conan teamed up with Hattori Heiji, and at most, they could only advance the progress of the case to half, and in the end, they didn't even find the body of Saori.

  for this result.

  They are hard to accept.

  But they have to accept, who made their time so short!

  Along the way, Conan almost kept a small face without saying a word.

  Only when the ship docked and separated from Hattori Heiji did a smile appear on his face and he waved goodbye to him.

  "These two..."

  Xiaolan's eyes swept back and forth between the two of them very strangely many times.

  I can't understand!

  She didn't know she was too naive to say 'Gay' at all.


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