"Hi, I understand." Kudo Yukiko responded quickly.

  Fei Yingli didn't stay at home for a long time. After drinking tea, she changed into a purple work uniform, skirt, tie, black stockings, and high heels. After everything was done, she left the apartment.

  After a few minutes, I checked the weather forecast. Today is sunny, and the temperature in the morning is over 20 degrees, and it is expected to reach about 34 degrees at noon.

  Yukiko Kudo was wearing a beige short-sleeved dress with a black decorative collar around her neck and a silver necklace strung on the collar.

  Dressing herself up beautifully, (Wang Nuozhao) Finally, she didn't forget the spare key on the table when everything was ready, including a sun umbrella, big sunglasses, and a new bag.


  After locking the door, Yukiko Kudo, who left the apartment, looked around several times to greet him.

  "It's still early, let's have breakfast first."

  "Fortunately Yingri didn't cook in the morning, otherwise..."

  Thinking of that terrible result, Yukiko Kudo couldn't help but shuddered.


  The world of Conan is so magical.

  Obviously yesterday, the temperature was still cold, and today it has returned to a hot day.

  In this regard, Qiu Xing Qiye was not surprised, and he began to gradually adapt to the strange situation that happened in this world from time to time. Even if it snowed tomorrow, he also expressed his calm.

  But in general, he still likes the hotter weather, because in this way, when walking on the street, the young girls around are all dressed in trendy fashion. .

  第 137

Chapter 54--339: I have a random reinforcement system

Early in the morning.

  After breakfast, Qiu Xing Qiye drove out of the villa with a very cool little loli in a short-sleeved shirt, shorts, and small sandals.

  "Xiao Ai, sit tight and support yourself. Today, Dad, I'll give you something exciting."

  As soon as he went out, Qiu Xing Qiye slowly stopped the car, and then took out two charms.

  "Hantai, you are enough!" Hai Yuanai stared at her eyes: "I warn you, that name must never appear in the ears of a third person, otherwise, you will be dead!!!"

  Seeing the little loli grinding her teeth, Qiu Xing Qiye shuddered.

  "Don't worry, definitely not." He counterattacked unceremoniously, pinching the little girl's cheek, leaving a red mark.

  Hai Yuanai didn't resist, and she knew very well that the price of resisting was a stronger 'attack', so she simply looked at the two spells in his hand.

  The chicken charm, she knew, possessed the incredible magic power of psychic power.

  The other one seems to have been made recently. The pattern on the top should be a pink...rabbit.

  Chicken Charm: Mind power can float in the air.

  Rabbit Charm: It represents the speed of the world, and the two complement each other to achieve 297, high-speed air flight!

  Whoosh! !

  The car doesn't even need to be started.

  In the blink of an eye, it turned into an afterimage and disappeared.

  In the blink of an eye, when the car appeared again, it was already in an alley near Didan Elementary School.

  "Ok, reach the destination, next time, it will be even more perfect with the snake charm. If I wasn't worried about being seen by others and causing some unnecessary trouble, I would have just parked the car in the air at the door of your classroom. " Qiu Xing Qiye said with a smile.

  "The Rabbit Talisman, it seems to be a very useful magic item." Hai Yuanai sighed inwardly, and immediately pulled off the seat belt decisively, giving Qiu Xing Qiye the back of her head.

  Open the door and get out of the car.

  She didn't dare to stay any longer. She had the magic power of the Rabbit Charm. Today, she came to school several minutes faster than usual. What if a lolicon wanted to bully her?

  Respect first!

  Qiu Xing Qiye looked a little strangely at the back of Little Loli leaving, feeling a little strange, and didn't even mean to respond.

  Could it be that he is not interested in the Rabbit Charm?

  Or was the little girl unhappy just by pulling her little face by herself?

  He didn't think much about it, and he couldn't think of it at all. This little loli in his family, who originally had science in his mind, was already... um... impure.

  The Rabbit Charm is indeed very convenient. It is only Tier [-], and it still retains the ability to advance at the speed of light. Even if it runs around the world, regardless of factors such as the sea and the road, it can be done in minutes.

  However, one of the most crucial and powerful functions has been cut off.

  That is, after the speed reaches the limit, it can go back to the past.

  However, this is not bad.

  even though..

  Under normal circumstances, Qiu Xing Qiye doesn't plan to use it too much. Occasionally, when you're bored, it's okay to speed up the road. Under normal circumstances, you will lose a lot of fun if you follow the speed.

  He threw the two spells into the storage box at will, and put them together with the book of magic pages, and summoned them when needed.

  So Qiu Xing Qiye didn't worry about them being stolen at all.

  The same goes for the magic remnants.

  There are 1000 pages of magic pages with different magic effects, all of which have been torn down by him and put at home, and now this book is in the locker.

  It's completely useless without a mana supplement.

  And Qiu Xing Qiye didn't really like this thing very much.


  Drive all the way to the parking lot near the school.

  Today's Xiaolan didn't come to class. At this time, she, Mouri Kogoro, Conan, and Hattori Heiji were still on the Mermaid Island, conducting meaningless investigations.

  I want to come tomorrow at the latest, knowing that nothing can be done, the murderer is likely to have left the Mermaid Island and so on, and they should come back.


  "Qiye, how was your time at Mermaid Island yesterday?"

  As soon as he entered the class, Suzuki Sonoko habitually came over and lay down on Qiu Xing Qiye's table without any hesitation.

  With his line of sight, he could easily see her white neck. I have to say that the summer uniforms of Didan High School are indeed better than the autumn and winter uniforms.

  The so-called summer school uniforms have fewer appearances in the front of the original book, that is, a yellow vest on the outside, a white short-sleeved shirt on the inside, and the skirt is still the same as the original style.

  This school uniform looks better than the autumn and winter one.

  "In general, it's okay, but the night before I came back, there seemed to be a serial murder case, so Xiaolan couldn't come to school today."

  From a close distance, Qiu Xing Qiye involuntarily looked away from the faint scent.

  As a carnivore, this is a normal reaction.

  "Xiao Lan is really working hard. Following that useless uncle, I am not surprised at all when I encounter a case." Suzuki Sonoko sighed.

  I don't know if it's unintentional or intentional, but my body leaned forward a little bit.

  "In those seven nights, when are you free? My parents have asked me to invite you several times." Suzuki Sonoko asked, "You haven't been there, so recently both of them have started to think wildly."

  "It's not that I don't want to go, but it's not the time yet."

  "The capitalists are like that. What can I do if I go, and what can I do if I don't go? Anyway, the purpose of supporting you before has been achieved."

  "Wait a minute..."

  Qiu Xing Qiye chose to refuse again.

  "Hmm..." Suzuki Sonoko couldn't help biting her lower lip.

  She also thought of letting Qiu Xing Qiye see a different version of herself, but...

  But, this kind of thing, she is a girl, she can't be too proactive, right?Even though her character is usually carefree, but this kind of thing...

  "Forget it, it really doesn't work..."

  After returning to his seat, Suzuki Sonoko made a secret decision in his heart.

  Sometimes it's time to be proactive.

  Better to be proactive!

  His own happiness requires his own efforts to strive for, even if he can't be the only one in his heart, at least he has to grab a good position before more beautiful butterflies surround him.


  in the afternoon.

  Just after school in Qiu Xing Qiye, he was driving home.

  After wandering around Kudo's house for a long time, and thinking about the past, Kudo Yukiko unknowingly returned to the door of Qiuxing Villa again.

  Besides her, a man and a woman also came here.

  Judging their intentions is very simple. The place directly opposite the entrance of Qiu Xing Seven Nights Villa is an alley that can only be passed by a large car.

  Under normal circumstances, even if someone passes by here, they will not stay here for too long, but this man and woman are different, obviously waiting for something here.

  Who are you waiting for?

  Did Qiu Xing leave school at seven nights? .

  第 138

Chapter 54--339: I have a random reinforcement system

190: Husky mixed with wolves

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