Good people don't live long, and disasters leave a thousand years...


  第 133

Chapter 54--339: I have a random reinforcement system

This day was the first day that Shimabukuro Junhui moved into Qiu Xing Qiye's house.

  In order to welcome her arrival, Miyano Akimi used a magic wok to cook a lot of special dishes.

  This kind of delicious food that is not like the world can have, the villa full of magic, everything, all are expanding her horizons.

  Miyano Akimi and the others watched the villa's changes step by step.

  Whether it is the garden outside, or the extra cherry tree, the tree of life, or the holiday villa in the fourth floor attic, the water amusement park, or even the Neverland...

  and many more!

  So there is not much feeling in my heart.

  After eating a lunch for more than an hour, the eyes of Junhui Shimabukuro, who began to understand all the situation of the villa under the leadership of Akemi Miyano, continued to burst into surprise.

  "It's just~ it's heaven."

  After arriving at the sky loft of Neverland, Junhui Shimabukuro leaned on the wooden railing and looked around.

  In my heart, all the sorrows disappeared.

  "It's not all like that, Junhui."

  Beside him, Miyano Akemi corrected: "To be precise, it is a paradise that is being built."

  "What the real paradise looks like, no one knows, but we are building a paradise that belongs to us little by little!"

  "If only I could get to know Qiye earlier." Shimabukuro Junhui felt a little melancholy.

  "It's not too late." Miyano Akemi smiled slightly: "Nothing in the world is absolutely perfect. Next, we can pursue a more perfect life, right?"

  "That's right..."


  Miyano Akemi didn't know, just in the living room when she took Shimabukuro Junhui to visit various places in the villa.

  Qiu Xing Qiye is bullying his sister openly.

  Because they knew that it wouldn't take long for them to come downstairs, so Qiu Xing Qiye didn't go too far.

  A few minutes later, looking at the delicate little loli with a flushed face in her arms, Qiu Xing Qiye couldn't help but smile: "Do you feel better now?"

  "Hantai Lolicon!" Ai Haihara angrily slammed her small fist on his chest a few times.

  If it's displayed by in-game data, that's it.



  Completely unbreakable.

  "With such a big family, I have no objection to recruiting a few more friends."


  "What makes me a little angry is that you are too generous, that kind of foul prop."

  "Divine magic or something, I seem to want it too."

  Haiyuan Aimengmeng stared at Qiu Xing Qiye with her beautiful ice blue eyes.


  This is the root cause of the little girl's anger.

  Are you jealous?

  Maybe there is!

  But she had already figured it out.

  "The witch contract is really not suitable for you."

  "I've known me for so long, if there is something good for you, will I be stingy?"

  Reaching out and scratching the little girl's soft belly a few times, Qiu Xing Qiye could understand her mood.

  To be honest, even at the dinner table, when Shimabukuro Junhui introduced the inheritance he had acquired, even he felt a little weird.

  Small paper, big energy!

  It’s okay to increase the magic power, and it also comes with a large number of first to third-order magic, which is also awesome.

  This modern environment is not suitable for cultivation. Even Qiu Xing Qiye, this terrifying magic power, is forcibly increased by strengthening the third-order items and obtaining the guaranteed magic power limit.

  This is also the real reason why for so long, he didn't want to make Haibara Ai and Akimi also step into magic cultivation.

  Shimabukuro Junhui can cultivate, but also through the constant feedback of the power of faith, in this case, she is the most suitable.

  Although Haibara Ai and Akemi were protected by the spells he gave them, the power of the spells was too simple.

  Without comparison, there is no harm.

  Now seeing that Shimabukuro Junhui has dozens and hundreds of magical techniques with different functions, which can be used at will, envy of the little girl is a normal reaction.

  Pumpkin turret is a good thing, but she can't just pull it out and shoot it in broad daylight?

  After all, times are different.

  Since Little Loli is interested in magic, Qiu Xing Qiye will not disappoint her, but it is definitely not now.

  It's not his character to favor one over the other. Besides, his favorite little loli, he doesn't care, who cares, right?

  Qiu Xing Qiye's eyes flickered with an inexplicable look. He was lying in his arms with his left hand around Little Loli, his right hand stretched out, and an orange sphere with three red stars inside appeared out of thin air.

  · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·????

  Samsung ball.

  This is an enhanced option that was refreshed at 7:[-] this morning before I got up.

  There are four girls around, especially Xiaolan, the Ou Huang, who is really lucky.

  There was a 'time' card in the second random enhancement option yesterday.

  Another Dragon Ball came out today.

  Now, he only needs one six planets to collect all seven dragon balls, and then summon the wishing dragon.

  Even if the wishing dragon is integrated into the world view of Conan, it is impossible to wish for the things of the world, but the wish to have magic power and learn magic, such a wish, should not be a big problem.

  Who made the world of Conan have a magic inheritor like Koizumi Hongko!

  ...... 0

  "Let's take this ball with you first." Qiu Xing Qiye stuffed the three-star ball into Little Loli's arms.

  "This thing... what's the use?" Haibara Ai held the orange three-star ball in both hands.

  She had seen similar balls before, but after fumbling for a long time, she threw it aside after it was useless.

  "It's useless now, but it will be useful after a while. Through it, you can realize your wish to learn magic." Qiu Xing Qiye explained with a smile.

  "Wish? So mysterious?" Haiyuan Ai carefully looked at the three-star ball in his hand, and then put it into the space of his bag.

  The trouble was almost over, so she quietly nestled in Qiu Xing Qiye's arms: "I'm just more interested in magic."

  "I am very satisfied with the snake charm."


  Thinking of his interest, Hai Yuanai quickly propped himself up and got up from Qiu Xing Qiye's arms: "My research has entered the final stage, and tomorrow at the latest, I should be able to get the finished moisturizing essence."

  "Qiye, the water of life used in the research has almost been consumed. Can you get me some more?"

  Little Loli grabbed Qiu Xing Qiye's hand in both hands and pulled him up from the sofa little by little.

  "No problem, I haven't taken it for a few days. There should be a lot of water of life in the tree of life, but..."

  Qiu Xing Qiye pointed to his cheek.

  The little loli is very knowledgeable and leans forward...

  ... now.

  第 134

Chapter 54--339: I have a random reinforcement system

Human adaptability is very powerful.

  Especially after believing in the 'God' of Qiu Xing Qiye.

  Shimabukuro Junhui, who has grown a lot in her heart, was easily integrated into it.

  At home, unlike Miyano Akemi and Haibara Ai who are maids, her job is still a 'miko'.

  In addition to praying, she can also make a cameo role as a maid, and cleaning the room in a red and white witch uniform is also quite eye-catching.


  this day.

  Mermaid Island.

  After the lack of the only protagonist Shimabukuro Junhui.

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