
  For cakes and desserts! !

  Everyone is not a child, and they all know that even at the end of the game, they can keep one or two thin coats on their bodies, which is almost the time to admit defeat.

  Even if they were taken advantage of, at most it would be a small benefit to Qiu Xing Qiye.

  Otherwise, it's going to be crazy.

  Xiao Lan was the first to be unwilling, let alone Yuan Shan and Ye.

  Familiarity, this kind of thing about innocence, there should be a bottom line, unless...



  "." Don't talk nonsense, let's start quickly, after a while, I'm really worried that you will have direct heatstroke. "Seeing that the pink faces of several girls are gradually turning red.

  Knowing that they were caught by the hot Qiu Xing Qiye, he quickly picked up the two cards on the tatami and started shuffling.

  Even if there is a bottom line to play.

  But this kind of layer by layer takes off the thick clothes on the body. As the clothes become less and less, it gives people a sense of inner expectation, which is also not bad!

  No matter which team wins in the end, Qiu Xing Qiye will never lose out.

  Nothing more than some snacks and cakes, with a magic wok, and when he gets home, he can make a lot of them in minutes. To him, it is simply worthless.


  at the same time.

  It's different from the few people who are about to explode with heat in a warm fireplace room wrapped in a lot of thick clothes.

  Outside, as it got closer to the early morning, the temperature on the island of Xiao (what's Zhao) was getting lower and lower, even if they were wearing thick clothes, Maori Kogoro and others were all frozen.

  "Trouble, there are too many winds and waves outside, and there is no fixed route. It would be very dangerous for helicopters to fly over. Therefore, if the people from the Metropolitan Police Department want to come here, they will have to wait until tomorrow morning at least."

  "It would be nice if it was in the city or closer to the mainland.."

  Above the Mermaid Falls, Kogoro Mori, who came here with Junhui Shimabukuro and joined Heiji Hattori and the others just after the phone call, sighed with a headache.

  Hattori Heiji and the others did not move slowly. After arriving here, they had already pulled the body up. It was initially determined that it was because Eirahara Sumi accidentally fell into the water by the river, and was strangled by the protective rope on the shore while struggling and died.

  Apart from the two of them, there was also a middle-aged man whose skin was darker than Hattori Heiji's.

  "That... who is he?" A big question mark appeared in Maori Kogoro's mind.


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Chapter 54--339: I have a random reinforcement system

"He is Fukuyama Lulang, Shoumei's fiance."

  Seeing that this man was squatting silently beside the body of Ebinahara Sumi, Shimabukuro Junhui introduced Mouri Kogoro.

  Hearing her words, Fukuyama Lulang said solemnly: "In the final analysis, it was just a marriage decided by our parents without authorization, and it has nothing to do with me."

  "Besides, my parents are long gone now."

  Shimabukuro Junhui did not answer him, she knew that Fukuyama Lulang was interested in her, but the two sides were destined to be impossible.

  Not to mention that she has no feelings for him at all, even if Qiu Xing Qiye does not come, she has made a plan to play the role of a longevity woman and die alone.

  Even if there is an emergency, it is nothing more than a change of place and a lifetime in prison.

  Mouri Kogoro and the others also did not intend to take up this topic. After all, it is their personal business. Compared with this, after carefully looking at the body of Eihara Hara Sumi.

  Conan gave Hattori Heiji a look. As a child, there are things that are not suitable for him after all.

  Hattori Heiji, who instantly understood what he meant, glanced at Fukuyama Rokuro and Shimabukuro Junhui beside him, and asked, "It looks like Miss Shimabukuro, Mr. Fukuyama, can you tell me about the 657 words you don't mind? Now, what about Miss Saori and Miss Eirahara? Especially recently, have they sinned against anyone?"

  "Now that Miss Saori is missing from the door association, and now that Miss Sumi Eirahara is dead, the two have such obvious commonalities, even if I don't want to think about that, I can't do it!"


  Shimabukuro Junhui thought for a while and replied, "I don't think so."

  "I don't know if they have any conflicts with tourists from other places in the village."

  "I haven't heard anyone talk about similar disputes in the past few days." Fukuyama Lulang also said.

  "That is to say, is there a high probability that the murderer is not a foreign tourist?"

  Hattori Heiji's mouth twitched.

  A smile also appeared on Conan's face: "For the situation at hand, this is definitely good news. At least, it can make it much easier for them to find out the truth."

  Mouri Kogoro's thinking channel couldn't keep up with them, but his focus was equally important, after taking a careful look at the body of Eirahara Sumi after his death.

  He wondered: "The fatal injury on Miss Hailaoyuan's body is the death caused by the ropes on both sides of the river bank strangling her neck. There are no other suspicious traces around. It is more likely to be an accident."

  "Of course, the traps set by someone deliberately cannot be ruled out. The most urgent task now is to find out why Miss Eiraohara chose to come here alone?"

  This is also one of the two problems that need to be solved at present.

  "This is not clear. I saw her at the beginning of the festival in front of the shrine. By the way, Naoko was also there. Later, at the Mermaid Falls, I didn't seem to see her."

  Fukuyama Lulang frowned and said: "It is also possible that Shoumei came to the tomb of the mermaid."

  "Merman's grave??"

  Hear this.

  Mouri Kogoro couldn't help but wonder.

  Hattori Heiji and Conan also stared at him.

  Compared with the previous news, the latter possibility is undoubtedly more attractive.

  Of course, the information in the front cannot be ignored, it may be a very important clue and not necessarily!

  "These detectives are really powerful."

  "If they are allowed to find some more clues, maybe they will be able to infer some of the facts!"

  A look of surprise flashed in Shimabukuro Junhui's eyes. Fortunately, she was no longer an ordinary person and didn't have to worry about anything anymore. At this time, she who knew more detailed information stood up at the right time.

  If you don't stand up, it will obviously cause suspicion afterwards. After all, the incident happened in the shrine at the beginning, and the handling of the bones after the incident is also handled by her behind the scenes.

  Despite saying...

  It was a memory that she didn't want to recall (bifi)!

  "Three years ago, the warehouse behind the shrine suddenly caught fire. After the fire was finally extinguished, a strange skeleton was found inside. His upper body was a human body, but his lower body and legs were smashed by beams. Many people believed that the skeleton was It's a creature like a mermaid."

  "After that, there were even a lot of things like people digging the grave of a mermaid. Later, my great-grandmother asked someone to transfer the skeleton."

  "In my opinion, this is just an accidental coincidence. How could there be a mermaid in the world, but there are many people who believe it."

  "The mermaid skeleton was transferred to the back mountain, in the forest upstream of the mermaid waterfall. There are only two people who know the exact location."

  "I think about it, maybe it's because I didn't draw the number card this time and couldn't get the dugong arrow, so Shoumei thought that coming here is not necessarily..."

  Well-founded analysis.

  Even Hattori Heiji and Conan believed directly seven or eight points.

  Next, after transferring Eirahara Sumi's body to the foot of the mountain, when her father learned the news, Captain Eirahara hugged her and wept bitterly.

  Mouri Kogoro lit a cigarette for himself again to ease the chaotic thoughts in his head.

  Judging from the current situation.

  This case is definitely not simple, and there are few clues in hand.

  At a critical moment, Hattori Heiji asked Shimabukuro Junhui: "If you don't mind, can you take me to the friend 'Heijiang Naoko' that you talked about before? Just in case, say Maybe the murderer's next target is her!"

  "That's fine." Shimabukuro Junhui replied with a normal expression.

  There is another sentence that Heiji Hattori did not say, that is, not only Naoko Heijiang, but even Junhui Shimabukuro and Lurou Fukuyama may be the next target of the murderer.

  With limited information, this probability is not very high, but there are some, and we have to guard against it.

  "I'll go too." Fukuyama Lulang, who was also in a bad mood when he glanced at the old ship's owner, didn't want to stay here for a long time.

  "If possible, we'd better be divided into two groups, Mr. Fukuyama, can I trouble you to take your uncle to the house of the Men's Association Saori, or to find her father, the Men's Association Mu Zang?"

  Hattori Heiji said seriously: "This way, the efficiency will be faster, not to mention, maybe in the home of the door association Saori, it may not be possible to find some clues!"

  "嘁!" Maori Kogoro was very upset by being arranged by a brat, but he had to admit that there was nothing wrong with this arrangement.

  "Okay..." Fukuyama Lulang also understands the urgency of the matter, although he really wants to find a chance to talk to Shimabukuro Junhui, but now it seems, just wait!


  In this way, the double washing machine and the uncle Maori entered different dungeons and began to fight monsters and collect clues.

  On the Qiu Xing Qiye side, the fun has gradually entered a white-hot stage. .

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Chapter 54--339: I have a random reinforcement system


  "Yes 7!"

  "Huh? Did you lose again..."

  Yuan Shan and Ye Xiao had a bitter look on their faces.

  I thought that drawing a group with Xiaolan was the beginning of luck, but I didn't expect that after forming a team, Xiaolan's lucky halo seemed to be invalid.

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