"It's a little uncomfortable in my heart." Hai Yuanai turned her head slightly arrogantly: "With your ability, it shouldn't be as simple as looking at someone's beautiful appearance, right?"

  "That's for sure, what kind of person am I, Xiao Ai, don't you know?" Qiu Xing Qiye took out a fist-sized candy from the space ring with a smile.

  Little Loli, who had almost understood the profound meaning of eating melon, consciously stretched out her soft little hand, tore off the packaging bag, put it in her mouth, and waited quietly for his next words.

  At the same time, she did not forget to roll her eyes at Qiu Xing Qiye very cutely.

  I thought to myself: "I will have thoughts on a little loli like me, what do you want me to think in my heart? Hantai?"

  "The situation of Shimabukuro-kunhui, um... how do you say it, specifically, we'll talk about it in detail when we return to Kanto tomorrow."

  As soon as Qiu Xing Qiye's voice fell, Hai Yuan Ai Hao couldn't hold back, and smashed the wave board candy in his hand into his face.

  It's better not to say it!

  actually hang her appetite.

  She came to Mingmei and the others with a sulky little loli in her arms. After seeing him coming, the girl who was talking about adding the little secrets of the mountains tacitly stopped the topic.

  Yuan Shan and Ye Nizi excitedly said to Qiu Xing Qiye, "Qiye, did you know that? Xiaolan even got hit, it's really a coincidence."

  "What did you hit? The number on the wooden sign??" Qiu Xing Qiye's eyes became strange.

  "That's right, it's the three sets of numbers that Madam Changshou burned on the door curtain just now. In addition to the brand in the hands of sister Mingmei and I, Xiaolan's brand was also lucky enough to be drawn!" Yuan Shan and Ye Xin were overjoyed.

  "This probability..."

  Qiu Xing also felt a little speechless during the seven nights.

  Mingmei and He Ye would win the lottery with the wooden cards in their hands, which he could understand.

  Especially after learning that Xiaolan's brand was given to her by a good-looking old woman when she and Mouri Kogoro and the others left the shrine and asked for information about the family of Saori's family.

  There is absolutely no black box operation.

  I have to say that Xiaolan's European aura is somewhat invincible in some respects.


  If there is a chance another day, use the active strengthening opportunity by her side, maybe you can get some good props that you can use.

  Or, under certain circumstances, luck will be better.

  For example, a few days ago in the bedroom, Little Loli took the initiative to come to the door. After some play, Qiu Xing Qiye, who entered the state of a sage, used active reinforcement on a playing card.

  As a result, one of the four elements was brushed out: fire cards.

  Although it is not the 'land' card he wants most at the moment, the fire card, as one of the four basic element cards, is also very useful.


  An hour passed quickly.

  After Qiu Xing Qiye came here, more than [-] minutes later, Shimabukuro Junhui, dressed in a red and white witch costume, came here.

  Everyone's eyes involuntarily turned to Junhui Shimabukuro, who came to the front of the bonfire and turned his back to the waterfall.

  I don't know if it's an illusion.

  Against the backdrop of the bonfire, Shimabukuro Junhui seemed to exude a different special charm. Before she could speak, the surrounding noises instantly fell silent.

  "Next, please come to the front of the three lucky guests tonight!"

  Shimabukuro Junhui glanced around, and in her eyes, a faint blue streamer flashed, and the dark environment did not affect her vision at all.

  "Hey, here we come..."

  Toyama and Ye, who were dubious about this kind of 'superstition', held a sign with Miyano Akimi, Xiao Ran, and the three of them through the crowd of 'automatic' to make way for a path...  .

  Yuan Shan and Ye and Miyano Akemi were the people who followed Qiu Xing Qiye and would win the lottery. Shimabukuro Junhui, who operated in the dark, was not surprised at all, but Xiao Lan who came out with them, really surprised her. .

  "Strange, if I remember correctly, that number plate should be in the hands of Duzi's mother-in-law."

  Three dugong arrows, one of which she specially made, was reserved for her.

  In the entire Mermaid Island, since her mother died in the fire three years ago, other people on the island have treated her well, and usually take care of her, but Toko Hirata is definitely the elder who cares about her the most.

  "Forget it, the big deal is that after the celebration is over, when you are about to leave Mermaid Island, make another blessing prop for her. Although it can only last for a while, it is something that is used to some extent..."

  After quickly thinking of the solution in his mind, Shimabukuro Junhui maintained a sincere smile on his face.

  Unlike other witches.

  She, who has been favored by the gods, is surrounded by a touch of divine power while talking and laughing.

  Change it to the normal situation first, seeing that these three girls who are obviously a gang and know each other won the lottery, some people can't help but jump out and criticize and doubt whether there is any shady in the middle.

  but now……

  Under the influence of divine power, no one thought much at all, and everything seemed so natural and solemn. 2.9

  At this time, I believe that if anyone dares to disturb this 'sacred' scene, it will definitely cause everyone's hostility!

  Under the gaze of more than 200 people around, Shimabukuro Junhui handed the three long arrows and dugong arrows into the hands of Waye, Akemi and Xiaolan respectively.

  "Next, please invite the three of you to accept the blessing of the Light of Bliss."

  Shimabukuro Junhui gestured to the 'worker' who was already ready beside him.

  call out! !

  A white streamer rose into the sky.

  The fireworks processed by her magic power burst into brilliant flames under the 'Peng' in the sky.

  For this last celebration, Shimabukuro Junhui consumed almost all the magic in his body, and even got a lot of magic feedback from Qiu Xing Qiye through the special connection method of faith.


  第 125

Chapter 54--339: I have a random reinforcement system

call out...

  call out...

  One after another, white fireworks rose into the sky, bursting into the air with splendid firelight.

  What people who are bathed in fireworks don't know is that their bad luck has been purified in different scales, and they have gotten a slightly increased lucky BUFF.

  Not to mention that I can win hundreds of millions of lottery tickets, my life will be a lot smoother in the next few days.

  The so-called witch, blessed by the gods, can obtain all kinds of incredible magical inheritance.

  What Shimabukuro Junhui got here is the more common divine art inheritance.

  Basically no main attack.

  Many auxiliary magical techniques can also achieve attack effects, but they are definitely not as strong as the main attacking magical techniques.

  The core divine art inheritance she has acquired is purification, exorcism, disaster avoidance, blessing, and divination.


  The power of purification and blessing, ordinary people can't see or perceive with the naked eye, they can feel the beauty of fireworks at most, that's all.

  "Hey! Everyone looks at the waterfall, it looks like there is something..."



  In the crowd, someone shouted.

  Everyone conditioned reflexively to look towards the waterfall.

  In the short-lived light of the continuously exploding fireworks in the sky, many sharp-eyed people saw a woman with a pale face, under the impact of the waterfall, constantly swaying back and forth between the waterfalls.


  "No! That's... a corpse!!!"


  "It's dead!!!"


  In an instant, the tourists and local residents around the original Mermaid Falls left here as if they were running away with a loud shout.

  among them.

  Conan and Hattori Heiji have tacitly formed a team to run towards the upstream of the waterfall.

  "Damn, is there no signal on this island!?" Kogoro Mori took out an old machine and complained.

  In just ten seconds.

  Many people at the scene followed the crowd and ran towards the village.

  Shimabukuro Junhui was favored by a weak divine power, and a special environment that had just been formed was suddenly destroyed.

  She wasn't bothered either.

  When the fireworks burst, the celebration was already over. If there were no accidents in the future, Mermaid Island would have nothing to do with her.

  But at this time, she still needs to act a little bit. After all, it was interrupted at the waterfall, and it was her friend who died there. If she didn't even care about it.

  It is easy to be suspicious of others.


  It is impossible for anyone to find the slightest clue.

  Extraordinary power commits crimes, it is so unreasonable.

  "And Saori's body, let's deal with it together later!" Shimabukuro Junhui thought to himself.

  "Miss Shimabukuro, now is not the time to be sad. If possible, can you take me to the upper reaches?" Seeing her staring at the middle of the waterfall, Kogoro Mori walked over with a solemn expression.

  Don't look at the distance between the upstream and downstream of the waterfall, which is only a few dozen meters away, so it looks very close. If you want to go up, you have to go up from the other side.

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