Chapter 407 Darkness (please customize)

Cabarogan City!

Let’s “Let’s go! 99

Even if Wu Chen is far away, he can’t stay here for too long, which will arouse the suspicion of the Chinese and the Filipinos in the building.

He pretended to be a tourist, took some pictures nearby out of curiosity, and left with Qi Hui and others.

“Mr. Wu!”

“Would you like me to stay?”

“I look for a chance to get in. 99

Ji Changkong said actively beside him.

“not now!


“We’ll come back tonight.

Wu Chen smiled.

Seeing that he had already made up his mind, Ji Changkong didn’t say any more.

So the rest of the day.

Wu Chen and everyone continued to act as tourists, visiting and exploring the city of Kabalogan.

There are many ancient buildings in this city, high stilted buildings, wooden lattice windows made of shells, and various handicrafts handed down.

13 There is even a copy of the old church of Barazon, which is full of Spanish style.

The architecture of the country of the Philippines reflects the country’s historical and cultural heritage and.

The most famous historical buildings in the city are based on Austronesian, Malay, M State and Spanish influences.

The architecture of the classical period of the Philippines is based on its vernacular architecture from most centuries, the Elanese architecture in the southern and coastal regions, and the interior of Ranau from the thirteenth century onwards.

The door of the house usually faces the direction of the rising sun, and never faces west.

It is an architectural tradition that can be explained by the values ​​and belief systems held by the early inhabitants of the land.

They include the simple hut that is the basis of all Philippine cultural architecture.

The huts are built of stone and these types of buildings are characteristic of the way the natives of the Philippines built their dwellings before the arrival of Spain.

Cabarogan is still in use today in the city, as is the surrounding countryside.

Although most of the houses built on the coastline meet the requirements of Gao Xiao houses, they are similar to those in India, Malaysia and other Southeast Asian countries.

But in the Philippines, different architectural designs exist among different linguistic groups.

The Spanish arrived in the 1670s, bringing European period architecture to the Philippines.

Although not accessible to the hot tropics, European architecture was transformed into a unique Philippine style through Acapulco in Mexico.

During the 330 years of Spanish administration, the architecture of the Philippines was mainly influenced by the Spanish.

Friars Augustine and others ordered the construction of numerous cathedrals and cathedrals throughout the Philippine Islands.

During this period, the traditional Filipino stone house style of large houses appeared.

These houses are large houses made of stone and wood, with elements of the Philippines, Spain and Southeast Asia.

In the nineteenth century, wealthy Filipinos built some fine houses.

There are usually solid stone plinths or brick lower parts, overhanging wooden upper floors, sliding windows with balustrades and capis shells, and tiled roofs.

Well-preserved examples of these houses of famous Filipinos can be seen in the city of Cabarogan.

Even found in Taal, Batangas and Boa, Malindu pears in southern Luzon, Iloilo, Iloilo and Kalka, Cebu in Visayas and Dapitan in northern Zamboanga Well-preserved stone house.

After the Philippines was ceded to the M state due to the war between the M state and the Spanish state at the end of the nineteenth century.

The architecture of the Philippines is dominated by the aesthetics of the M country, and a new architectural structure has emerged.

The most important contribution of country M to the country of the Philippines is the establishment of a governing body.

This has resulted in governing body buildings from the city all the way down to the local level.

These governing body houses are designed in the most revered manner, resembling Grecian or Romanesque architecture.

During this period, the design of the modern city of the Philippines was designed.

There are a large number of neoclassical buildings and art deco buildings designed by well-known architects and Philippine architects in the country.

During World War II, most of the city and Manila were destroyed.

Before the end of the war, many heritage areas of R country were burned down by the Chinese.

During the post-World War II reconstruction period, many of the destroyed buildings were rebuilt, and the SWAT was in Manila, followed by reconstruction.

The modern era takes the Philippine architecture as the background and the simple straight lines of the international modern style as the main expression.

By the 1970s, a new form of Philippine architecture emerged.

Filipino style finds its way in the rendition of traditional themes,

In the late twentieth century, modern architecture in terms of straight lines and functions was introduced, and the SWAT was in Brutalist architecture characterized by the administrative structures built during the Marcos period.

During this period, many old buildings fell into decline due to strict management.

After the change of office in the 1980s, a new era of Philippine architecture came into focus through modernization.

By the early 2000s, respect for traditional Filipino elements in architecture was gradually restored.

In addition, Philippine architecture is also influenced by different Chinese religious structures.

Like a church!

In the era of Spain, many churches were built all over the Philippines by the order of the Augustines, that is, the province of Augustine, where Jesus is the most holy name of the Philippines.

These majestic structures can still be found throughout the Philippine Islands, such as the city of Gan in the present-day Caballo.

The churches north of Ilocos are one of the most industrious types of these churches.

This unique Philippine architectural specimen from the Spanish era, known as the Philippine Baroque style, has been included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

The church was built by Augustinian monks in the late seventeenth century.

This can also be seen in Abrams and modern buildings before the use of common Eranian architecture.

The vernacular temples in the Philippines used to be hut style and pagoda style, which were very common until the late nineteenth century.

All day long!

Wu Chen took people and toured Kabalogan City like a tourist!


Night falls!

The city of Cabarogan begins to fall into darkness!

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