Chapter 200 Father and Son (please customize)

Thunder now lives alone outside.

But he received the call and quickly rushed back to Lei’s house.


“You find me.

Lei Ming walked into the study.

“Did you come back yesterday?”

“Why don’t you come see me?”

“You want me to call myself before you come?”

Lei Shiqiang’s face was not angry and he looked at Lei Ming.


“It was too late yesterday.”

“I’m worried that coming here will affect your rest.”

Lei Ming’s face did not change, he explained.

Before he came, he had thought of a reason, and this reason could prevent himself from being scolded.

“Since you are back.

“Did the Yang family find it?”

“where are they?”

Lei Shiqiang’s expression softened, but he quickly asked another question.

Before Lei Ming left, he had already instructed that the Yang family must be found.


“Our previous information was wrong.

“The Yang family is not in Haizhou.”

Lei Ming did not disclose that he already knew that the Yang family was in the hands of Wu Chen.

Unless necessary, he will not tell the news, which is also his trump card.

“Incorrect information?”

“Don’t think what you did, I don’t know anything.”

“I think you are putting all your thoughts on that Miss Han family.”

Lei Shiqiang snorted coldly.

Lei Ming was not surprised either, he knew that Lei Shiqiang had arranged a confidant by his side, and it was impossible for him to hide his actions from Lei Shiqiang’s eyes.


“I am indeed chasing the eldest Miss of the Han family, but I think the marriage between the Lei family and the Han family is a good thing.”

“In addition, I have been looking for the Yang family. I also hired a very powerful tracking team, but I couldn’t find it.”

He said frankly.

There is not a single lie in it, and he is not worried about being exposed.

“This time I hand over the search of the Yang family to you, and you disappoint me.

“Although you are my son, I can’t be too partial, or others will have opinions.”

“In this way, you have been serving as the vice president of the group. I think you should not hold this position for a while, and take a few days off.”

Lei Shiqiang pondered for a moment and began to express his decision.

This is also a decision he has wanted to make for a long time, but he has never found a suitable opportunity.

“Then I’ll go through the formalities tomorrow.

Lei Ming said obediently.

He sneered in his heart, it seems that Mr. Wu is right, the Lei family has accelerated the pace of clearing themselves.

If it wasn’t for Mr. Wu’s reminder, he would still be kept in the dark, and he would still work hard for the Lei family.

However, Lei Ming lost the position of vice president, but he still has a shareholder status, which still allows him to participate in the group board of directors.

With this level of identity, he still has a chance to turn around.

At this time, Lei Ming will not let Lei Shiqiang have any vigilance, otherwise this opportunity may be lost.


Group “Over there, I’ll say hello.

“You go back first and wait for new arrangements. I will have new things for you.”

Lei Shiqiang waved his hand and let Lei Ming leave.

“Then I’ll go back to rest.


“You also take care of your body.”

Lei Ming plays a filial son in front of Lei Shiqiang.

But this son did not impress Lei Shiqiang, he just nodded indifferently.

Lei Ming walks out of Lei’s house!

His face gradually darkened.

He wanted to speed up his movements, he spread his hand slightly, and there were two more hairs in his hand.

This is Lei Shiqiang’s hair.

A large part of the reason he came to see Lei Shiqiang was to get it by himself.

He wants to prove it with his own hands, and he is not at ease with anyone.

Shortly after Lei Ming left, his younger brother Lei Dong was called to the study.

Compared with Lei Ming, his temperament and composure are much worse.

Lei Dong is a typical rich second generation, who knows how to eat, drink, and have fun all day long. He has never been to the group for a day, let alone participated in management.

Lei Shiqiang shook his head secretly, sighing a little in his heart.

My own son is far worse than Lei Ming.


There is nothing he can do. Since Lei Dong has a blood relationship with himself, he naturally has to try to keep Lei Dong in the top position.

It is impossible for him to hand over this family business to an outsider without blood.

The better Lei Ming’s performance, the more vigilant Lei Shiqiang will be, which is why he hastened to eliminate Lei Ming’s influence in the group.

Removing the post of vice president of Lei Ming Group, his influence will definitely be greatly reduced.

This is also where he is paving the way for Redon.


“My big brother is gone?”

“He gave up the position of vice president of the group?”

Lei Dong asked with some sloppy expression.

He knew before that Lei Ming was not a big brother, and there was no respect between his words.

If it wasn’t for Lei Shiqiang’s stern report, he would now want to drive Lei Ming out of the Lei family.


Not far!

When I was firmly in the position of vice president of the group and took control of the group, the first thing I did was to drive Lei Ming away.

Redon thought proudly.

go “!”

“Let’s go to the group.

“It’s time for you to appear in front of everyone.

Lei Shiqiang called Lei Dong in, just to take him to the group to announce the new appointment decision.

After one hour!

Ray’s Group Headquarters.

Lei Shiqiang and Lei Dong sat in the conference room and held a management meeting.

Dozens of senior executives of the group are all present.

For a long time, Lei Ming was sitting next to Lei Shiqiang, but now Lei Dong was suddenly replaced, which naturally attracted the attention of the management.

Everyone is a little different, and it seems that the Lei family has changed.

No one in the group knew that Lei Ming was not Lei Shiqiang’s biological son.

Of course!

Lei Ming has been in the group for so long, so naturally he has his own henchmen.


“Why don’t you see Lei Shao?”

“He hasn’t come back yet?”

A middle-aged fat man opened his mouth with a smile, as if he had asked a question inadvertently.

He has a good relationship with Lei Ming in the group, so he naturally wants to speak for Lei Ming.

 …for flowers  …

Before Lei Ming left, he had also warned him that before he came back, he would stand up on the group side.

“What do you mean?”

“Can’t I?”

“Or in your eyes, only my eldest brother?”

Lei Shiqiang hadn’t spoken yet, but Lei Dong had already opened his mouth to question.

“Dong Shao!”

“Do not misunderstand.”

“I didn’t mean that, I just asked.”

Of course, the middle-aged fat man would not conflict with Lei Dong, he explained.

“I see that’s what you think.

“Which am I?”

“Not as good as thunder?”

Lei Dong did not spare the middle-aged fat man.

“All stop.

“Since everyone has arrived.”

“I’ll announce a few decisions first.”

Lei Shiqiang interrupted the two directly.

As soon as he spoke, the meeting room became quiet.

“First, the dismissal of the vice president of Lei Ming Group will take effect immediately from now on.”

“Second, suspend various contracts and projects signed by Lei Ming, and freeze the subsequent implementation of the projects.


“Third, freeze various assets and accounts managed by Lei Ming.

“Fourth, the deputy general manager of Lei Ming Group was taken over by Lei Dong.”

Listening to Lei Shiqiang’s decision, the conference room was silent at first, and then there was an uproar.


“Release Lei Ming?”

“Is the chairman crazy?”

Everyone was shocked and whispered, and everyone was a little confused.

Thunder is your son, are you sure you want to do this?

For a long time, Lei Ming was trained as the successor of the group, and was suddenly dismissed from his position.

Even if he is dismissed, he should not be replaced by Lei Dong, he will know nothing.

This is also a major decision for Lei’s Group.

“Lei generation!”

“Lei Shao has always done a good job.”

“Why dismiss him?”

The middle-aged fat man stood up again.

He was a little anxious, and Lei Shiqiang interrupted before he finished speaking.


“It’s the chairman’s decision.”

“You dare to question?”

Lei Dong saw that he was about to get a position, so naturally he didn’t like the middle-aged fat man’s actions.

Lei Shiqiang waved his hand and did not let Lei Dong continue.

“Lei Ming’s performance during this period has made me very disappointed in him.”

Plus “He made a mistake this time, this is his punishment.

“At the same time, I also warn everyone here that anyone in the group who makes a mistake will be punished, not even my son.”

He explained lightly.

The deeper reason, he certainly won’t say.

On the surface, Lei Shiqiang has been selfless.

Seeing this, many management in the conference room did not dare to ask any more questions.

a meeting!

It seems to decide the fate of thunder!

He is about to be marginalized!

ps: Ask for a monthly pass, ask for a collection, ask for flowers, ask for an evaluation, ask for a reward, ask for a share, ask for a custom port.

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