Chapter 194 Huanglian (please customize)

“I’m jealous!

Han Fei’s reminder made Wu Chen stop.


The room is silent!

It’s been a long time!

One minute!

two minutes!

three minutes!

“You’re making progress again!”

The voice came faintly again.


Han Fei glared at Wu Chen with a pink face.

Can’t you just change a word?

I seem to say it badly.

I’m not bad now.

Didn’t you feel it?

“Pictures from last night?”

Wu Chen smiled slightly.

Now he’s reacting.

I know you still ask?

Han Fei still didn’t speak.

“All right!”

“I see.”

“Didn’t I act with Song Ziyan?”

Even if Wu Chen didn’t deduce it, he could guess Han Fei’s thoughts now.

“You will act in the future.”

“Just play with me.”

When Han Fei said this, her face suddenly turned redder.

The acting in those photos was even better than what she had done just now.

“All right!

“Then let’s move on!

Wu Chen smiled again.

Before Han Fei could react, the room was silent again!

This time, the offense and defense are swapped!

Wu Chen is not stupid, he is definitely willing to continue performing this kind of fun acting.

Even if the world is old, he is willing.

The two did not separate until the phone rang.

Han Fei’s company is relatively busy, and there are many people who report to her for work.

“I have to go back to the company, otherwise the company will be a mess.”

“There’s a lot going on in the company these days.”

“I’m going to participate in the 403 Jewelry Fair soon, and I have to prepare a lot of things.”

Han Fei sorted out her clothes and said apologetically.

She came here just to take a look, but she didn’t expect that the relationship between the two sides had sublimated.

This result is not bad.

“All right!

“I’ll go in the afternoon.”

“let’s have dinner tonight.

Wu Chen nodded.

After sending Han Fei away, he went on to clean the villa.

Although the villa has always been cleaned, there are always places that people overlook.

After working for a while, he rested.

Then he remembered another thing, he picked up the phone.


“What’s up?”

The phone was connected, and the voice of my mother Zhang Qin soon came from there.


“Tell me something.”

“I moved.

Wu Chen wanted to tell his mother.

“move Place?”

“You’re not doing well there.”

“Where to move? The landlord has raised prices.”

Zhang Qin is a little weird.

She knew Wu Chen’s original residence, it looked pretty good!


“I have a house myself.”

“Moved here now.”

Wu Chen didn’t say it was a villa.

He wanted to surprise the family, but it wasn’t time yet.

“Have you bought a house?”

“The house prices in Haizhou are very high!”

“Have you borrowed money from someone? Mom will make it up for you and return the money to someone else.”


Zhang Qin knows the housing prices in Haizhou, so it stands to reason that his son is enough to buy a house.

Now hearing Wu Chen say this, her first thought was that Wu Chen must have borrowed money.

“Mom! I’m not short of money now.

“I’m not at Fanfei Internet anymore.”

“I started a company myself and made a little money.”

Wu Chen wanted to let the family gradually accept it, and he became rich, so that it would be easier to explain in the future.

Otherwise, he suddenly said that he has tens of billions, and the family must be frightened.

“Then you are still spending money to buy a house?

“You kid, you don’t even discuss with your family about starting a company.

“How about the company? If you are short of money, tell Mom that there is money at home.

When Zhang Qin heard this, he asked with concern.


“I’m not short of money, I just signed a big contract and made some money.”

“By the way, I came back from Han country and bought you a gift. I’ll go home another day and bring it to you.”

Wu Chen smiled.

Care at home is different from outside.


There is strong affection!

This is something that no one can replace.

“You child.

“What gift to buy?

“Okay, stop talking, your dad is urging, remember to come back another day.”

Zhang Qin rebuked with a smile.

She didn’t say much, the small noodle restaurant business is not bad, she and Wu Chen’s father Wu Zhongyuan are also very busy.

Wu Chen hung up the phone.

There was also a smile on the corner of his mouth.

When you have time, you should go home!


When Wu Chen had dinner with Han Fei and Song Ziyan.

Song Ziyan noticed something strange.

At the dinner table, Wu Chen and Han Fei often looked at each other, showing different feelings.

Han Fei also took the initiative to serve Wu Chen, which was not available before.

A sense of crisis began to rise in her heart.

But not because of Wu Chen, but because of Han Fei.

Yesterday, Song Ziyan acted so seriously, in addition to cooperating with Wu Chen, she also hoped that Han Fei would see the photos.

It is impossible for any woman to see these pictures without being angry or jealous!

You know, this is no longer acting, everything is like the real thing.

Song Ziyan just wanted to give Han Fei the feeling that Wu Chen is unreliable and he likes herself.

As long as Han Fei is angry, this is her chance.

If you say some bad words about Wu Chen, Han Fei may break up with Wu Chen.


Now it seems that Han Fei has not been affected, and the relationship between the two is even closer.

How is this going?

Didn’t Han Fei see the photo?

“Little Fei!

“I acted yesterday.”

“It seems a little serious, I want to say sorry.

Thinking of this, Song Ziyan said to Han Fei.

She is testing Han Fei whether she has seen the photos.

“You did a great job!”

“I almost believed it.”

“Those who don’t know, must think you are lovers.

At this moment, Han Fei suddenly stopped being jealous of Song Ziyan.

She wanted to understand that it’s useless to be jealous.

The essential!

Still have to fight for yourself.

She fought hard today, and she also got what she wanted.

That’s it.

As for Song Ziyan’s liking of Wu Chen, she has no choice for the time being.

Then take a look first!

It really doesn’t work, think of another way.

Sometimes, a man is too good, but also a disadvantage, there are too many beautiful women around.

Han Fei also sighed in her heart when she thought of this, but knew that it was not Wu Chen’s fault.

It can only be said that in this world, there are too few excellent men.

Just like a peerless beauty and a scarce resource, naturally many people like it.

She also began to try to accept Song Ziyan, at least she couldn’t be a jealous woman, in that case, Wu Chen would definitely leave her.

In this regard, Han Fei often reads the news and knows a lot of negative teaching materials.

Song Ziyan didn’t know that Han Fei thought so.

But what Han Fei said made her stunned. Has Han Fei seen the photos?

She still said that?

Couldn’t pictures like that irritate her?

Next time, do you have to be more serious?


You are already serious, how can you be serious?

Is it?

Do you really want to go further?


That’s over the line.

This must be Wu Chen playing tricks, did he guess what he was thinking.

He must have said something to Han Fei.

Han Fei, this stupid woman, will definitely believe his words.

It’s quite possible.

Wu Chen, if nothing else, his brain is indeed more flexible than other men, and his old man is calling him a little fox.

Such a little fox can naturally guess his own thoughts.


Having said that, his intentional seriousness was seen through by Wu Chen.

He wasn’t fooled from start to finish.

Han Fei was not fooled either.



It really sucks!

The lost old lady has paid so much and sacrificed so much, yet there is no return.

Song Ziyan was unwilling, unwilling, and angry.

But I can’t say it, it’s like a mute eating coptis.

Because she knows.

Eat too much by yourself!


Come on a thunder!

Kill the big bastard Wu Chen!

ps: Ask for monthly pass, ask for collection, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation, ask for reward, ask for sharing, ask for customization.

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