Chapter 186 Something is wrong [Please customize]

After Lei Ming transferred the money, he did not leave. Although 100 million yuan made him feel distressed, he could bear it.

He can’t go.

At least he can’t leave at this time, otherwise Han Fei thinks he can’t afford to lose.

“Mr. Wu! I underestimated you.”

“This time you taught me a lesson.”

“You really play the piano very well, and I should lose if I lose.”

He smiled quickly and regained his graceful demeanor.

Han Fei looked at Lei Ming slightly, but did not expect him to say this.

She also thought that Lei Ming would be furious, after all, he lost 100 million.

But it turns out that the children from the big family have good self-cultivation.

At least on the surface, she didn’t find Lei Ming’s fault too much.

The piano battle was just a coincidence.

If Lei Ming was unhappy with this matter, he would not suffer such a big loss.

This is also considered, eating a cut grows a wisdom.

“I just said that!”

“Playing the piano is the same as the computer, it’s the keyboard, you don’t believe it.”

“Young Master Lei, you can also learn computers in the future, and then you will find that your piano skills have not improved.”

Wu Chen said solemnly.



“400” Han Fei and Song Ziyan were amused again.

“Don’t talk nonsense.

“You think others will believe you?”

“I don’t know which of your words is true and which of your words is false.”

Song Ziyan said.

“Mr. Wu seems to like to joke a lot!”

“It’s really to your advantage.

“I want to learn from you in this regard.

Lei Ming doesn’t care, you are joking, don’t listen to me.

There must be some in his city.

“It’s a lively conversation here.

“I see everyone is very happy.

“Young man! That’s how it should be.”

Song Zheng finally came over.

Song Ziyan rolled her eyes, the old man came to make a clearance, and became a good person.

Which eye of yours sees us happy?

You don’t know that I hate people who pretend to be gentlemen the most, I’m going to vomit.

“Uncle Song! I’m really happy.”

“Being able to know the eldest Miss of the Han family, little sister Song Ziyan is still so beautiful.”

More importantly, I also met such an interesting person as Mr. Wu.

Lei Ming laughed.

It seems that he doesn’t care about losing 100 million just now.

Happy.” That’s fine.

Song Zheng laughed, completely ignoring his daughter’s white eyes.

Speaking of which, he seemed to remember something.


“Young Master Lei, since you are here, I have several old business friends, but I would like to meet you, the eldest young master of the Lei family.”

“Let me introduce you to you.”

It turned out that Song was here to pull people.

“Uncle Song!”

“I’m here this time.

“It’s not about business.”

Lei Ming politely declined.

“It does not matter.”

“Everyone just gets to know each other.

“You don’t want to talk about business, and they don’t dare to force you to talk.”

Song Zheng said a few words and took Lei Ming away from the corner.

The flies” finally left.

Song Ziyan breathed a sigh of relief.

“The flies will come back.

Wu Chen smiled.

“It’s all you big fly.

“If you weren’t here.”

“That fly won’t come.

Song Ziyan could naturally see that Lei Ming came for Wu Chen and Han Fei.

“You said that.

“I’m not a fly.

“I’ll sue you for defamation.”

Wu Chen disagreed with Song Ziyan’s statement.

“I think we should go!”

“Tonight’s party.

“We’ve been there for quite a while.

Han Fei suggested regardless of their jokes.

She originally wanted to find a few people to communicate with, but when Lei Ming appeared, she didn’t want to stay.

She didn’t want to be entangled any more, it was hard to get rid of someone like Lei Ming.

“I agree.

“let’s go.”

“I’m tired of waiting.”

Song Ziyan didn’t want to stay here either.

Both of them said so, Wu Chen naturally had no opinion, his goal today has been achieved.

The size of the Lei family, who suffered such a big loss today, must remember him.

Just remember me.

A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

When the three of them walked out, Lei Ming saw it.

But he was communicating with a few people Song Zheng introduced, and it was impossible to catch up.

All they could do was let the three figures disappear.

Wu Chen’s purpose has indeed been achieved, Lei Ming remembered him, and will not forget it.

Whoever eats such a big scar will remember it!

At this moment, standing behind Song Zheng, the burly man received a call and his face sank.

Zhao Meng looked at Song Zheng and wanted to report, but Song Zheng and others were chatting and laughing, and didn’t pay attention to him.

“Uncle Song!

“your people.

“Looks like something happened.”

Lei Ming just saw it and reminded Song Zheng.

“What’s up?

Song Zheng turned back and asked.

“Master Song!”

“The muay thai fighters were drunk and seemed to have a conflict with the hotel guests.”

“That Awang is also there.

Zhao Meng quickly reported.

“These Southeast Asian guys.

“I think they are pitiful so I leave them to make money.”

“Knowing that people should be driven away.”

Song Zheng frowned. If something like this happened in his hotel, he was naturally responsible.

“Master Song!”

“I went to see.”

“If I can’t figure it out, I’ll find my uncle.”

Zhao Meng is ready to solve this matter.

“I’m going to have a look too.

After all, Song Zheng couldn’t let go, and was ready to go together.

When Lei Ming heard this, his heart moved.

He just doesn’t want to stay here anymore.

“Uncle Song!”

“I’ll go with you too!”

“I have a few bodyguards under my command, who are very skilled.

Lei Ming took advantage of the situation and said, he also specially introduced his bodyguard.

This is because he heard Zhao Meng mention Muay Thai.

Southeast Asians who know Muay Thai are generally fierce in character, and ordinary people in China may not be able to deal with them.

He brings people who can come in handy.

The other one, he also showed his favor to Song Zheng.

Regarding Han Fei, he would like to invite Song Zheng as a lobbyist later.

With his presence, Han Fei will also sell a face, maybe he will have a chance.

“Lei Shao!”

“Aren’t you going to leave the chat?”

Song Zheng smiled, he saw Lei Ming’s plan, but he didn’t plan to expose it…

“You guys want to talk!”

“I have time another day.”

“Everyone can get together.

Lei Ming said to several people around him.

“Lei Shao!”

“You’re busy.”

“We’ll meet again when we have time.

Those people are all business veterans and very knowledgeable.


“Then you follow me.”

“I’m also unlucky. This kind of thing happens when I attend a reception.”

Song Zheng shook his head, muttered and left.

Lei Ming walked to the door and greeted several bodyguards, who followed behind him.

A group of people walked to the restaurant downstairs.

Lei Ming noticed that Zhao Meng had made a phone call, and it was estimated that he was moving soldiers.

He doesn’t care either, no matter who comes, it’s definitely not as good as his own bodyguards.

These bodyguards of his have extraordinary origins, and he finally got them.

in the restaurant!

The two groups are confronting.

-The group is the hotel guests and the number of people is large.

The other group is very dark-skinned Southeast Asians.

Although there were a lot of guests in the hotel, there was a look of fear on their faces, and two people were already lying on the ground.

The group of Southeast Asians looked like they had already made a move just now.


“Can you handle it?”

Lei Ming turned back and asked his bodyguard.

“Lei Shao.”

These “people are not ordinary, Muay Thai kung fu should be very powerful.”

We “can handle it, but our people could be hurt badly.”

The bodyguard whispered.

Although he didn’t see the fight just now, he was well-informed and naturally knew how good Muay Thai fighters were.

At first glance, these Southeast Asians are not good people.

Lei Ming frowned and didn’t let his bodyguards do it right away.

If your bodyguard can’t win, then you will be embarrassed.

Song Zheng saw this and was about to speak.

Another group of people came outside the restaurant.

Song Zheng looked back, a smile suddenly appeared on his face.


“You haven’t left yet?

he asked with a smile.

“They’re all out of the hotel.

“got a call.

“We’re back.”

It was Zi Yan who spoke with an impatient face.

She came back with Wu Chen and Han Fei.

Wu Chen ignored the others and walked over alone.

He walked up to the two lying people, crouched down and looked.

Then he turned back and said to the group of Southeast Asians.

“It’s too cruel, you beat people like this and lose money!

Lei Ming kept staring at Wu Chen and almost laughed when he heard this.

Who do you think you are?

Do you know that these people are not good people?

Will they lose money?

But the next scene made Lei Ming silent.

The group of Southeast Asians didn’t explain anything. As soon as Wu Chen said it, they paid for it immediately, and they were still in a hurry.

Seeing this, Lei Ming looked at Wu Chen again.

Not right!

this man!

Not right!

ps: ask for monthly pass, ask for collection, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation, ask for reward, ask for sharing, ask for customization

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