Chapter 183 Reckless (please customize)

What a coincidence, the person who proposed marriage for me at home turned out to be you?

As soon as Lei Ming said these words, the corner suddenly became quiet!

What he said was unexpected and extremely lethal!

It seemed to shock everyone!

Of the four people in the corner, only Lei Ming and Wu Chen really knew.

Wu Chen has deduced Lei Ming, and he knows it.

But he was standing beside him now, calm, as if this matter had nothing to do with him.

Song Ziyan blinked, looked at Wu Chen, and looked at Han Fei, I seemed to have heard something I shouldn’t have heard.

Han Fei was also a little stunned, but quickly reacted.

“what are you saying?”

“What you said.

“I don’t know at all.”

She looked at Wu Chen next to her and said something.


“What nonsense are you talking about?”

Song Ziyan also began to speak.

Lei Ming seemed to have expected that Han Fei would deny it, and he was not surprised.

“Miss Han, you don’t know? That’s me being reckless.

“I only visited Uncle Han in the afternoon, and I thought he had told you.”

“But it doesn’t matter, we know each other now, we can start with friends.

He smiled and reached out to Han Fei.

Han Fei nodded, but didn’t mean to shake hands.


“My family didn’t tell me.”

“But I already have a boyfriend.”

As she spoke, she reached out and took Wu Chen’s arm.

This also introduces Wu Chen’s boyfriend status.

Song Zheng in the distance squinted his eyes when he saw this.

Zhao Meng, who was behind him, also saw it, and his heart skipped a beat.

Uncle seems to be dying?

Isn’t he okay with Miss Song Er?

Why is it unclear with Miss Han now?

He peeked at Song Zheng.

If Song Ye sent him to pick up someone later, would he do it, or would he do it?

Zhao Meng was tangled in his heart.

He can’t fight with my uncle.

Don’t do it!

What is going on here, Mr. Song?


It’s not easy to do good people!

Both beautiful women love Uncle!

Why can’t I come across something like this?

Zhao Meng was thinking wildly, and there was movement in the corner.

Boy friend”?”

Lei Ming’s hand did not withdraw, but looked at Wu Chen calmly.

For the first time, he and Wu Chen faced each other.

“Getting acquainted.”

“I’m Wu Chen.

“Loyalty, unwavering until death, never abandoning, the only good boyfriend who is brave and loyal.”

Wu Chen smiled, went up to shake hands with Lei Ming, and then let go.



As soon as he said these words, he immediately amused Han Fei and Song Ziyan.

Thunder didn’t smile.

“Mr. Wu!”

“A very humorous person.”

“But I still want to compete with Mr. Wu.”

He said to Wu Chen.


The corner was quiet again.

Han Fei and Song Ziyan looked at each other, they didn’t expect that this guy would not give up.


“Competition for what?”

“I don’t need to compete with you, Han Fei was originally my girlfriend.

Lei Ming is a trick, but Wu Chen is not fooled.

“Since Miss Han likes you, Mr. Wu.

“You must have a lot of advantages.

“Can I listen?”

Lei Ming is not a person who gives up easily, he gently held the other party.

“My advantages! That’s more.”

“Just now, the loyalty is the same, and it will not change until death. I will not say that, and you will not accept it.

“My greatest strength is who I am.

Wu Chen smiled.

“Mr Wu!!

“Can I ask you a question?”

“What is your identity?”

Lei Ming asked.

“I’m an ordinary programmer.”

“I am proud of it.

“I’m very good.”

Wu Chen answered seriously.



His words once again amused Han Fei and Song Ziyan, and the two laughed wildly.

“Don’t ask for treasure.”

Song Ziyan raised her arm and tapped Wu Chen.

Han Fei looked at Wu Chen with a smile, everyone thought he was joking.

But she knew that this was really where Wu Chen excelled.

But no one knows it.

Lei Ming obviously couldn’t see this.

“Mr. Wu! If you just want to talk, I might not be as good as you.

“But in the upper classes of society, that’s not enough.”

“Miss Han has various entertainments, and she must communicate with various upper-level people. I think it is an advantage to have the talents of upper-level people.”

Naturally, he will not sit still, and he also has his own opinions.

In a way, this makes sense.

“Lei Shao!”

“I don’t know what you mean by upper-level talent.”

“what is this about?”

This time, it was Wu Chen’s turn to ask questions.

That’s “a lot.”

“I know Miss Han likes the piano.

“I wonder if Mr. Wu has done any research in this area?”

Lei Ming remained calm, this was the second set he set for Wu Chen.

No matter what Wu Chen said, he could find each other’s weaknesses.


Wu Chen didn’t answer yet, and Han Fei and Song Ziyan’s expressions changed a bit.

They know that Wu Chen has strong ability, kung fu, and superb hacking skills, but these are not actually available to the upper class to show off.

Because the people of the upper class pay attention to elegance, temperament, and self-cultivation.

No matter how strong Wu Chen’s abilities are, they can’t make it to the top of the upper class.

To put it mildly, Wu Chen is not a member of the upper class.

Han Fei looked at Wu Chen, this time Wu Chen will deal with it like this?

Song Ziyan was also a little curious, waiting for Wu Chen’s answer.


“Is this a talent?”

“Isn’t it simple?

Wu Chen spoke up.

His words surprised everyone.

No one thought he would say such a thing.

Only Wu Chen knew that the thunder struck him at the muzzle.

He now has the [Piano Master] skill, which means that he is proficient in playing the piano.

In a way, he is now equivalent to a top piano master, comparable to Beethoven, Chopin, Mozart, Horowitz and others.

One can imagine how terrifying and powerful his current piano strength is!

No matter how strong Lei Ming was, he couldn’t compare to him.

Wu Chen! No kidding. ”

Han Fei wanted to stop Wu Chen, but it was too late.

“Piano is easy?”

“I wonder if Mr. Wu has ever played the piano?”

“If you don’t, you don’t have the right to say that.

Lei Ming used to study at the Royal Conservatory of Music in country y, and even his teacher would not dare to say that the piano is simple.

“I said.”

“I’m an ordinary programmer.”

“Playing the piano is also a keystroke, and computer operation is also a keystroke, which is naturally simple.”

Wu Chen didn’t answer directly.

“Mr. Wu!”

“Am I right?”

“Don’t tell me you think programmers are the same as pianists.

Lei Ming suddenly laughed.

What he meant was self-evident.

There is a big difference between playing the piano and operating a computer.

Han Fei (Hao Nuo Zhao) didn’t speak for a while. She felt that Wu Chen said that, she should know a little bit of piano.

She was a little unsure, it was Wu Chen who never did unnecessary things.

The abilities Wu Shen mentioned before have all been confirmed one by one.

“Isn’t that the way the piano is, isn’t it just pressing a few keys, how complicated is it?”

Wu Chen smiled lightly.

“My teacher wouldn’t dare to say that.

“My former classmates at the Royal Conservatory of Music in country y didn’t dare to say that.”

“You are insulting the piano.

Lei Ming’s face was a little gloomy, and the sunny smiling face just now could no longer be seen.

He actually made this expression on purpose.

“I didn’t insult the piano, that’s Zhu.

“It’s you who take the piano too sacred.”

“The Illy people who invented the piano must not take the piano too sacred.”

Wu Chen smiled.

Then, he added another sentence.

“Your teacher and your classmates come here!”

“I would say the same!

ps: Ask for monthly pass, ask for collection, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation, ask for reward, ask for sharing, ask for customization.

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