Chapter 178 Iron Stone (Please Customize)

The old lady was suddenly stunned. She didn’t expect that there was a camera facing her!

“What happened?

“Why are so many people watching here?”

“Everyone, spread out, don’t gather in the hospital.

At this time, the hospital director hurried over.

He came over after hearing that someone was arguing in the outpatient hall of the hospital.

But he suddenly had an emergency and was delayed for a few more minutes in the dean’s office.

When he got close, he suddenly saw Wu Chen.

This is?

He recognized it immediately.

“Mr. Wu!”

“Why are you here?”

The hospital director hurried forward to greet him.

The last time Lu Hei’s father was transferred, he was also there, and he and Wu Chen chatted a few times.

He knew at that time that Wu Chen was behind the transfer.

This also made him remember Wu Chen, knowing that there is the Tang family behind this incident.

This Mr. Wu can make the Tang family contribute, which shows that the relationship between him and the Tang family is extraordinary.

This is just the tip of the iceberg he saw, and Mr. Wu himself must be extraordinary.

For such a person, it is too late for him to please, and naturally he will not offend.

If this matter is related to Mr. Wu, he still wants to help Mr. Wu to solve it.

“President Li!

“I’m going to the hospital to check the surveillance.”

“This friend of mine kindly helped the old lady here, but now the old lady says that my friend bruised her.”

Wu Kuang also recognized Dean Li.

If this person does not appear again, he is also ready to contact the other party.

Wu Chen made a request, and Dean Li breathed a sigh of relief, which couldn’t be simpler for him.

President Li looked up at the camera, and the hospital had indeed installed a monitoring system, and the system was operating normally.

“you go!”

“Find the monitoring room staff.”

“Call out the video surveillance during this period, and what happened at that time will naturally come to light.”

He decisively said to a nurse next to him.

Since Mr. Wu dares to mention video surveillance, he will not lie about it, and there is no need to lie.

There are facts and evidence.

It is very likely that the old lady was unwilling to admit that she fell and wanted to find a scapegoat.

The old lady’s words are unreliable, and the video is iron proof.


“I remembered wrong.”

“I remembered, it wasn’t him who hit me just now, it was my own anger that I accidentally fell down||.

When the old lady heard this, she panicked and immediately told the truth.

This time the onlookers were in an uproar, and everyone was a little dumbfounded.

Darling old lady, you are really lying, it is you who lied.

That black, lean and capable man is really doing good deeds.

“This old lady, why is this?”

“Is this confusing?”

“I think it’s just confused, this person is so old that he can’t remember anything.

“I don’t think it’s possible, this has just happened, and it will never be forgotten immediately.

“I see that the old lady is sober and not confused!”

“She wronged that man, he did good deeds, and she was told that.”

“What now?”

“Definitely an apology, a reconciliation.

“Is that so?”

“The old lady is getting old, what else can I do?”

The onlookers began to discuss again, and at this moment their wind direction was biased towards Wu Chen.

The chunky woman and the man in the floral shirt looked at each other, and it seemed that the old lady was wronging her.

In fact, they guessed it just now, otherwise the other party would not have been able to ask the old lady to explain.

They all know and understand the character of their old lady, but if there is no evidence, that’s another matter.

Now that there is video surveillance, the truth must be hidden.


“My mom, she’s a little confused.

“She has mental problems, she should probably see a psychiatrist.”

The chunky woman walked up to Lu Gangcheng and apologized.

She thought of finding an excuse, apologized, and the matter was fooled.

Lu Gangcheng shook his head, thinking to himself how this happened, he wanted to let it go.

“It’s too late to apologize now.

“You’re not right either.”

“The old lady has no psychological problems.”

Wu Chen said lightly beside him.

Lu Gangcheng looked at Wu Chen and didn’t know what he meant.

The chunky woman also looked at Wu Chen and couldn’t guess what he was thinking.

“President Li!”

“Call the police!

“This matter is said, and I hope to be taken seriously.”

Wu Chen ignored the chubby woman, he turned around and said to Dean Li.

The hospital should have a channel for calling the police for this kind of thing.

The onlookers all thought that this matter was going to be a big thing, a small thing, and everyone was gradually dispersing.

Unexpectedly, Wu Chen’s words raised the matter to a more serious situation.

The old lady’s face has changed!

The faces of chunky women and men in floral shirts also changed!

Lu Gangcheng opened his mouth, but in the end did not stop Wu Chen.

Dean Li was shocked, this Mr. Wu is really cruel!

Do things so tough, this is not going to forgive each other.


“Our hospital has a security department.”

“I’ll let them follow up on this.”

But he didn’t hesitate and nodded.

Dean Li also recognized Wu Chen’s decision in his heart. There are no rules and no circle.

The old lady wanted to fool the past, but Wu Chen’s decision would teach the old lady a profound lesson.

next time!

She shouldn’t talk like that anymore!

“It’s all my fault.

“I broke once, and this time it costs a lot of money. I shouldn’t have wronged you.”

“Please, don’t call the police, okay?

At this moment, the old lady suddenly walked up to Lu Gangcheng and cried. She probably didn’t dare to walk to Wu Chen’s side because she saw that Wu Chen couldn’t speak well.

Lu Gangcheng glanced at Wu Chen and seemed to be asking for mercy.

“You do it.

“She won’t change.”

“Next time she will talk to people.

Wu Chen saw what he was going to say, but didn’t let him say it.

After saying this, he turned around and left, not wanting to stay here at all.

Dean Li will naturally handle the latter matters.

The people around saw Wu Chen coming out and hurriedly made way.

Everyone was equally shocked, and their eyes changed when they saw Wu Chen. This young man was completely stone-hearted.

“Let’s go too!”

“No one should stop you now.”

Xu Fanchang patted Lu Gangcheng on the shoulder, and the scene in front of him left him speechless.

In the end, Lu Gangcheng just shook his head, stopped looking at the old lady, and left.

“I was the one who took over the host just now.”

“You won’t be surprised, will you?”

After leaving the hospital, Wu Chen stopped and smiled back at Lu Gangcheng!

“This is Mr. Wu!

“We came to you on purpose.”

“Mr. Wu has a job here and wants to ask you for help.”

Xu Fanchang introduced by the side.

“Mr. Wu help me.”

“I’m thankful that it’s too late, or I can’t get out.”

“If I can help, I’ll definitely help.

Lu Gangcheng has a good impression of Wu Chen now.

He now wants to understand what Wu Chen Gang (Hao Nuo Zhao) has done, but he is still a little indecisive. For someone like the old lady, he can’t do it without teaching him a lesson.

“Have you prescribed the medicine for your child?”

Wu Chen asked again.

“Thank you Mr. Wu for your concern, I have already got the medicine.”

Lu Gangcheng saw the old lady when he was about to leave the hospital.


We “talk as we walk.”

“My main purpose now is to ask you to protect your family.”

Wu Chen talked about his intentions as he walked.

Lu Gangcheng looked at Xu Fanchang.

Few people know about his kung fu.

“I recommended you to Mr. Wu.”

“Mr. Wu originally arranged for Xiao Wu to protect Zhu.”

“But I was worried that Xiao Wu didn’t have enough experience in this area, so I finally thought of you.”

Xu Fanchang explained.

Lu Gangcheng was going to ask clearly, he wanted to know if the other party was worthy of his own protection.

“That family?”

“Who are they?

ps: Ask for monthly pass, ask for collection, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation, ask for reward, ask for sharing, ask for customization.

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