Chapter 174 Intervention (please customize)

Haizhou Airport!

A private jet that took off from Dongguang Goose City landed slowly after a two-hour flight.

The private plane taxied and parked on the runway, and several black cars that had been waiting for a long time drove directly into the airport runway and parked on the side of the plane.

The door opened, and a dozen bodyguards in black suits got out of the car and stood in two rows waiting at the plane door.

A few minutes later!

The cabin door opens.

A young man of twenty-seven or eight-year-old walked down with a gloomy face.

The bodyguards below were silent, waiting for the youth to pass by.

“Lei Shao!”

A bodyguard leader came over and addressed him respectfully.

“What I said.”

“Is it arranged?

This Rai Shao asked a question.

“It’s all arranged.”

“I’ve found really good professionals.”

“As long as people are in Haizhou, they will be able to find them.

The bodyguard leader nodded.

“The people must be in Haizhou.

“Let’s go to the hotel first.

“You let those professionals come over, and I want to meet them.”

Lei Shao said with certainty, and then ordered another sentence.

He came here this time to find Yang Wenlin in person and take people away.

Yang family?

Let’s see how you dodge this time!

He snorted inwardly.

He also had to find someone, otherwise the pressure on him would be too great at home.

The group immediately got into the car and drove to the Longyuan Hotel. 393

Shenmue Company!

Yang Wenlin returned to her position.

She still had some doubts in her heart, did she say something wrong just now?

Why does the boss ask himself that?

Did he guess his identity?

After thinking about it, Yang Wenlin didn’t realize that she had a problem.

Maybe the boss just asked casually, and she no longer thought about it.

The important thing now is to get the company to acquire Lei Yang Lighting.


This company cannot fall into the hands of others.

This is her last chance, and it is also the last chance for the Yang family.

Yang Wenlin thought according to her lips.

Just then, the phone rang.

She looked at the phone number and connected.

“Wen Lin!”

“Are you still in the company?”

“This side of the house, I always feel as if someone is staring at me around me.”

The call was from my mother, and her tone of voice seemed a little flustered.


“Don’t panic, you go home first and don’t go out.”

“I’ll be back later.”

Yang Wenlin stood up abruptly.

During this period of time, she has moved four times, and each time she moved is very hidden. Could it be that she was discovered so soon.

Yang Wenlin comforted her mother.

Hanging up the phone, she thought for a while and walked to the president’s office again.

When she walked to the door, she paused, and knocked on the door.

“Come in!”

Shen Xiao’s voice came from inside.

Yang Wenlin walked in, her footsteps were obviously heavier than before.

At this moment Wu Chen is still in the office and has not left.

“Wen Lin!”

“Is there any new news from Lei Yang Lighting?”

Shen Xiao pretended not to know anything and asked.


“Mr. Shen!”

“I’m here to talk about myself.”

Yang Wenlin hesitated and decided to tell the truth.

She had to be helped now, and it was dangerous to be alone on her own.

“your business?

Shen Xiao and Wu Chen looked at each other.

She was still thinking just now what Yang Wenlin was hiding from herself.

“First of all I want to apologize.”

“I didn’t tell the truth when I entered the company, I’m not an inexperienced rookie.

“I have a different identity.”

Yang Wenlin began to speak.

Shen Xiao and Wu Chen didn’t say anything, they waited for Yang Wenlin to speak.

But Wu Chen actually already knew her origin, but Shen Xiao was still in the dark.


“Who are you?

“What’s your identity?”

Shen Hou couldn’t help but ask.

“I’m from Dongguang Goose City.”

“My father, Yang Qingshan, is one of the founders of Lei Yang Lighting.”

“I’m from the Yang family.

Yang Wenlin finally revealed her identity.

“The Yang family, are you from the Yang family?”

“So you actually knew that Lei Yang Lighting was going to sell 70% of the equity.”

“Also knew the selling price long ago, didn’t you?”

Shen Xiao gradually understood.

“I do know.”

“But I didn’t lie.

“Lei Yang Lighting is indeed underestimated, it is intentionally underestimated.”

Yang Wenlin raised her head.

“Since your father is the founder of Lei Yang Lighting.”

“Why didn’t he stop it?”

“I want your daughter to join Shenmu Company, and I want to convince us to buy it.”

Hearing this, Shen Xiao had to doubt Yang Wenlin’s motives.

“If my father was still in Lei Yang Lighting.

“Of course he’ll stop it, but now, he’s in jail.”

“Lei Yang Lighting is now the world of the Lei family, and the Yang family is speechless.”

When Yang Wenlin said this, her tone was a little heavy and a little angry.

“How did your father end up in jail?”

Shen Xiao did not expect such a thing to happen to the Yang family.

She can imagine.

What kind of shock will this incident bring to the Yang family?

“My father is innocent, he met the villain and was tricked by the Lei family.

“Now the Lei family is in complete control of the company, but my father still has a veto power in the company’s decision-making.”

“My father passed the veto to me before he went to prison, which means they couldn’t sell that stake without my consent.”

“I became a thorn in the eyes of the Lei family, and the Lei family forced me to get the veto.

“I disagree. I took my family away from my hometown and hid in Haizhou.”

“But now, my residence is probably discovered by the Lei family again, and they have chased it here.”

“This time, the Lei family won’t get the right to veto, and they will definitely not let it go.

When Yang Wenlin said this, she also showed helpless eyes.

She struggled carefully for so long, and it could be said that she did her best, but now she felt powerless.


“You won’t agree to sell 70% of Lei Yang Lighting?

Wu Chen heard this and asked.

“Of course I disagree.”

“Lei’s family did this because they wanted to take the company’s low price as their own.”

“The sellers are them, and the buyers are them, and it’s like the left hand goes out and the right hand goes in.”

Yang Wenlin shook her head.

After buying and selling like this, the assets worth more than 20 billion have shrunk to more than 5 billion.

Even if you lie down and do nothing, the Lei family can make 15 billion.

It’s no wonder that the Lei family is desperately trying to find her whereabouts.

“And what about us?”

“Why are you?”

“Want to sell to us?”

Wu Chen asked the key point.

“That’s because, I believe in Mr. Wu!”

“Lei Yang Lighting is in your hands and will continue to grow and develop.”

“And in the hands of the Lei family, their family will only destroy the company Lei Yang Lighting and my father’s efforts.”

“When the two Lei Yangs founded the company, my father contributed the most. He even regarded Lei Yang Lighting as his own child, and he was closer than me.”

Yang Wenlin seems to trust Wu Chen.

Wu Chen smiled.

Yang Wenlin actually has selfishness here, but in general, she still believes in herself.

This kind of thing seems hard to explain.

But sometimes the trust between people is very simple.

“The acquisition, we will talk about it next.

“You said that your residence was discovered by the Lei family again.

“Let’s fix this first.

He thought about it and said.

“Mr Wu!

“I’m going home soon.

“My mother is at home alone, and I’m a little worried about her.”

Wu Chen’s words reminded Yang Wenlin, she said quickly.

“I will go with you!”

“Since you trust me.”

“Then leave the rest to me to arrange.”

Wu Chen said lightly.

It had nothing to do with him before.


He’s ready to step in!

ps: Ask for monthly pass, ask for collection, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation, ask for reward, ask for sharing, ask for customization.

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