Chapter 165 Meet (please customize)


Incheon International Airport!

Wu Chen dressed lightly and was about to board the plane to return to China.

He has already completed the plan to come to Han country this time, so there is no need to continue to stay in Han country.

The remaining performance opportunities in Han depend on Sheng Min Hyuk’s own adaptability.

As for Li Nanhui, that strong woman should be able to become the president of Shanxing Group.

And now she is less restrained and more free.

This woman is also more able to use her strengths.

I just don’t know how she will treat the daughter she used to be.

But this has nothing to do with me.

This woman has seen through Sheng Min Hyuk now. Next time I see her again, I wonder what her expression will be?

Thinking of this, Wu Chen smiled.

He is very interested in seeing this woman again, so don’t worry, there will definitely be opportunities in the future.

“Little Wu!

“You’re back home too.”

What a coincidence, “We met again.”

At the airport, he ran into old man Wang again.


“Your family is also going home?

“What a coincidence.

Wu Chen felt a little strange in his heart. Last time, Old Man Wang said he would play here for a few more days.

“I asked to go back.”

“Two prodigals.”

“If I don’t go back, I’ll spend my pension.”

The old man Wang explained that he saw that his family was spending too much money and strongly demanded that he returned to China early.

“Go abroad.”

“It’s going to cost some money.”

“Don’t be too economical.

Wu Chen heard this and said.

“you do not know.”

“This trip cost me ten thousand dollars.

“It’s not easy for me to earn this kind of money.”

Old Man Wang said distressedly.


“Getting on board soon.

“do not talk.

While the two were talking, Old Man Wang’s daughter came over and impatiently dragged him away.

His daughter is in her thirties, much older than Wu Chen, and has no boyfriend yet, which is the legendary leftover girl.

“What are you searching for me for?”

“I also want to say a few words to Xiao Wu.

“I’ll introduce Xiao Wu to you later.”

There was a vaguely dissatisfied voice from Old Man Wang.


“Don’t say it.”

“I’m not interested in that.

His daughter’s voice interrupted him.

Her voice was loud, and she obviously meant to tell Wu Chen.

Wu Chen Ran, he said why the old man kept chatting with him, it turned out to be this plan.

But when he came out this time, except for being handsome, everything else was quite ordinary.

No wonder Old Man Wang’s daughter was reluctant to talk to him, and probably didn’t like him.

All right!

This is not my fault.

Wu Chen didn’t care.

Old Man Wang didn’t come over again, probably because his daughter didn’t intend to, and he didn’t have the heart to marry him.

“Miss Xiaofen!”

“hurry up.”

“Start boarding.”

There was a voice next to him, the voice was a little familiar.

Wu Chen looked over, and then basked in again.

It was a coincidence that I ran into a pair of acquaintances again.

When he took a plane from Haeju to Seoul, the little star Zheng Yufen he had met, and her fat manager, let him meet again.

Everyone went back on the same plane.

Wu Chen saw each other, Zheng Yufen and his agent also saw Wu Chen.

Everyone paused, Zheng Yufen hesitated for a moment, then nodded to Wu Chen.

She also returned to China early this time, because someone in Haizhou wanted to invite her as a product spokesperson, and she needed to sign a contract in person.

This kind of good thing to send money, she naturally wants to rush back.

In contrast, han country tour is not fragrant.

Wu Kuang also nodded.

Everyone didn’t speak, didn’t talk for a while, just greeted each other like this, and then boarded the plane.

When Wu Chen went back this time, he chose economy class, not because he was saving, but because he didn’t want to attract attention.

In this way, it is naturally impossible for him and the little star to sit together.

Instead, he saw Old Man Wang, a family of three sitting in a row.

His position is not far from them.

Old man Wang didn’t pay attention, but his daughter saw him.

Seeing that Wu Chen was in the economy class, his eyes flashed indifferently, and he was obviously not interested in getting to know Wu Chen.

Such a leftover girl is arrogant, and ordinary people don’t want to make friends.

Wu Chen sat alone in his seat, just closing his eyes and resting.

He summed up this experience.

This time over, he added five skills for himself.

Skill: [Firearm Master]

Skill: [Piano Master]

Skill: [Hypnosis Master]

Skill: [Korean Master]

Skill: [Makeup Master]

Halfway through, he added another skill [Racing Master].

Among them, he used three skills, [Korean Master] and [Makeup Master], as well as [Racing Master.

The other three skills Wu Chen didn’t have the chance to use, but he didn’t regret that these skills would definitely have the opportunity to be used.

He thought about it all the way, and the time passed quickly.

Haizhou Airport is here!

Wu Chen walked off the plane by himself, holding his luggage leisurely.

Arrived at the airport exit.

Lu Hei and Xu Jingwu had long been waiting for him here.

“Mr Wu!

While greeting, Lu Hei came over and helped Wu Chen with his luggage.

Wu Chen had told them before to bring his car over to pick him up.

“Your time.”

“How is your English study?”

Wu Chen asked the two as they walked.

“I’m better.

“Xiao Wu has to work harder here.”

“But I will help him.

Lu Hei said.

During this period of time, the two of them actually studied English very hard. Lu Hei’s foundation was higher and he learned quickly.

“Mr. Wu!”

“do not worry.”

 ….for flowers…

“I will learn from Brother Hei.”

Xu Jingwu scratched his head, a little embarrassed.

“English is actually not difficult.”

“You’re just not getting started now.”

“It should be soon after you get started.

Wu Chen smiled.

Everyone has their own talents, and these also need to be gradually adapted.

Everyone was talking and went to the parking lot.

Wu walked over to Shen’s own Koenigsegg and drove to the door.

He didn’t notice that the old man Wang’s family was not far behind him.

Old Man Wang’s daughter’s expression was a little shocked.

This is?

That young man actually drives such a luxury car?

She knew Koenigsegg, and the car was at least tens of millions.

Originally thought that Wu Chen was dressed in ordinary clothes and should be just an ordinary person, so she was not interested in dating.

Now it seems!

His eyesight is far worse than that of the old man.

The man in front of him was a real rich young man.

Old Man Wang also saw Wu Chen’s car, but he sighed in his heart and didn’t walk over.




“Mr. Wu is leaving.”

“Why don’t you go say hello?”

His daughter was in a hurry at this time.

Isn’t this kind of person your ideal person?

She thought to herself, Dad, you might as well leave my phone number to him.


“Old man.

“Would you like to invite Mr. Wu to sit at our house another day.”

Old man Wang’s wife also helped to speak.

“It’s too late to say hello now.

“I don’t have the face to go.”

“You didn’t like it before, and you’ve missed it.”

The old man Wang shook his head, but he looked away, Wu Chen obviously had no luck with his daughter.

With his old face, he didn’t want to lose face again.

He knew that he wanted to introduce his daughter to Wu Chen earlier, and the other party should know.

But the daughter’s series of performance, the other party also saw.

If it were me, I wouldn’t like my daughter.

Wang Laotou’s daughter regretted it too late, but it was too late.

Wu Chen drove the Koenigsegg and drove away.

A luxury Mercedes-Benz followed closely behind.

This scene was not only watched by the old man’s family.

Zheng Yufen and her agent are also watching.

Zheng Yufen found that she had also gone wrong, and she had gone wrong, and her manager seemed to have offended Wu Chen.

She gave her agent a stern look, thinking you’ve caused me a lot of trouble.

Fortunately, I said hello to Wu Chen before getting on the plane, and the other party should not care too much.

The fat young man noticed Zheng Yufen’s eyes, and now he shrank his head and said nothing, his face turned pale.

I can’t take this agent anymore, I’ll replace it later.

Zheng Yufen made up her mind.

The fat broker looked miserable.

He also knew that he was about to lose the job.

ps: ask for a monthly pass, ask for a collection, ask for flowers, ask for an evaluation, ask for a reward, ask for a share, ask for a custom port,

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