Chapter 160 Shaping (please customize)

The police officers guarding the door, the reporters interviewing outside, and the host of Seoul TV, Kang Mina, all stay stunned!

what did they hear?

The person who just went out is the criminal suspect?

Especially the host of Seoul TV, Kang Mina, she also talked with that person for a long time, and she also stupidly asked the other party’s hotel~ about the situation.

Thinking of this, there was a hint of ruddy on her face, which of course was not shy, but angry.

She was so pissed off, that stinky guy was obviously talking nonsense and making fun of himself.

In the live broadcast room, Han Guo netizens were also stunned.

“My God, that was the criminal suspect just now.”

“Everyone didn’t recognize it, didn’t they all have photos?

“It’s right to have photos, but who would have thought that this guy is wearing makeup.”

“It can only be said that my big country’s makeup is really good, even if it passes under your nose, you won’t recognize it.”

“It’s really amazing, I’m going on a blind date now, and I want the woman to remove her makeup and wash her face.

“The same is true for me. Not only do I have to remove my makeup, but I also have to check to prevent the woman from making trouble.”

“Well, um, off topic, we’re talking about criminal suspects.

“I admire this criminal suspect a little bit. His mentality is really strong. If I were in front of the police, I would have panicked.”

“Unfortunately, he is a thief. I have observed that when he talked to the host just now, his voice was normal and his hands were not shaking.

“The worst thing that feels right now is the host, she must be thinking, this is a bastard, I’ve been lied to.”

“Haha, I think so too, Miss Jiang Mina, I probably won’t be able to sleep tonight.”

“My poor Miss Jiang Mina, today’s host, will be her nightmare.

“Alas! I’ve been looking at it for so long and wondered what the thief had stolen, and now I have no hope of knowing.”

When everyone was talking about Wu Chen, he had already gone a long way.

He was like an ordinary passerby, and no one paid attention to him.

He is standing on the street.


It’s time for everyone to get to know Li Zairong, chairman of Shanxing Group again!

He wants to reveal the evidence of Li Zairong, which will definitely cause shock in the country of Han.

Wu Chen smiled slightly, his task has been completed so far.

Next, it’s time for the real Sung Min Hyuk to appear.

Wu Chen did this in order to make his own spokesperson in the Han country, Sheng Min Hyuk, a hero of the Han country.

The country of Han is a country that worships heroes. As long as Sheng Min Hyuk reveals these evidences, no one will dare to touch him.

On the contrary, he will be strongly welcomed by Han people.

Wu Chen beckoned for a taxi and returned to the secret location of himself and Sheng Min Hyuk.

Secret location!

Sheng Min Hyuk stayed in the room, he never went out.

In fact, the time he waited was not long.

But the days of waiting like this are hard to bear.

There is no TV here, and he can say that he doesn’t know anything about the outside world.

In fact, he was also a little anxious, but he still forced himself to endure.

He didn’t want Wu Chen’s plan to fail, so he couldn’t expose himself.

I don’t know that Mr. Wu, how are things going?

To be honest, the longer Sheng Min Hyuk has been in contact with Wu Chen, the more startled he is.

In his opinion, this Mr. Wu is really too powerful.

Makeup is unique, and it is amazing to be able to make up exactly like him, which makes him admire.

And Wu Chen came to Han country, and he knew everything he did.

Wu Chen didn’t hide it either. He was a concierge at Ewha Womans University and deliberately fell into the water to provoke the anger of the female students.

The matter step by step involved Li Zairong, the chairman of Shanxing Group.

He even had a feeling that Li Zairong had a noose around his neck, and Wu Chen could make Li Zairong unable to breathe at any time.

This Mr. Wu is really too mysterious and too powerful.

When Sheng Min-hyuk was thinking about it, the door suddenly opened.

Wu Chen walked in with a smile.

“Mr. Wu!”

Sheng Min Hyuk stood up and greeted respectfully.


“It’s my turn to rest.”

“It’s your turn to appear.”

At this moment, Wu Chen said lightly that he had recovered his original appearance.

“Mr Wu!

“Are you all done?”

“how should I do?”

Sheng Minhyuk said in surprise.

So, can I get my revenge?

“I’ll tell you the situation first.”

Wu Chen told Sheng Min He about some of the things he had done today.

Including the meeting with Li Nanhui, as well as the meeting and appointment with Tian Genchang.

And how he entered Li Zairong’s house, how to get evidence, how to be chased by the police, and how to get out.

All this looks simple, but in practice, whichever link goes wrong can cause major problems.

For example, if Li Nanci informs Li Zairong about his affairs.

For example, if Tian Genchang doesn’t trust him.

Such as the escape part and so on.

Sheng Min He listened to Wu Chen calmly tell this, just like listening to a story.

But he knew how difficult it was, and from the bottom of his heart, he once again raised a little respect for Wu Chen.

Only now did he understand why Wu Chen wanted to replace him and act in his place.

For him, so many things can’t be done in one day.

He may even be detained by Li Zairong or caught by the police.

In that case, the whole plan would be completely in vain.

The current Shengmin Hyuk is full of gratitude to Wu Chen.

Wu Chen has paved the way for him, and he knows how to do the rest.

Of course!

Wu Chen will pay attention and remind in secret.

He handed the USB flash drive to Sheng Min He, and the two checked the files on the laptop Wu Chen brought, picking out some files suitable for the task.


All are key evidence to expose Li Zairong.

“You hand over the evidence to that Seoul Ilbo reporter Tan Nemu.”

“Then turn yourself in to the police!”

“You’ll be released soon.”


Wu Chen told Sheng Min Hyuk what he needed to do next.

He knew that as long as the matter of Li Zairong broke out, the people of Han would definitely regard Shengmin Hyuk as a hero.

Because he has done what many Han people dream of.


“Mr Wu!

“The next thing, leave it to me to do.”

Sheng Min He nodded solemnly in front of Wu Chen.

He knew that he would definitely be temporarily locked up after he turned himself in, but he was not afraid.

He is not for himself.

He is for his sister!


Seoul Daily News!

Tian Genchang’s cell phone received a text message.

“Your mother’s gift has arrived.”

Texting is very simple, just one sentence.

Tian Genchang’s expression changed, this sentence is the signal of his agreement with Sheng Min Hyuk.

When he received a text message, it meant that Sheng Minhyuk was outside the newspaper office, ready to give him evidence.

Tian Genchang suddenly stood up.

His movements were too large, and the chair behind him made a loud noise.

The reporters around looked over, frowning a little, expressing dissatisfaction.

“Feel sorry!

“I was careless.

Yugen Changchang hurriedly apologized.

“Senior Genchang!”

“where are you going?”

“Do you want me to drive you there?”

The little reporter has returned, and said after Tian Genchang to please.

“Need not.

“I’ll be right back.

Tian Genchang walked out while answering.

At the door of the newspaper office, Sheng Minhyuk was wearing a mask, but Tian Genchang recognized it at a glance.

“Mr. Tian Genchang!

“This is what you want.”

Sheng Min Hyuk saw the photo and knew that it was Tian Genchang who walked out in front of him, so he went up to meet him.

“Mr. Sheng Min Hyuk!”

“You today?”

“It’s alright!

Tian Genchang looked at Shengmin He, and the other party didn’t seem to be injured.

He has been paying attention to Wu Chen today. He thought that Wu Chen was Sheng Min He, so he naturally wanted to ask a question.

“I’m fine.

“But the next report.”

“You have to be careful that the newspaper doesn’t allow you to report it.”

Sheng Min He shook his head, but he reminded Tian Genchang.

Not from Han, I don’t know the horror of Shanxing Group, the strength of this group is really terrible.

Even in Seoul Daily, there are people from Shanxing Group.

“I know.

“I’m ready.”

Tian Genchang nodded.

Even if Sheng Min He didn’t remind him, he knew that the Mountain Star Group was powerful.


He is ready.

The two nodded, shook hands, and parted ways.

One goes in, one goes out.

Two people.

They all showed a firm expression!

For this day, they are willing to sacrifice themselves!

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