Chapter 149 Name (please customize)

Kim So-soo returns to Ewha Womans University!

Soggy clothes, sadness and longing!

She is sick!

The news spread on the school forum.

At this moment, the anger of the female students could finally burn.

Everyone began to gather in the square, demanding that the school expel Li Shunna and hold her responsible for her death.

Seoul Daily News!

Reporter interview department!

Tian Genchang is a veteran reporter who has worked in the newspaper for ten years.

He was browsing the Internet at this time, trying to see what reports deserved his attention.

The life of a reporter is actually a little hard, some monotonous, and some boring.

Others can browse the Internet at will, but they have to find the clues they need from the little clues.

This requires them to practice sharp eyes, look more carefully and seriously than others.

After watching for a while, he lost the mouse.

“I’m bored!”

“How come there is no news to report?”

“If this goes on, my job will be lost.”

He complained and picked up the coffee next to him.


“How could you possibly lose your job?”

“The president will not let you go.

A young reporter who had just arrived next to him flattered him.

Tian Genchang nodded, that is to say, he made a complaint.

Still have to work hard.

He took a sip of coffee, cheered up, and prepared to continue looking for news to report on the Internet.

“Jingle Bell!”

Just then, his cell phone rang 380.

He looked at the phone, it was an unfamiliar number, but it was still connected.

As a reporter, sometimes someone would provide him with reporting clues.

Tian Genchang will thank everyone who provides clues to him.


“I’m Tian Genchang.”

He got on the phone.


After saying a few words over the phone, Tian Genchang’s eyes gradually became brighter.

“Feel sorry!”

“You mean Li Shunna from Shanxing Group, Li Nanhui’s daughter?”

“Her bodyguards killed the school gatekeeper?”

He lowered his voice to confirm.


“Students are now gathering in the school square.”

“Everyone is very indignant about this incident. If Li Shunna is not fired, she will not be held accountable, and classes will never be resumed.”

There was a strange man talking over there.

“I know.”

“Thank you for the clue.”

“I’ll take this seriously.”

Tian Genchang thought that the other party was a teacher, and did not ask more about the other party’s identity.

He hung up the phone and stood up.

My job is coming, Shanxing Group? Li Shunna? This is a major news worth reporting.

He knew that if the news was reported, it would definitely attract the attention of many people.

Shanxing Group plays a pivotal role in Han, and any news will attract the attention of Han people.

In this respect, reporters from the Han country are destined to be the natural enemies of a consortium like Shanxing.

They are happy to report such scandals, and they dare to report such scandals.

They are not afraid of Shanxing Group’s retaliation, and even some people will continue to report while leaving a suicide note.

Tian Genchang is also such a reporter, so it is no wonder that he immediately felt excited when he received a clue.

The person who is about to report may be a big fish.

As a reporter, he has a strong sense of this aspect.

Tian Genchang immediately packed up his interview equipment and walked out. He was going to Ewha Womans University.

Taking advantage of the female students gathered in the square, he made an interview first.


“want to go out?”

“Is there any breaking news?

The little reporter asked just now.

“I am not sure as well.

“I went to see.”

Tian Genchang did not disclose that before his report came out, the less people knew, the better.

The little reporter didn’t ask much, but watched Tian Genchang leave enviously.

He also hopes that someone can give him clues, but so far, he has not received a call.

Tian Genchang came out of the newspaper office and drove quickly to Ewha Womans University.

At this time, a lot of reporters had come to the entrance of the university. Tian Genchang knew some and some didn’t.

“Hun Sung-kun!!

“You have already arrived.

“How is the situation now?”

He saw Jin Xuncheng, a reporter he knew, and walked over.

Jin Xuncheng heard the voice, looked back and saw Tian Geunchang, with a smile on his face.


“You got the news too.

“Now we’re all blocked out and the school won’t let us in.”

He said something to Tian Genchang.

“We have the right to report.”

“Why won’t the school let us in?”

“Is this a guilty conscience?”

Tian Genchang frowned.

I have run so far (cgdj) by myself, but I don’t want to be closed.

“may be!”

“Maybe the people behind it shot.

“Otherwise the school would not be like this.

Kim Hoon-sung pointed his finger at the sky.

Tian Genchang understood what he meant, he meant that the Shanxing Group had taken action.

The Mountain Star Group moved very quickly this time.

But this is no wonder, if something like this happens, if the Mountain Star Group does not move quickly, it is a strange thing.

“Can’t wait here.

“Have to think of a way.”

Otherwise, “I won’t grab the headlines.

Tian Genchang thought to himself.

The competition between Han Guobao and newspapers is also fierce.

At this time, a car drove out of it.

The reporters at the gate of the school, no matter who they were, gathered around.

“Can’t say now.

“We can’t say.”

“I can only tell you that the school is investigating this matter and we will handle it responsibly.

In the car was a school principal, he said cautiously.

“Then why don’t you let us in?”

“Let’s go and interview students.

“We need to know what they think.”

Journalists made demands in front of the person in charge.

“Feel sorry!

“Now all journalists can’t go in.”

“When the results of the investigation come out, we will tell everyone the specific situation.”

The person in charge said this and drove away.

From beginning to end, he did not allow the reporter to enter the university.

When Tian Genchang saw this, he knew that continuing to wait here would only consume energy.

Since it couldn’t work here, he decided to change to another place, and he went to Shanxing Group to try it.

He is going to interview Li Nanhui, the princess of Shanxing.

He doesn’t have the other party’s phone number, otherwise he can be contacted on the phone.

As for whether the other party is willing to see him or not, he can only act by chance.

Tian Genchang thought of this and no longer stayed at the school gate.

He and Jin Xuncheng said a few words and said that he was leaving.

“Aren’t you going to wait?”

Jin Zuocheng asked.

“I’ll try another way.”

Tian Genchang did not say his plans.

Kim Hoon-sung didn’t ask, each reporter has his own methods and methods, this is a secret that everyone tacitly understands.

Tian Genchang drove off, but soon he received a call again.

He looked at the phone, and it was the same number.

Tian Genchang parked his car on the side of the road and answered the phone.


“Have you got any news?”

On the other side of the phone, it was still the man’s voice.


The school “will not let us in.”

Tian Genchang said.


“I do have some information on Li Shunna here.”

“I don’t know if you dare to report?”

The man over the phone said something.

“What information do you have?

Tian Genchang’s heart moved.

“Come here to find me!”

The other party said an address.


“Can I ask your name?”

You Genchang asked a question.


“My name is!”

“Saint Minhyuk!”

Over the phone, Wu Chen said lightly.

ps: ask for monthly pass, ask for collection, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation, ask for reward, ask for sharing, ask for customization

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