Chapter 134 Uproar (please customize)

Wait until “the stock price drops to ten dollars, you add to the position!”

Wu Chen spoke to Jill about his decision!


Stocks still going down?

For ten dollars?

Jill was shocked when he heard the first half of the sentence, and then he realized that there was a paragraph behind Mr. Knight.


The stock price has fallen to this point, Mr. Knight not only does not want to sell himself, but also wants to increase his position.

“Trust me, change your destiny, just this once.

Wu Chen said Jill’s mantra.


Change fate, just this time.

Jill’s words are used to persuade others, and it is his turn today.

He was silent for a moment, and finally made the most important choice in his life.

Mr. Knight!

I believe you.

Jill’s eyes are fixed on GameStop’s stock price!




10 USD!

When the price really fell to $10, Jill resolutely increased the position.

He not only increased the position, but also posted the order again!

On the forum, retail investors couldn’t believe their eyes.

“Jill has added another position, what is he doing?”

“Game Station’s stock has fallen so badly, he has to increase his position, is he crazy?”

“Jill, you’re lying to us all to buy again, I won’t be fooled.

“Jill, you big liar, are you still trying to lie to us?”

“I believe in Jill, I added to the position.”

“I also increased the position. I don’t think Jill will lie to us.”

While Jill was adding warehouses and posting orders, Wu Chen was not idle either.

He also increased the position and put all the money in his domestic stock account into it.

Do it all.

Wu Chen started to use [Master Hacker Skills] after opening 350, and sneaked into Xiangyuan Research Company through the Internet.

Although the meeting of the five short companies was yesterday afternoon, the surveillance video of Xiangyuan Research Company completely recorded the entire meeting.


A segment of the video, began to spread from the lemon research company.

It’s not over yet.

Wu Chen infiltrated other places.

Inside the Expert House!

Reporter’s home!

Congressman’s Office!

A piece of video!

Evidence one by one!

Gradually in Wu Chen’s computer set!

country m!

Lemon Research Corporation.

Rudean, Tefoley sat in his office.

There is also a computer on his desk.


The real-time price of GameStop stock is displayed on the computer!

“Mr. Rudean!”

“We’ve made a lot of money.”

“Should it be closed?”

An employee asks him for instructions.

“Do not!”

“The price is still high.”

“Let’s wait.

Rud Ann, Tefore shook his head.

Now GameStop’s share price has dropped to $10!

But he is reluctant to close the position here.

He was not satisfied with this price, and the stock price of Game Station dropped even more before.

His goal is $4!

This price is the time for him to shoot.

Then he really made a fortune.

“Tell Jamid to post a little more on the forum.”

“Also tell those experts.”

“Let them also post more articles (cgd) on their social media accounts.”

Rud An, Tefoley told the staff.

He wants to increase the pressure on retail investors, forcing them to sell stocks further.

“Mr. Rudean!”

“One more news.

“That Jill seems to be adding more positions, and he is posting orders again!”

Employees update him on the situation.

“Don’t mind him.”

“If he wants to increase the position, let him do it.”

“Anyway, the price will definitely not go up. He just gave us money. The more people like this, the better.”

Lu Dean, Teflei and Jill are not concerned, the more you increase the position, the more ugly the death will be.

The staff went out as he ordered.

Lu Dean, Tefoley thought for a while, and called Melvin Capital again.

“Mr. Rudean!”

“I guessed you were going to call.

“Are you going to close the position?”

On the other side of the phone, Putlogin, president of Melvin Capital, seems to be in a good mood.

The stock price of GameStop dropped, and he also made a lot of money.

“Mr Putlockin!”

“I think we can wait a little longer.

“It’s not difficult for GameStop stock to drop $10, and I think it could end up in the $3-$4 range.”

Rud Antefolet didn’t want Putlogin and Buga to misunderstand, so he had to speak his mind.

Otherwise, Melvin Capital will close the position, and it will be difficult for the price to go down.

“Mr Rudean!

“You have such a bold idea!”

“But I like, well, I’m willing to support you.

Putlogin, Buga heard the meaning of Ru Dean and Tefle, and was naturally willing to support.

No one thinks too much money!

The more the price falls, the harder it falls, the more everyone will earn.

“Mr Putlockin!”

“Thanks for your support.

“I won’t say more, I have to contact Maple Tree Capital, Green Light Capital, Muddy Water Company.

Lu Dean, Tefore is not interested in talking to the other party, as long as the other party agrees.

He went on to call the presidents of three other companies.

The three company presidents quickly agreed, supporting his decision.

Everyone jointly agreed that when the stock price fell to $4, it was time for everyone to close their positions.

Lu Dean, Tefolai breathed a sigh of relief after making a few calls.


He just needs to be patient and wait for the stock price to continue falling.

Sit back and make money!

Time passes by!

Half an hour before the market closes!

Lu Dean, the computer screen in front of Tefleur.

The GameStop stock price curve suddenly bounced.

Want to speed up the descent?

Rud Antefoley thought while paying attention.

But this time, the stock price of the station has risen from $10 to $11.

what happened?

Ru Dean, Te Fulai felt a little strange in his heart.

But he soon calmed down.

This is probably because some retail investors are not reconciled to the stock price falling so much, and they are buying at low prices.

Do you think this is the low price?

Lu Dean, Tefore smiled, the real low price is still to come.

Those retail investors, in the end, will definitely regret it even more.


This time, I won’t give you a chance to turn around.

When he thought of this, the stock price curve on the screen jumped again, and it was $12.

Still struggling?

Still don’t want to give up?

Rud Ann, Tefore had a mocking look on his face.

At this moment, there was a hurried ring in his office.

“Come in!”

Lu Dean, Te Foley said something, and frowned at the same time.

He told the staff not to panic in case of trouble, apparently the staff outside made him not very satisfied.

An employee didn’t wait for him to think about it, and already rushed in.

“Mr. Rudean!”

“not good!

We’re “in trouble!”

He was probably running in a hurry and was out of breath when he entered the door.

“What’s the trouble?”

“Don’t rush.”

“Speak slowly.

Rud Antefolet asked calmly.

“just now.

“new work time.”

“problem occurs.

The employee begins to tell.

not long ago!

new work time!

Pieces of huge, dazzling advertising screens began to go out.

In the end, there was only one big Nasdaq screen left, still shining.

The other big screens were all pitch black.

The employees of the square saw this familiar scene again.

Not long ago, a Mr. Knight created the same scene.


Who is it?


There was a message on the Nasdaq screen.

“I’m a knight and I’m back.

Seeing this, some people are already calling to report.


“Mr. Knight!”


Reporters quickly arrived at the scene.

Just when everyone didn’t know what the knight was going to do?

The big Nasdaq screen started playing the video.

first video.

The conference room of Xiangyuan Research Corporation.

The conspiracy of five company presidents.

Especially the last sentence is impressive.

“I don’t believe it.”

“Adding these measures together, GameStop’s stock price has not fallen.

“Maybe it will drop to two or three dollars.

Next up, the second video!

Someone met the expert and gave the expert a lot of money, asking him to comment on the game station stock on TV and tell bad news.

Third video!

Someone met with the reporter, and also gave a sum of money, which is also the same request.

Last video!

The congressman met someone and, after receiving the money, assured him that he would satisfy him.

Seeing this, both the tourists and employees of Times Square in New York, as well as the reporters, were shocked!

They realize.

problem occurs!

Something happened!

The reporters got excited, it was big news.

Some tourists also took out their mobile phones, recorded these videos, and quietly put them on video websites.

So more people to see the video!

The entire country of m!

An uproar!

ps: ask for monthly pass, ask for collection, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation, ask for reward, ask for sharing, ask for customization

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