Chapter 129 Good people (please customize)

“M country Wharton business school?”

“Great, little brother!”

With these words, Wu Chen came to make a clearance!

He Ting looked at his hand, Wu Chen let go.

“I heard that the excavator major of Wharton Business School in M ​​country is quite good.”

“I plan to go and study.

“By the way, how is your excavator major? Let’s discuss it another day.”

Wu Chen asked with a smile.

This guy stared at Han Fei just now, thinking he didn’t pay attention, but he actually saw it.

He wanted to know the origin of this guy, and then he deduced it.

It turns out that this is the son of the noble lady, he is not reconciled, and he has to kick himself out of the upper circle!

Isn’t that just trying to get revenge on yourself?

After knowing what this guy was thinking, Wu Chen walked over to help Han Fei out of the siege.


Han Fei couldn’t help it, she also had a glass of wine in her hand, and she almost came out.

“The Wharton School of Business in the country.

“No excavator majors.”

“The people who study there are elites from all over the world.”

He Ting paused, looked at Wu Chen, and said word by word.

“Then I may have misremembered.

“That’s the beauty salon profession.”

“I’m sure I remember correctly this time, people in China like beauty salons, you can see that many people like to dye their hair yellow, and their majors are so noble.

Wu Chen patted his forehead as if suddenly.


Han Fei finally came out this time.

“Don’t offer treasures here!”

“They are really elites who came back from country m.

“Mrs. Ding, Young Master He, I’m sorry we left for a while, he may have been drinking a little too much and remembered the school wrong.”

She quickly searched Wu Chen away, and turned around to apologize while leaving.

When Wu Chen said those words, He Ting kept smiling and maintained his elegant demeanor.

People can’t fall.

But in his heart, he almost vomited blood.

What God’s excavator, God’s special 347 beauty salon.

That is a domestic technical school, not the Wharton School of M country.

He held the wine glass tightly in his hand, his fingers turning white.

“He Shao!”

“Do you like President Han?”

“It’s a pity that Mr. Han’s famous flower has an owner.”

Mrs. Ding seemed to be aware of He Ting’s true thoughts.

“Mrs. Ding!”

“Do not misunderstand.”

“I just want to meet President Han and become friends.”

He barely smiled.

He still has a palace, and now facing Madam Ding, he quietly hides his thoughts.

He continued to chat with Mrs. Ding, but in his heart, he was more determined to pursue Han Fei.

If the guy hadn’t come to interrupt, he might have left a good impression on Han Fei.

The business reception is not over yet, and I still have the opportunity to express myself and get in touch.


I have to talk to that guy first.

He Ting had no intention of giving up.

At this moment, Han Fei had already dragged Wu away and sank a few steps.


She thanked Wu Chen in a low voice.

“Thanks for what!

“This guy used to play with a lot of women.

“be careful.

When Wu Chen and Han Fei were two, they didn’t joke, just reminded.

“I know.”

“I’ve also heard a few things about this man.”

“I’ll be wary.

Han Fei nodded. It wasn’t that she didn’t know the rumors about this young master of the He family, but she had never dealt with it before.

“Are you here?”

“We’ve been looking for you for a long time.

“I almost thought you were missing, so I almost called the police.

Wan Tianming and Tang Xiu got out of nowhere, and they all joked and chatted together again.

He kept squinting his eyes and looked this way, but he didn’t go over.

He was waiting for a chance to chat with Wu Chen alone.

opportunity finally arises!

After a while, Wu Chen walked to the bathroom alone.

He Lian narrowed her eyes and walked over.


A Southeast Asian man just came out of the small room and faced Wu who came in from outside.

The Southeast Asian man shivered and retreated again.

“Why haven’t you left yet?”

Wu Chen was a little puzzled.

He recognized this person. He had seen this person. In the ring that day, this person was at the edge of the ring, and he was in the same group as the Muay Thai boxer.

He thought that this group of people had left long ago, but he didn’t expect to be here.

Do they want to win back the money they lost to themselves.

It seems a bit difficult, they lost 20 million to themselves.

But Wu Chen didn’t care, as long as he didn’t provoke him, it didn’t matter to him whether the group was dead or alive.

The Southeast Asian man hid in the small room and did not dare to come out. It seemed that Wu Chen was standing in the bathroom alone.

When the door rang, Wu Chen saw He Ting walk in.

“Little Junior Brother!”

“What a coincidence!”

“meet again.

Wu Chen smiled and said hello.

I’m not your little brother.

You are not from Wharton.

He Bian’s face sank.

However, he still did not object, lest Wu Chen associate the excavator and beauty salon with him again.

He, an elite, could not stand such humiliation.

“Can we talk?”

He said to Wu Chen.

“It doesn’t seem right here.”

Wu Chen wanted to go out, but he didn’t seem to want to talk about it here.

The smell here is so overwhelming that no one can stand it.


“Just a few words.”

Believe in “I, it’s good for you.

As soon as He Ting said this, Wu Chen didn’t leave.

If it’s good, listen to it.

“All right!”

“Hurry up!

He nodded, forcing himself to endure the unpleasant smell.

“I know you are President Han’s boyfriend.”

“I want you to break up with her.”

“You make a price.”

He Ting didn’t say much, just took the money.

His family is rich, and he has the confidence to do so.

Wu Chen, a small white-faced person, should be able to buy it with money.

Even if he becomes the son-in-law of the Han family, he will not have much (cgdi) money, and he can give him more money.

Of course, if he became the son-in-law of the Han family, it would be different. If the He family and the Han family joined forces, he would get more back.

“Little brother?”

“What do you mean?”

“You dug my corner?”

Wu Chen smiled.

“Do not laugh.”

“I don’t like your smile.

“You are actually not suitable for President Han at all.”

He Ting’s face had an air of superiority. In his eyes, Wu Chen was a small person.

“Mr. Han is your boyfriend and girlfriend now, it doesn’t mean she will marry you in the future.

“You and her are two worlds after all.”

“Maybe at that time, you can only fight with chickens and eggs and have a good time. It’s better to take my money and break up.”

There was a hint of condescension in his eyes.

He was persuading Wu Chen.

Of course, He Ting’s words were thought out in advance, and he felt that he could impress Wu Chen.

Whether to take a sum of money or get nothing, the other party can naturally choose.

“One hundred million dollars!”

“I can think about it.”

“I broke up with her right away.

Wu Chen suddenly interrupted.

“Mr. Wu!”

“Are you kidding me?”

“Please be sincere.”

He Lian felt that Wu Chen was crazy.

I asked you to make a price because I looked at you, not to ask you to make a random price!

A hundred million dollars?

I’m no good at all?

“I am sincere.

“I made an offer, but you can’t afford it.

“Forget it, don’t talk about it.

Wu Chen also knew that this guy would not agree, he just talked casually and looked at the other party’s financial resources.


The other party let him down.

If you really like it, you can borrow money.

After Wu Chen finished speaking, he walked away from He Bian and walked out from He Bian’s side.

He Ting had a black face, gritted his teeth, this bastard, made fun of himself again.

Like a vent, he punched the toilet cubicle door.


He withdrew his hand.

Tears flowed out.

it hurts!

At this moment, the small door opened and someone came out.

Looking at the skin color of the other party, it doesn’t look like a Chinese, like a Southeast Asian.

He Ting hurriedly restrained his expression again, with a gentle personality, he couldn’t fall!

The Southeast Asian man looked at the bathroom door, and thoughtfully, Wu Chen left, he didn’t need to be afraid.

But he didn’t leave.

“Are you that little brother?

This Southeast Asian man gave He Ting a look, and compared with his brother, he was too weak.

His eyes jumped, and his eyes flashed fiercely.


“You heard wrong.”

“I have nothing to do with him.”

He Ting took a step back, he felt that the Southeast Asian man was not friendly.

He wanted to leave.

At this moment, he regretted that Wu Chen had left, and everyone at least had a company.

“I heard it.

“He called you little brother.”

Southeast Asians speak half-familiar Mandarin, and their voices are even more fierce.

He can’t understand the language that is too complicated, but he understands the words “Junior and Brother”.

“I said something else later.”

“If you understand.”

“You know that I’m not his little brother.

He walked back and explained patiently.

He felt that he couldn’t tell this guy clearly, did you get on or not, and ran halfway when he heard it.

“I only know that you are his junior brother.”

The Southeast Asians spoke for the third time with a tyrannical voice.




A tragic cry came from the bathroom.


Wu Chen brought a cleaning sign from a distance and quietly placed it at the door.

I am actually a good person!

I never hit people like that.

Listen, how badly this beat my junior brother!

These Southeast Asians should be sent back sooner, otherwise there will be no more monkeys there.

Three more minutes!

I’ll call the police!

Do not!

Still four minutes!

Wu Chen sighed.

Just outside the door!

I am really a good person!

ps: ask for monthly pass, ask for collection, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation, ask for reward, ask for sharing, ask for customization~

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