Chapter 114 Shocked (please customize)

Wu Chen ended the battle in a stormy way!

This kind of battle leaves everyone with only two words left.


Brother Zhao, who is a big fan of Wu Chen, has his eyes full of admiration and admiration. The uncle knows how to calculate, and he is so cruel!

Such an uncle can’t be found even with a lantern.

With such an uncle, who would dare to provoke the Song family in the future!

Song Ye has a successor!

There is a successor to the Song family!

We are lucky to follow Master Song. With such an uncle, we can also walk sideways.

There is also Zhou Shipeng, who wants to cry alone but has no tears.

As soon as he settled the accounts, he lost 90 million to Wu Chen before and after.

It’s not that quick to steal money.

The key is that this is all willing to give away.

Why am I a rich boy in my last life?

The other bosses looked at Wu Chen, and everyone began to regret it.

What the heck, who would bet money with you knowing that you are so cruel?

Thirty million!

Wouldn’t it sound good if I held it?


The point is not this.

Song Zheng’s son-in-law is indeed a ruthless man!

The bosses have gone from doubting, to disbelief, to now believing.

The previous legend turned out to be true.

Song Zheng’s son-in-law is not easy if he can fight and calculate. In the future, everyone should be careful about this.

From now on, the bosses began to have a deep fear of Song Zheng and Wu Chen.

In fact, Song Zheng was the most shocked. He looked at Wu Chen and then at the Muay Thai boxer lying on the ground with a thoughtful look on his face.

Little fox, you are so cruel, you beat him so hard that his mother won’t recognize him.

Only now did he know that from beginning to end, this little fox was pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger.

337 No matter whether it is literary or martial, this little fox has a powerful hand.

This is really his son-in-law.


This is not impossible, my daughter Song Ziyan is not worse than Han Fei, she is still very beautiful!

Han Chongshan, the old fox of the Han family, doesn’t know Wu Chen’s abilities, I know!

I have to persuade my daughter to do it first, to cook the raw rice first, then the old fox will have nothing to say.

Just do it.

Song Zheng changed his mind at this moment.

What daughter broke up?

What is not your own son-in-law?

Do not!

This is his son-in-law.

Definitely his son-in-law.

Song Zheng was about to compete with Han Chongshan, and he had to grab this son-in-law.

Not only does he not object to the relationship between his daughter and Wu Chen, but he also vigorously promotes it.

Whoever changed, if there was such a son-in-law, he would never let go.

Fortunately, Han Chongshan is not here, if he were, he would definitely scold him and ask for a face?

Song Zheng doesn’t care, whoever wants to take it.

He values ​​such a good son-in-law even more.

At this moment Wu Chen walked off the stage.

“Uncle Song!”

“I’m done.”

“Remember to pay.

He greeted Song Zheng and looked at the big guys around.

“Don’t worry, leave it to me to collect the money.

“Go to the locker room and have a good rest.”

“Look at you sweating profusely, you’re so tired, I feel hard (cgdj) all the time.”

Song Zheng squinted and smiled.

The big bosses around were yelling at the same time, you old guy is not guilty if you talk about it, he has worked hard, and there is not a single sweat on his face.

This old man and son-in-law also licked enough.

“Then I’ll change clothes.

Wu Chen didn’t say more and walked to the locker room.

Song Zheng’s phone rang.

He looked at the phone number, paused, but was still connected.

“Old man, wait for me for two more minutes, and I’ll be there right away.”

Song Ziyan’s phone call came again, and she was still a little breathless.

He seemed to be in a hurry.

“Daughter, if I told you that Wu Chen has finished the game, you wouldn’t blame me, would you?”

Song Zheng’s words made the other party stagnate.


“How come the game is over?”

“Old man, your words don’t count.”

On the other side of the phone, Song Ziyan was going crazy.

Daughter”, you don’t know, the situation at that time….

Song just said something bad, and then explained the reason clearly.

Wu Chen took a shower in the locker room, changed back to his original clothes, and became refreshed.

When he came out, there were not many people in the underground venue.

He saw Han Fei and Song Ziyan at a glance, they were standing beside Song Zheng.

Song Zheng had a bitter face and was still talking nicely with his daughter, but Song Ziyan kept her face straight.

Song Ziyan is angry!

So angry!

He clearly agreed with the old man, but he still missed the opportunity to watch Wu Chen fight.

Especially when she listened to the iron fan Zhao Ge’s mouth flying, describing Wu Chen’s fighting scene, just listening to her, she felt that her blood was full of anger.

What a great opportunity this is, I don’t know when I will see it next time.

She didn’t want to forgive Song Zheng even more.

“Why are you here?”

Wu Chen walked over, he didn’t know that Song Ziyan had called him.

“Wu Chen!”

“You are majestic now.”

“When will you teach me? I want to learn.”

Seeing Wu Chen, Song Ziyan immediately threw Song Zheng aside and pulled Wu Chen’s arm.

Song Zheng must have complained in the past, but now he wished his daughter would take the initiative and take the initiative more.

He peeked at Han Fei, but Han Fei didn’t show any unhappy expression.

It seems that Han Fei has not realized that she has not regarded her daughter as an opponent. This daughter is a good thing for her.

Song Zheng was thinking about when to talk to his daughter.


Sometimes it takes women to take the initiative!

“Teach you, okay!!

“Assembly Language, C Language, Data Structures and Algorithms, Principles of Computer Composition.”

“You can learn anything.”

Wu Chen distorted Song Ziyan’s request.

“I do not want.”

“I want to learn to fight.

“You teach me.”

Song Ziyan took Wu Chen’s hand and refused to give up.

“I won’t!”

“I’m just an ordinary programmer!”

Wu Chen laughed.


Song Ziyan was helpless.

Everyone laughed.

“It’s almost time.”

“Let’s go eat!

I think Wu Chen is hungry too.

Han Fei said beside him.

She also has a new understanding of Wu Chen today. It can be said that the secret of Wu Chen has been opened up again.


I didn’t expect Wu Chen to do this, and it’s so powerful!

You mysterious man, how many secrets do you have?

In Han Fei’s heart, she actually began to have more curiosity about Wu Chen.

But she knew that men had some secrets that they wished to keep alone.

She didn’t ask much, anyway, she was often with Wu Chen, and there was always a day when she knew.

The other one, she knew that after fighting, her physical strength was very high, and she naturally needed to replenish her energy.

Her proposal was approved by everyone.

“I’m really hungry.”

Wu Chen rubbed his stomach, he did consume a lot of physical strength.

“Let’s go!”

Song Ziyan didn’t object either.

“Wait, daughter, did you forget someone.”

Seeing that the three of them were leaving, Song Zheng hurriedly reminded them.

Song Ziyan ignored it.

“Uncle Song!!

“let’s eat together!”

Han Fei understood what Song Zheng meant.


“Compared with Zi Yan.”

“You are my daughter!”

Song Zheng was joking.

“You don’t have legs, old man, do you want me to carry you?”

Song Ziyan rolled her eyes.

This is a joke between the father and daughter, and everyone smiles and doesn’t care.

The group did not go to other places, there is a restaurant in Juyuan Hotel, and the taste is also very good.

Everyone entered a private room.


“Speak first.

“This meal is my request.”

“Wu Chen boosted our morale a lot today.

Song Zheng said first.

“That’s not your invitation.”

“This is your hotel.

“However, Muay Thai is just average, so it doesn’t matter if you win.

Song Ziyan pouted, she didn’t want to cater to Song Zheng.

“That’s not it.”

“In fact, Muay Thai is still very good.

“Maybe that Muay Thai fighter today didn’t learn.

Song Zheng shook his head.

He actually knew it.

Not a Muay Thai fighter!


Wu Chen is amazing!

ps: Ask for monthly pass, ask for collection, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation, ask for reward, ask for sharing, ask for customization.

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