"The Emperor is really good at this. This sword is so elegant!"

Tongtian smiled and did not mention Ma Yuan. Instead, he mentioned the sword that Ren Huang had just used to kill Ma Yuan.

"My swordsmanship has been praised by the saint, so I think my training has not been in vain."

Ren Huang also smiled, quite modestly.

Seeing the harmonious appearance of the two, the Jiejiao disciples present couldn't help but shudder in their hearts.

Ma Yuan's body was still warm, and the blood was still flowing under Ren Huang's feet.

Ren Huang was chatting and laughing with Tongtian.

Dingguangxian's face changed slightly, but he quickly adjusted himself.

He used Ma Yuan's hand to test the attitude of the human race and got the answer he wanted.

What he didn't expect was that Tongtian didn't care about Ma Yuan's death at all.

Tongtian cared more about the human race, not their life or death!

As a servant of the Seven Immortals, he was smart and good at judging the situation. He had made up his mind.

In the human race, just be honest!

Although he was quite favored in front of Tongtian, looking at Tongtian's attitude towards the human race, if he really died in the human race, Tongtian would also... It is impossible to go to war with the human race for him!

Not only Dingguangxian.

All the disciples of Jiejiao, whether they are present or in other realms, have seen it through the secret method, and now they all know what is going on.

It is better to be honest with the human race!

There were also friends of Ma Yuan, whose expressions changed several times, but finally suppressed it.

A friend dies rather than a poor Taoist.

They don't want to offend the human race, which is extremely important in Tongtian's heart, for the sake of a dead Ma Yuan!

Ren Huang already knew what was going on when his divine sense swept through the expressions of the Jiejiao immortals present.

His goal has been achieved.

Tongtian's appearance has already made his attitude clear.

These people from Jiejiao should be quiet for a while.

If they are still not honest...

If they are still not honest when Tongtian has already expressed his position, it means they are not giving Tongtian face.

They will be killed if they are killed.

"Dear saints, please move to the Emperor's Palace. I have prepared a banquet."

"The wine brewed by Ren Shi is really unique. You three must try it."

"Fellow Taoists, don't just stand there, come in quickly!"

Ren Huang put on a warm smile and greeted the three saints and their disciples.

Now, no one was unwilling to give him face.

The three saints personally stood up for him.

How many creatures in the world dared to ignore him?


As Ren Huang and the others entered the Human Emperor Palace, the outside world began to make a commotion.

An old immortal suddenly knelt on the ground, tears streaming down his face.

He was so happy that he cried.

Countless young people around him tried to help him up, but they couldn't.

The old immortal looked towards the east, tears streaming down his face.

"Dad, did you see it in heaven?"

"Our human race has become stronger!"

"No need to rely on others anymore!"

"Even if you are a disciple of a saint, you cannot act rashly on the land of our human race!"

"Dad... I saw it for you."

The old immortal's eyes were blurred with tears, as if he had crossed time and space and returned to the past.

He still remembered.

In the past, he grew up in the yellow sand.

After giving birth to him, his mother died in the yellow sand and was hastily buried.

His father raised him little by little.

When he was able to walk by himself and go hunting with the tribe, the skinny father in his memory could not hold on any longer.

That day, his father committed suicide and his blood spilled on the yellow sand.

He hugged his father and cried as miserably as he did today.

His father touched his face with his rough hands and said,"We humans are born to suffer."

"The sooner I die, the sooner my suffering will end."


"You go with the patriarch and go to the west."

"The patriarch said that the West is the lifeblood of our race."

"Please help Dad to see the West."

"If one day, the human race no longer has to suffer, no longer has to worry, and the human race becomes stronger, remember to tell me……"

Thousands of years have passed, and he has practiced hard.

However, he is not as talented as Ren Yi and Ren Shi, and he has no strengths.

When the human race was still weak, he joined the army for thousands of years, and kept fighting and fighting, and made great military exploits. Relying on various resources, he was lucky enough to practice to the realm of heavenly immortals.

He participated in countless battles of the human race, big and small.

He thought that the human race was already very strong.

But when Yuanshi came to the East and West in the war between the human race, he found that the human race was pitifully weak.

At that time, a thought from a saint was enough to destroy everything.

So, his heart died, and he retired.

Old injuries are difficult to heal, his origin is damaged, and his heart of Tao is broken.

Like countless people, he thinks that the human race today is nothing but a bubble.

It will shatter with a poke from the saint. After Ma Yuan hurt people, he didn't know how many thoughts flashed through his mind.

"I'm sorry... Your Majesty, I'm sorry"

"I feel so ashamed of myself for not trusting you!"

He had doubted Ren Huang. He doubted that Ren Huang would give up his perseverance and break his promise in front of the saint.


Ren Huang did it!

Facing the saint, he was still unyielding, neither humble nor arrogant!

Even if he killed the saint's disciples in front of him, the saint would applaud!

Who dares to say that the human race is not strong?

At this moment...

The old immortal was happy and wanton, and the dark clouds that had accumulated in his heart disappeared! He let out a long roar, soared into the sky, and bathed in the sudden thunder tribulation.

The aura on his body quietly transformed.

A dead tree sprouts new buds.

In fact, a celestial being who is less than ten thousand years old is not a dead tree at all.

It's just that his heart was dead before.

Now, it's a rebirth.

Ren Huang, who was drinking with the three saints, glanced at the rolling thunderclouds outside the Human Emperor Palace and showed a sincere smile.

He knew the old immortal. When he came to the West, he hugged him on the road.

The phobia of saints... can be regarded as dispelling a little.

Ren Huang drank the wine with mixed feelings in his heart.

The saint is really terrifying

���The self-confidence that took thousands of years to cultivate in the hearts of the human race was directly brought to the bottom when facing the attack of the saint.

The old immortal cannot be blamed. In fact, most of the human race who experienced that battle had their hearts broken and were terrified when talking about saints.

Killing Ma Yuan was to establish his prestige.

It was also his conscious effort to eliminate the fear of saints in the hearts of the human race.

Sooner or later, the human race will have to face saints.

Swinging swords at saints is something that must be done.

Of course, Ren Huang also understood that the best way to eliminate the fear of saints is to be stronger than saints!

To knock down the saints in the war!

However, this is really difficult.

Not to mention tens of billions of human race, even hundreds of billions, trillions, quadrillions, and trillions cannot make him as strong as a saint.

That is definitely a gap that cannot be made up by numbers.

But... there is a long way to go.

No matter how difficult it is, we have to do it.

Ren Huang drank a glass of wine and laughed generously,"Three of you, the time limit for our human race to set foot in the East is getting closer and closer."

"To be honest, my goal is to unify the East and the West, conquer the heaven and the earth, and make all other races subordinate to me, the human race!"

"But now... my human race is still a little weak"

"I wonder if anyone is willing to donate generously?"

Yes, this is another purpose of Ren Huang.

Military funds!

The task is heavy and the road is long?

It doesn't matter, a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

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