Kunlun Mountain.

Dark clouds covered the mountain, covering the entire mountain range.

The air stopped flowing, and everything was stagnant.

With the highest peak of Kunlun Mountain as the center, flowers, grass, and trees quickly withered, and the situation continued to spread to the periphery.

Countless creatures crawled and trembled under the oppressive atmosphere.

"Tongtian, you are not ashamed to come back?"

Yuanshi glared at him, his anger seemed to set the whole world on fire and destroy the prehistoric world.

Tongtian pursed his lips and sighed:"Brother, you have also seen the mystery of the human army formation. It has greatly inspired my formation art and can even help me go further."

"My vision has always been to create the most powerful formation in the world."

"I have a feeling that the secrets of the military formation can help me find the path I have been pursuing.

Tongtian explained patiently.

"Brother, although I have some connection with the human race, our brotherhood still exists."

"I will never neglect our friendship because of this"

"Just this time... Could you please let me remain neutral, brother?"

His attitude was very low. He just wanted to remain neutral.

The brotherhood of countless years could not be severed, and the opportunity to go further could not be severed either.

He had already become a saint and had almost exhausted the mysteries of the prehistoric world. How could it be easy to go further?

Otherwise, why would Taiqing be so angry and not hesitate to lower his status to target the human race ?


"You, the disciples of Jiejiao, went to the West to teach the human race, and gave the Jiejiao skills and resources to the human race, and you told me that you remained neutral?!"

"Unless you are willing to research a method to crack the human race's military formation and tell us, then I am willing to let you remain neutral."

Yuan Shi pressed on step by step, and Tong Tian's face changed again and again.

He was asked to hand over the method to crack the military formation?

How could it be possible!

Whether it was the oath he had made or the morality in his heart, he would not be allowed to do so.

"Are you in trouble?"

Yuan Shi sneered,"You are unwilling to do this and that, and you are telling me that you are neutral?"

"I think you don't take our brotherhood to heart at all!"

He was already extremely angry, and his words became more and more unpleasant.

Tongtian's face also became ugly.

"Brother, you said that you targeted the human race because it was God's will."

"But... the Great Dao is fifty, the Heaven's Derivatives is forty-nine, the Heaven's Dao itself gives all things a glimmer of life"

"It is precisely because of this ray of life that the prehistoric world has given rise to countless variables, leading to the existence of the prehistoric world today."

"Brother, you always talk about God’s will…but isn’t this glimmer of hope God’s will?"

"Until now, Heaven has not issued any order to deal with the Western human race!"

Yuanshi was furious!

"Wrong logic!"

"All living beings in the ancient world have their own destiny, and everything is governed by God's will!"

"As saints of Heaven, we should follow the will of Heaven and serve as the shepherds of the world!"

"Your so-called seizing a glimmer of hope is a heresy. As a saint of the Heavenly Dao, do you want to go against Heaven?!"

Tongtian couldn't help but frown.

Yuanshi believed in following Heaven's will and cultivating virtue to become an immortal.

The"virtue" here does not refer to morality, but to whether one complies with Heaven's will.

When Heaven's will comes, even if he is asked to destroy the prehistoric world and create the world again, he will definitely do it.

Just like the Demon Dao at the beginning.

After the Heavenly Dao instructed, Yuanshi immediately stopped attacking the Demon Dao and allowed the Demon Dao to exist in the prehistoric world.

Tongtian has never approved of it.

Because of the disputes over the concepts and paths of both sides, I don't know how many quarrels they had!

Unexpectedly, the topic was brought up here again.

""Brother, I have my own way!"

Tongtian said firmly.

"I am also a saint!"

I am your younger brother, but I am also a saint!

I have become a saint by following my own path, why do I need you to point fingers at me?

Could it be that your path is nobler than mine?!

Yuanshi glared at Tongtian, his holy power surged, and it seemed that he was ready to take action at any time.

He said coldly:"I said, you just follow your path!"

"However, if you insist on going your own way and are willing to set foot in the West and conspire with the human race, don't come to see me in the future."

"I also have my own way!"

""We have different ideals... we cannot work together!"

Tongtian looked at Yuanshi in disbelief.

He couldn't help but murmured,"Brother, are you chasing me away?"

"If you insist on doing it your own way, don't call me brother."

Yuan Shi's voice was extremely cold.

Tong Tian's face turned a little gloomy.

He was ashamed.

No matter what, he never thought that it would come to this.

He thought his two brothers would understand him.

At least, they would not ignore their years of brotherhood because of this matter.

Now it seems that he was wrong.


Tongtian laughed at himself.

The human race, the human race.

It really gave him a difficult problem.

The countless years of brotherhood, or the possibility of further advancement in his own path.

Which one is more important?

He couldn't figure it out for a moment.

"Brother, for the sake of our many years of brotherhood, can we each take a step back?"

Yuanshi laughed, and asked in anger:"When you cooperated with the human race, did you ever think about our brotherhood?"

"When you think that the enemy is against us, have you ever thought that... we are brothers"

"Tongtian, you betrayed first, what brotherhood are you talking about now?!"

Tongtian was stunned in place.

Does what Yuanshi said make sense?


He was the first to choose to cooperate with the human race!

But... he also did it for his own way. He is a saint and a seeker of the way.

Is it wrong?

Tongtian's heart was full of mixed feelings.

Countless pictures flashed through his mind.

There was the time when the brothers supported each other when they just transformed, and they united in the prehistoric world to deal with powerful enemies.

There was the Zixiao Palace, where the three brothers became disciples of Hongjun, talked about the future, and aimed at the ambition of becoming saints.

There were the three brothers who became saints one after another, climbed to the top of the prehistoric world, and got drunk together.

There was also... on Kunlun Mountain, quarrels again and again.

After becoming saints, their quarrels became more and more intense.���

Sometimes, it was Yuanshi's dissatisfaction with his disciples, thinking that he accepted disciples indiscriminately and made Kunlun Mountain a mess.

Sometimes, it was Yuanshi's dissatisfaction with him"intercepting a ray of hope".

The friction and quarrels between the two sides increased and became more frequent. The three brothers who were once as close as one person gradually changed.

It's not that he didn't think about this possibility.

It's just that subconsciously, they still ventured into the wilderness together, with brotherly love and respect, and mutual tolerance and understanding.

In fact, everyone is right.

In Yuanshi's view, he did disregard the brotherhood.

For him, there is no way he would miss this opportunity.

""Forget it, forget it."

Tongtian sighed.

People with different ideals cannot work together.

The repeated quarrels may have foreshadowed the arrival of this day.

""Brother, I am leaving now."

His eyes became firm again.

Yes, no one was wrong.

Everyone was just walking on their own path.

He was a saint, not an ignorant child.

Once he had made a decision, he would not regret it.

He made the decision himself, and he was willing to bear all the costs.

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