As soon as Ren Huang finished speaking

, a figure appeared outside the Human Emperor Palace and shouted,"Congratulations to the Human Emperor for unifying the West!"

Hearing this voice, Ren Huang raised his eyebrows, a little surprised.

It turned out to be Jie Yin's voice!

""Sage Jie Yin, please enter the Human Emperor Palace."

Ren Huang stood up and went out of the palace to welcome Jie Yin.

He had been looking forward to seeing Jie Yin for a long time.

After all, Jie Yin had said that when the West was unified, he would give him a great gift!

"Hahahaha, the Human Emperor is becoming more and more high-spirited."

Jie Yin smiled and stepped into the Human Emperor Palace

"However, I think the emperor is not waiting for an old man like me, but for the treasures I bring, right?"

Ren Huang coughed lightly,"No, no, the saint's visit to the emperor's palace is exactly what I want."

"If I could get guidance from a saint, I would be more than happy."

Jie Yin and Ren Huang smiled at each other.

Everything was self-explanatory.

Soon, Jie Yin took out a space ring.

Ren Huang took the ring and was immediately surprised.

What a big deal!

Jie Yin and Zhunti, it seems that they really put in a lot of effort!

I saw that the storage ring had been carefully divided into various areas.

The cultivation resources of ordinary creatures below the human immortal, including various spiritual fruits, elixirs, refining materials, etc., totaled 30 billion pieces!

If these resources were placed in other races, they would only be filler and they would not even bother to look at them.

But for the human race, they are very important.

Ren Huang wants not only the human race. Not only are there the most powerful people in the human race, but also a large number of ordinary practitioners.

If the human race has 10 billion practitioners, even if they have not become immortals, the increase to Ren Huang is also extremely terrifying.

The cultivation resources and refining resources of the human immortal realm, etc., number in the billions.

These things are enough for Ren Huang to build all four legions perfectly!

And it is more than enough. After building the legions and special buildings, the remaining is estimated to be able to cultivate millions of human immortals.

In addition, all kinds of precious treasures are countless.

Mortals, human immortals, earth immortals, celestial immortals, mysterious immortals, true immortals, golden immortals.

Cultivation, refining, refining Treasures, array formations, talismans, raising poison, zombies... covering the seven realms, all kinds of materials for practicing hundreds of arts, there are tens of billions of them.

The number piled up is comparable to a small world!

This is not over yet.

This is just a gift for the human race.

Ren Huang solemnly took out a spiritual treasure from the storage ring.

This is a green flag. As soon as it appeared, white air crossed the sky and golden light appeared.

Holding this flag, Ren Huang suddenly felt calm and peaceful, and the evil spirits retreated.

The innate top-grade spiritual treasure, the Qinglian Baose Flag!

This is a gift for Ren Huang.

The Western Church has spent a lot of money!

Ren Huang stroked the green flag. The Lotus Treasure Color Flag, I didn't expect that the Western Religion would even take out such a treasure.

Looking at the entire prehistoric world, innate top-grade spiritual treasures are rare.

Not to mention in the hands of Jie Yin Zhunti. It is not an exaggeration to say that this treasure is the Western Religion's number one protective spiritual treasure!

The most important thing is that it does not require a high level of cultivation to activate this treasure.

In the Conferred Gods, Jiang Ziya was once given the Wu Ji Xing Huang Flag at a humble level. Relying on the Wu Ji Xing Huang Flag to protect himself, he stirred up the storm in the Conferred Gods with only forty years of cultivation, which shows the power of this treasure. The

Green Lotus Treasure Color Flag is a treasure that is no less than the Wu Ji Xing Huang Flag!

"This treasure was given to the Emperor for protection."

"When the Emperor was assassinated by Bai Ze, I was deeply saddened."

"It's a pity that the West is so poor that this is the only thing we can offer."

"Although this treasure is an innate spiritual treasure of the highest grade, it is not omnipotent. If the realm gap is too large, the emperor must be careful."

Jie Yin did not say much.

It would be bad to say too much.

The treasure is here, and it is enough for Ren Huang to remember this cause and effect.

"Huang will keep it in mind and thank the saint for the generous gift."

Now that the human race is in a period of cooperation with the Western religion, Ren Huang did not refuse.

This time, he really owed a big cause and effect.

"I am leaving. I will wait and see the Human Emperor lead the human race to expand the territory and point the sword to the east!"Jie

Yin laughed and his figure gradually faded away.

This was expectation and also a silent urging.

Ren Huang stood in the Human Emperor Palace and looked towards the east.

He was more anxious than anyone else and wanted to fight back again.

But he also knew that it was definitely not the time to do it now.

"Come, pass on my instructions."

"From now on, the regular cultivation resources that all human beings can obtain will be tripled!"

"Encourage the human race to have children. For every child born, the tribe will teach them uniformly and give them a lot of cultivation resources."

"All practitioners above the Celestial Realm will go outside the human territory to repair the earth veins and expand the territory."

The West is not just the continent they occupied.

The area they occupied is not even one ten-millionth of the land.

However, in other places, the earth veins are broken, the spiritual energy does not exist, and it is a place without spiritual energy, which is impossible to live and practice.

Ren Huang will continue to open up territory for the human race.

How can just one continent be enough?

He wants the entire West!

This is also a return of favor. He promised to guide them and return them ten thousand times. It's time to start taking action.

"The Weapon Casting Hall, the Training Ground, and the Endless Great Wall all began to be repaired at the same time. All the skilled craftsmen of our human race were recruited to triple the resources!"

"Human soldiers, the pay has tripled!"

"Innovation is encouraged. All unconventional practices such as refining equipment, refining medicine, and forming battle formations will receive huge rewards!"

"Encourage entertainment in wine shops, opera houses, theaters, etc., and reduce taxes in entertainment venues!"


Ren Huang issued one order after another. It

's time for the human race to relax a little.

Years of war and countless deaths.

Isn't it for today's prosperity?

He never wanted the soldiers to be aggressive, but there were always people forcing him to squeeze every bit of strength out of him.���, go to war.

Fortunately, the human race can take a break

"From now on, the human race will rest and recuperate for eight thousand years!"

""No war for eight thousand years!"

Ren Huang made the most important decision.

Countless human races were extremely excited.

Ren Yi was leading the army to the ancestral land of the human race.

Hearing Ren Huang's voice, he almost shed tears. After more than a thousand years of fighting, the human race finally had peace.


This is not just peace.

It is also the time for the human race to sharpen its sword.

After eight thousand years, the sword of the human race will surely shock the world!


After delivering the oral instructions, Ren Huang used the [Cultivation Opportunity: Heaven-dropped Adventure] that he had just obtained.

He looked up at the sky and saw one illusory meteor after another that others could not observe, falling from the sky and hiding in various places of the human race.

In the next period of time, there will be adventures in the territory of the human race, creating strong people one by one. In the void, an illusory golden dragon loomed, and the dragon roared earth-shaking.

It soared above the nine heavens and traveled through the four borders of the human race in an instant. The dragon's eyes were sharp, as if it was inspecting the human race.

After a while.

The golden dragon rushed down and poured into the statue of the Human Emperor.

The luck of the human race has skyrocketed!

Ren Huang stroked the Holy Sword of the Human Emperor, thinking.

If there was no assassination by Bai Ze, he would also choose to recuperate, but he would also send some people to the east to gain a foothold and slowly grow stronger.

But now, the situation is completely different.

The demons are eyeing covetously, and the saints are staring secretly.

At this time, you must lie dormant for a while.

When the day comes, it will be earth-shattering!

Eight thousand years...

Ren Huang couldn't help but smile.

What will the human race look like after eight thousand years?

How far will he grow?

Can he hold up the sky for the human race?

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