"Yes, you two are thoughtful."

Hongjun nodded with satisfaction.

Today was a bit rare.

Jie Yin and Zhunti did not make trouble or ask for benefits.

As a result, he looked at the two disciples with a more pleasing look.

Jie Yin immediately said:"Teacher, don't worry, the two of us will do our best to plan this matter."

"Before the end of this Yuanhui, the two races of wizards and liches will start the final decisive battle!"

Well... the first ten thousand years were before the end, and the first hundred years were also before the end.

Don't worry.

Just drag it out first.

Don't worry about too many debts. Anyway, they are notoriously shameless, so why bother about those reputations.

Don't ask why it's so slow.

The reason is that he is stupid by nature and can't think of any good way.

Even if he already has a vicious plan in his mind, he just doesn't know it!


Jie Yin's mind moved.

He suddenly sensed that someone was actually deducing the situation in the West.

Jie Yin squinted his eyes and glanced at Taiqing not far away.

This old guy reacted quickly enough. He has actually started to deduce the situation in the West?

After thinking about it, he did not stop Taiqing from deducing the secrets of heaven, and at the same time gave Zhunti a look of"let it be".

Zhunti also sensed it, looked at Jie Yin strangely, and said in a voice transmission:"Senior brother, the old guy Taiqing must have seen something."

"If we two don't stop them, something bad might happen."

Zhunti's eyes flashed with worry.

No matter how confident the two brothers were when they were chatting, they couldn't help but worry when they really faced the Three Pure Ones.

They were old rivals, and he knew the methods of the Three Pure Ones very well.

"No problem, just wait and see what this old guy can do."

"The human race is not far from unifying the West. They will eventually set foot in the East and clash with those ethnic groups in the East."

"Are you really going to rely solely on our resources to feed their entire tribe?"

"We cannot afford to support a race that dominates the world, so we can only rely on them to fight and rob in the East!"

"We just need to block the pressure from the saints for them and let them put their hearts in the West."

A cold light flashed in Jie Yin's eyes.

In today's prehistoric world, the biggest stage is the East.

It is meaningless for the human race to dominate the West.

What they want is not a race that is bullying at home.

But a race that can go to the East to plunder, fight, and then give back to the West!

The reason why the human race was chosen is also for this reason.

Ren Huang is very courageous.

He has always been planning to return to the East and make the human race the only one!

This is in line with the interests of the Western religion.

If Ren Huang did not have this idea and just wanted to live in the West by relying on his talent and status, he would never choose the human race.

Zhunti glanced at the Three Purities and sighed softly:"I'm afraid that all this has come too early."

The human race is still too fragile.

Flowers grown in a greenhouse will experience the chaos thunder as soon as they are born.

Can they survive?

I don't know.

The only thing we know is that if they can bear it, the human race will become stronger

"It's not that I don't give them time, it's the way of heaven that doesn't give them time"

"After the Lich Calamity ends, heroes will surely rise up and countless races will fight for supremacy over the world."

"If we miss this opportunity, how long will we have to wait for the next great clan that dominates the world to fall into ruin?"

Jie Yin sighed softly:"Ren Huang is right, God does not bless the human race."


On the other side.

The future is unpredictable, but the past is like a book that can be flipped through for a saint who is not stopped by anyone.

It doesn't matter if you don't deduce it.

After this deduction, Taiqing's face suddenly changed!

I didn't expect it!

The human race actually did such a big thing in the west?!

He stared at Jieyin, and a murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

He didn't want the human race to go to the west at the beginning, because he had deduced in advance that after the end of the witch and demon calamity, the human race would usher in a leap!

And as the leader of the human sect, he enjoyed the luck of the human sect. When the human race grows stronger, he will be the biggest beneficiary.

Even in his own realm, it is possible to take another step forward.

Otherwise, why would he care so much?

It was just that Jieyin and Zhunti personally came forward to stop it at that time, and that human race was weak. He didn't want to easily start a dispute between saints, thinking that the human race was just the most insignificant tribe and it was unlikely to have any development.

Moreover, according to his calculations, the human race will rise after the witch and demon calamity.

Before the Lich Tribulation, there was absolutely no possibility of the Lich Tribulation rising up. They could only be slaughtered by the demons as food for the Tribulation.

Therefore, they gave up.

As the strongest of the six saints under Hongjun, he only vaguely sensed that the human race would be the core of the next Tribulation.

He was sure that Jie Yin and Zhunti would never be able to comprehend this secret.

But what is the situation now?!

Ren Huang, the Human Emperor who should not have appeared, has actually led that human race to this point?!

Could it be that that human race is the most critical existence in the next Tribulation?

Jie Yin and Zhunti rashly placed a heavy bet on Ren Huang without comprehending the secret!

All the disciples of the Western Church entered the human race, the West preached in the human race, and a large amount of resources were invested...

It can be said that this is the maximum support that the Western Church can give!

Jie Yin and Zhunti put all their hopes on that human race.

After all, the West is so poor that it is impossible to cultivate a second race that is qualified to dominate the world, or even one.

They could only gamble once, without the chance to make mistakes.

But they bet on the human race!

"How can it be?"

"How could the human race rise at this point?"

"That Ren Huang...how could he be so invincible!"

It goes without saying that Taiqing is good at deduction.

He naturally deduced what Ren Huang did. It was incredible!

He led the human race to rise from obscurity, and in just a few hundred years, he was about to unify the West!

He couldn't understand how such a thing could happen.

Could it be that, in God's will, the human race would first grow in the West and then rise in the East?

Thinking of this, he regretted it.

At the beginning, he personally spoke up to deprive that human race of their identity and divide the human race into two branches, the East and the West!

As the leader of the Human Religion and the Saint of Heaven, he had the qualifications. At that time, Honghuang, who was the Emperor of Man, also spoke up and announced that the human race would no longer respect the Human Religion.

There was no connection between the two sides anymore.

The connection between luck and cause and effect was severed by his own hands!

So... even if this human race rises in the future, he will not be able to enjoy the luck of this human race.

Digging his own grave!

He cut off his own way to move forward one step in the realm of saints!

At this moment, Taiqing finally understood what the world commonly said"regrets so much" meant.

"No, the rise of the human race does not necessarily mean the rise of this human race!"

Tai Qing quickly reacted.

The human race led by Ren Huang could not represent all human races.

In terms of luck, it is like this.

"As long as this human race is destroyed, I will support the Eastern human race and let the Eastern human race rise. I can also enjoy the luck of the human race, and the Holy Road may still exist!"

A cold light flashed in Taiqing's eyes.

The Western human race should be destroyed!

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