Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 996 Really, I'm at a loss!

It's a pity that no matter how beautiful love at first sight is, it can't match the cruelty of reality.

Also in Jack's perspective, Carl came over and took Ruth away. Seeing this scene, the audience couldn't help feeling sorry for Jack for a second.

Ruth is extremely disgusted with the same life in the upper class. She feels that her life is imprisoned. She seems to be standing on a cliff, and no one pays attention to what she wants in her heart.

So Ruth chose to escape.

All the way from the ball to the deck, she looked at the deep blue sea, the next moment, she began to climb up the railing, she wanted to jump from here, to find her freedom!

Fortunately, Jack lying on the bench found her, tried to save her, and even threatened Ruth, saying that the sea water was extremely cold, and if you jumped off, you would feel the pain of being cut to pieces.

Moreover, he took off his coat and shoes and said, If you really jump, I will jump too.

Ruth was persuaded by Jack, chose to accept Jack's help, and wanted to come back behind the railing.

But the next moment, Ruth stepped on the ground and fell down. Fortunately, Jack never let go, and encouraged Ruth to climb up bravely.

The crew in the distance heard Ruth's cry for help, but when they arrived, they only saw Jack and Ruth huddling together, mistakenly thinking that Jack had molested Ruth, so they handcuffed Jack as a prisoner.

Ruth's fiancé, Karl, also rushed over, and he was talking about Jack. Ruth, who came back to her senses, hurriedly stepped forward to explain, but she couldn't tell the fact that she wanted to die, so she had to make up a lie temporarily to confuse Carl and justify Jack's name.

In order to express his gratitude, Carl invited Jack to have a meal together, but he looked down on such a poor boy as Jack in his heart.

In order for Ruth to accept himself, Carl put the famous diamond necklace Heart of the Ocean on Ruth's neck.

The next day, Ruth went to Jack specifically to express her gratitude to him for saving her and keeping her secret. But while chatting, the two began to bicker childishly.

Then Ruth discovered that Jack was a painter, and each painting had its own story, which brought the two of them closer together.

The two began to chat about Jack's journey,

There are also interesting things encountered on the trip. Ruth really wanted to do something that broke boundaries, something that no one would normally let her do.

For example, spit.

So a famous lady started to follow a poor boy to play very childish games on this giant ship.

It's a pity that Ruth's mother soon met her by chance, which broke Ruth's rare happy time. Ruth took away her mother on the pretext of changing clothes for the dinner, but Jack hadn't realized what was waiting for him at the next dinner.

Fortunately, the lady known as new money extended a helping hand to Jack - lent Jack her son's dress.

Putting on the dress, Jack seemed to have become a nobleman. None of the nobles present could tell Jack's true identity.

At the dinner table, Jack was also able to talk freely without any stage fright. Before leaving, he took the opportunity of shaking hands and handed Ruth a small note to agree on the meeting place.

Ruth came to the agreed place according to the appointment, but Jack invited Ruth to another banquet—a banquet for the poor.

At the banquet, everyone played cheerful tunes, people danced on the not spacious dance floor, and everyone had cheerful smiles on their faces. This was the first time Ruth had seen such a dance.

It is the first time to participate.

Ruth felt happy for the first time, and felt the strong smell of fireworks. She and Jack held hands and spun around, so happy that the whole person was going to faint.

But this scene was seen by Karl's servant.

Carl was very angry, and when he was having breakfast with Ruth the next day, he overturned the table and completely blew out his dissatisfaction with Ruth and Jack.

The mother also asked Ruth not to see Jack again, because the mother put all the family's revival on Ruth, hoping that Ruth could firmly grasp Carl's heart and help the family pay off the debt.

The first-class cabin also refused Jack's entry. Jack had no choice but to take someone else's coat, sneaked into the first-class cabin, pulled Ruth aside, and expressed his heart to her.

Ruth couldn't respond to Jack at first, until she saw her shadow in the little girl at the next table, and then she made up her mind to escape from this cage.

Thus, one of the most classic shots of the whole film appeared.

Under the beautiful melody of the familiar my heart will go on, Jack brought Ruth to the bow of the boat, let Ruth open her arms, feeling the sea breeze blowing in front of her, the free and vast sea, and the feeling at this moment. At this moment, the two of them are already tightly attached to each other's hearts.

Under the warm and lingering sunset, Lin Fan used the rotating camera and the shooting technique of pulling the camera to make the whole picture more majestic and magnificent, and also made this love that crossed classes even more precious.

After a passionate kiss, Ruth took Jack back to her room and asked Jack to draw a picture for herself, a picture wearing only the heart of the ocean.


There was a gasp in the auditorium!

The next few minutes are the most anxious minutes for Jack in the movie, and also the most restless minutes for the audience.

However, as the subsequent plot unfolded, the audience discovered that there is no most exciting, only more exciting!

Zhang Xinlan suddenly reached out and touched Xia Yan who was beside her, then turned her head and whispered in Xia Yan's ear, I finally know why you were not cast as the heroine in Lin Fan's movie.

This scene, this scale, no one can ask anyone to act, but you can't ask your own wife to act!

If this is broadcast, I will suffer a lot!

This is no longer a question of the professional quality and integrity of the actors. If Lin Fan and Xia Yan are not in a boyfriend-girlfriend relationship, then acting is fine, there is no problem.

But the key point is that Lin Fan and Xia Yan are recognized couples in the circle, not only the media who watch the excitement and don't think it's a big deal will make a fuss about it, fans, audience and even passers-by will also have various opinions about it. of various views.

Therefore, whether it is from the point of view of reason, reason, or the final effect of the movie, it is the best choice to choose an actress who has no emotional entanglement with Lin Fan to play this role.

However, Xia Yan's focus is obviously different from Zhang Xinlan's: Really, I have lost a lot.

Half of my husband's body was seen by other women, and now he is seen by so many viewers. Isn't this a big loss?

Zhang Xinlan:? ? ? In this kind of thing, are you sure Lin Fan is the one who suffers?


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