Lin Fan is busy with film production, and this year, he didn't arrange any TV series filming at all. So if nothing else happens, this customized drama in Wang Xiuying's hands is Lin Fan's only TV drama this year.

It's hard to say, it will be Lin Fan's only TV series in the next two years.

As expected, Wang Xiuying became a little anxious when she heard this: Mr. Yang, you didn't lie to me, did you?

I can't lie to anyone, I can't lie to you, Mr. Wang is the closest partner of our studio!

Yang Hongxia's words are not flattering, Wang Xiuying is indeed a very important collaborator of Earthman Studio, otherwise Lin Fan would not be able to hand over the premiere rights of the two TV series to Wang Xiuying.

Of course, when Wang Xiuying paid for it, she was very happy.

But this doesn't affect it at all, Yang Hongxia drew Wang Xiuying into her camp, and at a certain important moment, she got some help from Wang Xiuying.

Just like now.

But Wang Xiuying's focus is obviously different from Yang Hongxia's. What Wang Xiuying cares about is: Mr. Yang, does Director Lin have no plans for filming TV dramas this year? Or should we focus on the film business in the future and slowly let go of TV dramas? Work, handed over to others?

Wang Xiuying couldn't help worrying about this.

After all, every aspiring director hopes to be able to shoot his own movie, not to mention that Lin Fan himself is a very good movie director?

Being able to shine in the movie circle and earn more money, who would want to stay in the TV drama circle?

As Lin Fan's achievements in the film industry are getting higher and higher, Wang Xiuying is particularly worried that one day, Lin Fan will no longer care about filming TV dramas, so where can I find another one, and I can shoot the top ratings champion in one shot The director of the TV series ?

When she thought of finding a needle in a haystack again, trying to pick out a TV series that was both popular and well-received among the hopelessly bad movies, Wang Xiuying wanted to die.

If this is the case, once you live a good life and want to go back to the original hard life, this mentality is completely unacceptable.

Before Lin Fan appeared, Wang Xiuying was used to the job of finding a needle in a haystack, but she didn't think it was a big deal, she had to use her eyesight.

But after Lin Fan appeared, Wang Xiuying realized that she didn't have to worry about anything, just closed her eyes and gave the money... the days of counting the money—although it was only two years ago, she no longer wanted to live a life of finding a needle in a haystack.

So after hearing the hidden meaning in Yang Hongxia's words, can Wang Xiuying not be in a hurry?

Yang Hongxia quickly reassured: It's not too bad, we will continue to work hard to produce excellent works for TV dramas.

But it is true that Lin Fan will focus more on movies in the future. Although TV dramas will not give up, they can only take a step back, and can no longer stand shoulder to shoulder with movie projects.

However, it is not without remedy.

For example, let Liang Wen break away from Lin Fan's assistant director and take charge of the TV series; the second is to recruit outsiders, or simply train a suitable director himself to be in charge of the TV series.

After all, Lin Fan still has a lot of excellent TV drama scripts in his hands, and it would be a waste if he didn't shoot them.

These belonged to the personnel transfer and major project decisions within the Earthman Studio, so it was not suitable to speak directly to Wang Xiuying.

But this does not comfort Wang Xiuying: That is to say, in the future, Director Lin may not make a TV series for several years?

Yang Hongxia: Uh...

Mr. Yang, just tell me the truth, no matter what it is, it will let my heart down. Otherwise, I won't be able to sleep tonight!

Yang Hongxia was helpless: Okay, okay, actually there is nothing I can't say. The main reason is that Lin Fan still has a movie project to do, so at least this year, he won't consider making a TV series.

But Mr. Wang, don't worry, we will still shoot TV series, but like last year, three works a year is impossible, and the reverse is almost the same.

Is there a TV series in three years?

Wang Xiuying breathed a sigh of relief, such words are not unacceptable.

After all, excellent TV drama works are also very time-consuming. Some directors may not be able to produce an excellent work in ten years. Lin Fan has made one film in three years, and the quality can be guaranteed, which is already a very good result.

If this is the case, then I have to do a good job of promoting this customized drama.

Wang Xiuying immediately discovered the value of this customized drama in her hands. This is likely to be the only hit TV drama in the next two years.

If it is thrown out hastily, not only will it fail to achieve the promotional effect of the show itself, but the audience will feel regretful when they think back two years later, for not being able to cherish the show.

Yang Hongxia saw that Wang Xiuying had fully understood what she meant, and said with a smile: So this time is actually very suitable for promoting this drama. Moreover, we will also cooperate with President Wang, implicitly revealing that Lin Fan has not I plan to continue filming TV dramas.

Wang Xiuying understood, on the one hand, Yang Hongxia wanted to use this customized drama to divert fans' excessive attention from Lin Fan's new movie.

On the other hand, I also want to express my opinion to the entire Chinese audience: Cherish Lin Fan's TV series, the good days of one hit TV series a year will be gone forever!

As the saying goes, what is rare is the most precious, if Lin Fan keeps doing this and frequently produces excellent film and television dramas, then he will slowly whet the audience's appetite.

In the future, if Lin Fan regresses a little, or the quality of his works fails to continue to improve, then the audience will be disappointed with Lin Fan, and then he will be led by someone who cares about him, then lost his original intention, exhausted his talents, etc. A one-sided evaluation will fall on Lin Fan and become an indelible label.

Therefore, although Yang Hongxia is used to Lin Fan being able to produce new works quickly and well, intellectually, she is more inclined to slow down the release of works by Lin Fan.

Only the audience can realize that no matter how good a person is, there is a heyday and a low period of creation, and it takes time to polish the work, it is also scarce, and it needs the care of the audience.

The audience should cherish such an excellent creator as Lin Fan, instead of becoming more and more harsh on Lin Fan.

Such signs have not yet appeared, but Yang Hongxia had to plan ahead.

In this regard, Wang Xiuying said: It would be the best if Mr. Yang is willing to cooperate with our publicity. Since this customized drama is so important, then we have to make a good total and how to maximize the publicity effect.

Yang Hongxia naturally nodded in agreement: That's natural!

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