Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 979 It's time to start making big money!

When Yang Hongxia saw the overseas performance of the song My Heart Will Go On, she couldn't believe her eyes.

Oh my god, is the quality of this song really that good?

Zhou Yue couldn't listen anymore: Do you have any misunderstandings about Lin Fan's song?

Yang Hongxia was stunned: No, I know that Lin Fan's songs are never bad. But it's too exaggerated, isn't it? Mr. Zhou, you didn't see that the overseas fans are going crazy!

When Lin Fan's new song was released, those fans went crazy. Now the whole network is full of tap water for this song. All the major radio stations and music programs don't need Yang Hongxia to spend money to help promote this song.

There are also many overseas singers who have also posted updates on their social accounts to share this song with their fans.

This made Yang Hongxia feel that the overseas market seemed to be no different from the Chinese market.

Because Huaxia is also recommended by fans all over the Internet, and all major social platforms are about to be captured by this song.

This song is played everywhere in the streets and alleys, in the shops along the street.

What is even more exaggerated is that Yang Hongxia learned from the children of her relatives who are going to school that even the school radio station is playing this song.

Following this trend, Yang Hongxia has reason to suspect that at some point, this song My Heart Will Go On will become one of the must-listen English singles for middle and high school students.

Lin Fan didn't know that Yang Hongxia still had this idea. If Lin Fan knew, he might have to praise Yang Hongxia. After all, all the things Yang Hongxia imagined now had actually happened on Earth.

It's just that in Blue Star, if My Heart Will Go On wants to achieve such an influence, it will take a period of precipitation.

Of course, the premise is that the two-hour MV accompanying this song is officially released.

Yang Hongxia obviously thought of this too: How long will it take for the new film to finish?

Liang Wen said: The later stage of this film is quite troublesome.

It is mainly the final climax plot, which has high requirements for special effects. Now the entire animation studio has temporarily put down other projects, and is going all out to focus on this movie.

However, it will take three months at the earliest to ensure the completion of all special effects. And this is still the best state. If something goes wrong with the special effects, it will take longer to redo it.

In fact, three months is already very tight. But the company is not a welfare organization after all, and it is impossible for you to relax and finish the work slowly.

The post-production time estimated by Liang Wen is quite conscientious. It not only puts enough pressure on the small partners in the animation studio, but also does not make them work too much overtime.

Moreover, a little time was reserved for them to check for omissions and fill in vacancies after they finished their work.

It's just that this amount of time is not enough to redo the later stage. If there are major mistakes in the work, Liang Wen can't protect them.

Yang Hongxia didn't care about these things, but calculated the production cycle of this movie: It has been more than a year and almost two years since Lin Fan sent back the script, to the project approval, preparation, and shooting. Three months of post-production, that's really two years.

There has never been a film and television drama produced by Earthman Studio that took such a long production time.

Whether it is a movie or a TV series, when Lin Fan took out the script, he seemed to have a finished film in his mind, so the film and television dramas produced by Earthman Studio have always been known for their two advantages of quality and speed .

Which of Lin Fan's film and television works was not filmed and released in the same year?

Even for the movie Nezha: The Devil Boy Comes into the World, it took a lot of time to set up an animation studio, and because of the problem of team coordination in the early stage, it was not released until the next year.

But if the studio formation and running-in time are excluded, the production cycle of this film will only be one year at full cost.

The one who played a key role in this was still Lin Fan.

Lin Fan really seemed to have produced a complete film and television drama in his own mind, so no matter what the problem was, Lin Fan could always get a clear and definite solution.

This saved the team a lot of trial and error time, or in other words, under the leadership of Lin Fan, the entire team did not have trial and error, because as long as Lin Fan said it, it must be right.

As long as the team keeps their heads down and follows Lin Fan's guidance, they will definitely be able to solve the problem.

In this way, wouldn't the production cycle of film and television dramas plummet?

Therefore, in Yang Hongxia's eyes, it was very easy for Lin Fan to make a movie. He never encountered any difficulties, let alone any major mistakes that would require reshoots.

Under such circumstances, the two-year production cycle of the new film made Yang Hongxia very uncomfortable: This is our company's first film that consumes such time, energy, and money. This matter must be remembered. Just enter the company's memorabilia.

Listening to Yang Hongxia's jokes, Lin Fan didn't want to tell Yang Hongxia that this movie took five full years in the production cycle alone on earth!

And it is precisely these five years that have created the undisputed position of this film in the history of film and in the minds of all audiences.

Of course, because the movie on Earth was filmed earlier, a lot of equipment, shooting environment, techniques, etc. were not very mature, and the funds themselves were not as abundant as Lin Fan is now.

So it took five years, and it was justifiable.

But now Lin Fan obviously has better shooting conditions, more abundant funds, and a super plug-in system, so the entire production cycle is three years shorter than the original one.

Otherwise, if another person were to make this movie, even if the funds are abundant and the shooting technology has made great progress, it may not be guaranteed that it can be shot within two years.

Yang Hongxia is purely easy to go from frugal to extravagant, but difficult to go from extravagant to frugal. She is used to Lin Fan's previous shooting progress, so it is difficult to accept such a long shooting cycle.

In this regard, Lin Fan said: This new movie is just the beginning, and I'm afraid my movies will start in a two-year cycle.

Of course, Lin Fan did not give up on low-cost films that could be finished in a short period of time. If the script was good, Lin Fan would continue to make films.

However, these large-scale productions with a shooting cycle of two years are Lin Fan's main direction of attack in the future.

No matter how good the box office of a small-budget movie is, it can't compare with big productions in the end.

And the global box office of a big-budget movie can crush the sum of several small-budget movies.

Lin Fan felt that he couldn't continue to make small troubles anymore, and it was time to start earning big money.

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