Lin Fan's new song is about to be released globally simultaneously, and it is also the theme song of a new movie. This matter has attracted widespread attention from netizens.

Aside from Lin Fan being an excellent filmmaker, none of the films that have been released so far are not good-looking. Lin Fan's own music creation ability also deserves the greatest attention from netizens on this new song.

Moreover, throughout last year, except in the third episode of Longing for the Yard, Lin Fan released a new song in each episode, as well as the soundtrack of the second season of National Treasure, the theme song of the film and television drama, the ending song and the interlude Besides, no additional songs have been released.


Calculated in this way, it seems that Lin Fan's music works were quite a lot last year, right?

in spite of!

Anyway, as long as Lin Fan didn't release an album in a serious way, he could round it up, which means that Lin Fan didn't have any music works at all last year!

Lin Fan's fans have always been self-willed and self-willed. Anyway, as long as Lin Fan doesn't release his works as a musician, those music can't be counted as Lin Fan's music works.

As for the netizens, of course they follow the fans to eat melons. As long as Lin Fan can make a song, the netizens don't mind being tied with Lin Fan's fans.

So, at the beginning of the month, on the day when Lin Fan announced the release of the new song on Chaobo, the Tianlai Music website once again ushered in a large wave of traffic.

At this time, Wang Ke of Tian Lai Music is very grateful that he confessed Lin Fan as his ancestor back then.

Look how many years have passed, no matter who in the entertainment circle is up again, who is down again, who is called the top of the contemporary era, who is popular again...there are endless disturbances, but as long as Lin Fan releases a song, The attention of the whole network will be attracted to Teana Music.

And Teana Music also relied on Lin Fan's exclusive music copyright, coupled with the development of the past few years, slowly left several other music platforms behind, and became the veritable number one music platform in China.

Wang Ke, the person in charge of contacting with Lin Fan at the beginning, has also risen with the tide, promoted and raised his salary, so naturally he no longer has to be responsible for the direct contact with the singer.

But Lin Fan is an exception here.

Whether Lin Fan releases a song temporarily, or greets Tian Lai in advance and agrees on a song release time,

Or for the soundtrack in film and television dramas and variety shows, Wang Ke will personally play and arrange all these things properly.

After all, the existence of Lin Fan is the guarantee of Wang Ke's year-end award!

No, it's not just Wang Ke, Lin Fan is also the guarantee of the year-end bonus for many Tianlai music platform employees.

So, knowing that Lin Fan likes to release new songs at zero o'clock, the staff of Teana Music not only didn't feel impatient, but stayed very actively to work overtime.

Because watching Lin Fan's new song download data keeps going up, it's like seeing his year-end bonus numbers also go up. This feeling is not too good.

In particular, if the downloaded data exceeds a certain limit, Wang Ke will take the initiative to invite everyone to have a supper. — a habit of the.

Being able to get a bonus, and someone to provide a midnight snack, who would refuse such a good thing?

It doesn't matter whether others refuse or not, anyway, Wang Ke himself will not refuse.

On the day when Lin Fan's new song was released, at exactly midnight, Wang Ke squatted in the office on time, just waiting for the Tianlai music platform to be refreshed, and he clicked to download it as soon as possible!

Yes, Wang Ke is also a loyal fan of Lin Fan. Fighting for the title of the first downloader has always been Wang Ke's never-ending hobby.

It's a pity that even if Wang Ke had the right time, place, and people, such a unique condition, he still failed to grab this title, and this time was no exception.

Oh! It's a second late! Wang Ke looked at the download data displayed on his computer and couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

Don't think it's only a second slower, but the gap is huge.

Wang Ke looked at his four-digit download ranking, and didn't want to see which ruthless person with superb hand speed could come out on top.

However, if you don't watch it, you don't watch it. Before listening to the song, there is another ceremony to be performed.

[Brother Fan, I'm Xiao Ke: Check out Brother Fan's new song! It was another day that I failed to grab the first download, but I will continue to work hard next time! 】

[Deadly Scissorhands: Ahhh! I was just a second behind, why the download serial number is out of four digits? In this second, how many people are competing with me for the first place in this download! 】

[Phoenix Claw from 1986: Sister, don’t show off, you can break into four digits if you’re a second behind, but I’m already out of five digits if I’m a second behind! Where is the reasoning here? 】


Seeing this fan's complaints, Wang Ke felt comforted. Anyway, he is still in the four figures, and the distance from the first place is not too far away.

I didn't see that it was just a gap of one second. Has anyone already been thrown out of five figures?

Sometimes it is like this, even though I am a little unlucky, but when I see someone more unlucky than myself, I get some kind of comfort in an instant!

After Wang Ke finished punching in the comment section, he returned to the downloaded Lin Fan's new song and clicked to play it.

Then sections of beautiful Irish bagpipes slowly kicked off the melody of the song, a vast, vast, and boundless sense of ethereal, slowly lingering in the hearts of all listeners.

The prelude of this song has a strong western style, the melody is extremely tactful, and it also has an unspeakable poignancy and beauty. The first moment seems to be so beautiful that people are full of yearning for everything in this world, but the next moment is so beautiful. It also gives people a kind of sadness that can only be understood but cannot be expressed in words.

It’s like the bright sunshine passing through the road of billions of miles, falling into the boundless sea, or like a huge reef standing on the beach forever, or the sound of the wind heard from the conch, you don’t know what they have experienced , and finally presented in this form before your eyes.

You can only see them in the end when you miss everything that happened at this moment, and feel good or surprised by it.

But this does not change the past that is hidden in time, they are quietly deposited in the long river of time, neither sad nor happy, eternal and eternal.

Every night in my dreams

every night in my dreams

I see you I feel you

see you, feel you

That is how I know you go on

that's why i understand you

Far across the distance and spaces ;us

Across the spaces and distances of our minds

You have come to show you go on——

Show me your coming—”

PS: My Heart Will Go On Celine Dion, Zhou Shen's cover version is also good

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