Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 973 Lin Fanbai is blinded by the face God gave him

In the next few days, Lin Fan took Xia Yan and went to decorate their nest together, leaving all the movies and new albums out of the blue.

At this time, Zhou Yue felt very regretful, why was he so generous?

If I had known that these two young people hadn't quarreled at all, I should have dominated Lin Fan, made a new album first, and then let these two get bored!

It's all right now, Lin Fan didn't come to the company directly, didn't answer the phone calls, ran away every day without a trace, and all the work for this album came back to him.

But the matter has come to this point, Zhou Yue can only accept his fate and finish his work obediently. After all, the person who released Lin Fan was either someone else or himself.

Forget it.

Zhou Yue plunged into the recording studio in pain and joy, and began to tinker with the arrangement. After a while, Yang Hongxia came: Huh? Didn't Lin Fan come to the company today?

Zhou Yue said angrily: I didn't come, Lin Fan is probably dating Xia Yan at this moment, somewhere. If you want to find him, you might as well call Xia Yan directly.

After all, if you call Lin Fan directly, this guy is really capable of not answering the call, or even turning off the phone directly.

In contrast, Xia Yan is much more obedient, at least Xia Yan won't turn off the phone and go missing, and can communicate well.

Lin Fan, like a spoiled child, no one can resist his willfulness.

But what can be done, among the people who are used to Lin Fan, Zhou Yue himself has a share of the credit: he is used to it, so he can only bear it by himself.

Hearing that Lin Fan and Xia Yan were together, Yang Hongxia didn't have the nerve to interrupt the young couple's date. After all, the young couple hadn't been able to have a proper date for a long time because of their work.

Coupled with the fact that all the work in the company is progressing in an orderly manner, Yang Hongxia didn't have to find Lin Fan, so she put the matter aside for the time being and asked Zhou Yue: Mr. Zhou, I heard that Lin Fan has released the new album I have given you all the songs, how about it, from Mr. Zhou's perspective, what is the level of Lin Fan's album this time?

Zhou Yue knew that although Yang Hongxia asked this question, she still wanted to hear her praise Lin Fan. After all, with Lin Fan's talent, how could his songs be worse?

And Zhou Yue didn't lie with his conscience: The quality of the songs this time is definitely not worse than the last album.

And with Lin Fan's current popularity and status, the sales of the album will only be better than before, not worse than before.

What's more, are there any bad songs by Lin Fan?

Not at all!

He is obviously a person who can sell albums based on his fame and looks, but every time Lin Fan releases a new song, he must rely on his talent, but he still succeeds. Do you think it's annoying or not?

There was once a popular saying in the circle that Lin Fanbai was blind to the face God gave him.

For such comments full of envy, jealousy and hatred, Yang Hongxia doesn't care, because there is really no standard for entering the entertainment industry. Some people rely on their face, some spend money, and some rely on their popularity...

However, if you want to go further and climb higher in this circle, you still have to return to the artist's own professionalism.

At the beginning, Yang Hongxia refused to bow to the traffic, because she saw through these so-called top streams. Without real strength support, she might be able to grab a lot of benefits in a short period of time, but she would definitely not go far, and would gradually be eliminated by the market .

Just like the leeks in the field, once you cut a crop, there will be another crop.

Many people once said that Yang Hongxia was too arrogant and unwilling to follow the trend, and would eventually be eliminated by this circle.

Later, Yang Hongxia chose Lin Fan and became a partner with Lin Fan. People in the circle still laughed at Yang Hongxia, who had been reserved for so many years, but in the end, she had to bow to the traffic?

But now, who wouldn't say that Yang Hongxia, with her foresight and vicious eyes, picked out Lin Fan, a piece of dusty gold among thousands of flowers, and reached the pinnacle of her life in one fell swoop?

At the beginning, Yang Hongxia would pay attention to the sour words in these circles, but as Lin Fan's works increased and his performance in all aspects became better and better, any rumors in the circle could no longer give Yang Hongxia It had a slight impact.

What Yang Hongxia is concerned about now is only how to make Lin Fan's works better display their own light and heat, get the honor it deserves, and let more people know about Lin Fan and Lin Fan's works.

So after hearing Zhou Yue's guarantee, Yang Hongxia knew what she was saying: I know, I will put in place the announcement and release of the new album. However, although Teacher Zhou's professional vision is there, I believe that people in the circle There will still be a group of people who will tirelessly want to suppress Lin Fan's momentum.

Even if Lin Fan wasn't worried about someone's tricks, intentionally hacking him, and all kinds of rhythms. But compared to the fans who stand firmly on Lin Fan's side, ordinary passers-by will still be influenced by public opinion, follow the crowd, and follow what others say.

Especially when netizens are instilled with certain concepts, they will take this concept as their own idea, and then convince themselves to believe it, and even become fans of these concepts, and devote themselves to spreading their own ideas to more people. Ideas, let more people join their camp.

In this way, they can be more convinced that their ideas are correct.

This kind of rhythm is actually very easy to follow. For example, when Lin Fan released his album, a large number of sailors were found to keep reading the comments of Lin Fanjiang is exhausted. On major online platforms, Lin Fan's current songs are not as good as before Discussion post.

As long as the number and momentum can keep up, it will leave a deep impression in the minds of ordinary passers-by: Lin Fan is indeed not as talented as before.

This kind of routine is undoubtedly a very difficult problem for artists who are just in full swing.

Please clarify, it seems that you have fallen into the opponent's routine instead, which makes people feel that you are exhausted, otherwise why do you need to clarify?

If you don't clarify, then these rumors will intensify, and in the end the three will become tigers, and the fakes will become true.

Zhou Yue has seen this kind of thing a lot: It's mediocre not to be jealous, but you don't have to worry too much. I'll just put my words here. I guarantee that this album by Lin Fan will definitely make those Everyone is so convinced that they can't say a single word!

Zhou Yue took out the playlist that Lin Fan had given him and handed it to Yang Hongxia: Besides, this is not just one album, but two!

If one album can't shut you up, then two!

Yang Hongxia took the song list and looked at it, her eyes lit up immediately: This is really a huge surprise! With these two albums here, I really have nothing to worry about!

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