Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 966 This kind of box office, just get used to it!

With Hui Qiaodan taking the lead, the friends in Lin Fan's circle also posted a super blog post as soon as they received the figure set, and spontaneously promoted the movie Nezha: The Devil Boy Comes into the World.

And the actors who have worked with Lin Fan also volunteered to help promote it. Yang Hongxia played by ear and added fire to the publicity.

As a result, almost overnight, more than half of the entertainers in the entertainment industry, popular Internet celebrities, bloggers, film critics, etc., all large and small, posted movie ticket stubs on their social platforms. Zha imitation makeup, show movie character figures.

Especially Li Xiaodong and Lu Bingyang, they simply came with a whole set of cosplay, from makeup to styling, they directly moved Nezha and Ao Bing from the movie to reality.

The COS video, which was less than one minute long, was released on the Internet, and the number of hits exceeded the million mark in an instant, and it is still rising.

And this move also made ordinary people discover the traffic code, and they all followed suit. Suddenly, the entire Internet was filled with various short videos of real-life cosplay, which was very lively.

Coupled with the fact that Yang Hongxia spread the publicity more widely, the online and offline joint interaction, the overwhelming publicity of major news websites, and the major TV stations are also rushing to report this universal COS phenomenon, making it invisible that no one in China I don't know about the movie Nezha: The Devil Boy Comes into the World.

Under such a bombardment of the entire network, the box office of Nezha: The Devil Boy Comes into the World also grew rapidly like a rocket, and the box office directly exceeded 2.5 billion in the first weekend!

This result is almost catching up with the box office of Roman Holiday in the first week of All Blue Stars!

However, the animated film Nezha: The Devil Boy Comes into the World did not choose to be screened simultaneously on all Blue Stars like the previous two films, but was only released in China.

This is also Lin Fan's story about Nezha, and it has only appeared in China for less than two years. Even in China, there are still many people who don't know who Nezha is.

At this time, if all Blue Stars are released at the same time, the overseas box office results may not be good.

Of course, after this movie has completely established its reputation in China and won undisputed box office results, relying on these solid foundations, it will be screened in the All Blue Star Film Market. In order to get a better All-Blue Star box office result.

But even so, the movie's box office results shocked the entire China!

The box office in the first week was 2.5 billion!

According to the current trend, then the total box office of Nezha: The Devil Boy Comes into the World breaks 8 billion, isn't it a certainty?

It's hard to say, this movie can create another miracle!

You know, the last Chinese animation film with the highest box office was only 1.5 billion, which was three years ago.

Although Huaxia's animation film directors are actively working hard every year to produce popular and well-received animation films with Chinese-style romance, but in fact, the probability of failure is far greater than success.

The animated films released every year are not good in plot, special effects, or simply children's films. They cannot be popularized to all age groups, and they cannot attract audiences other than parents and children.

Even if there is an occasional animated film that is on the pass line in all aspects, the overall box office results are not good.

But now, the appearance of Nezha: The Devil Boy Comes into the World seems to be a signal, indicating that China's animated films are on the rise. How can this make the audience not excited and excited!

Therefore, under such momentum and tide, the box office of Nezha: The Devil Boy Comes into the World can't stop rising. More importantly, while the box office is rising, the ratings have not dropped, and they are still stable. Stay above 9.4 points.

According to statistics from some netizens, the films produced by Lin Fan all have very high ratings at the beginning, and when the final drawing is finished, the ratings will increase with the number of viewers participating in the scoring.

And gradually fall back.

But most of them will not drop very sharply, and basically can be maintained at around 9 points.

In other words, Lin Fan is not only the director with the highest overall box office score, but also an average film score of 9 points!

Looking at Lin Fan's age again, many filmmakers wanted to call it quits.

Yang Hongxia also looked at the reports that estimated the final box office of Nezha: The Devil Boy Comes into the World, and couldn't help covering her heart and asked, Can the final box office really be that high?

Lin Fan said: Sister Xia, you have to get used to such box office data, it will become a norm in the market in the future.

China's film market has developed like a blowout in the past few years. It is no longer uncommon to see big productions with a cost of hundreds of millions or even more than one billion, and box office breaking billions has become the norm.

Although, in this normal state, Lin Fan's name is often written.

But it is undeniable that China's film market has begun to rise. This does not only refer to the buyer's market, but the seller's market is also developing rapidly.

It's just that in the past few years, almost all the limelight in the Chinese film market has been robbed by Lin Fan alone. As a result, everyone has not noticed that except for the box office that Lin Fan took away, the remaining box office is divided up by other movies. , the total amount was only more than what Lin Fan took, not less.

That is to say, in fact, in every big schedule, the Huaxia Film Market can record nearly 10 billion box office data, but you share a little bit, I share a little bit, and there are more people, and the audience's attention is also increasing. It was snatched away by Lin Fan, so I didn't notice it.

Take the Spring Festival this time as an example. The box office of Nezha: The Devil Boy Comes into the World broke 2.5 billion in the first week, which is very eye-catching.

But the Lunar New Year blockbuster ranked below the movie Nezha: The Devil Boy Comes into the World also broke 600 million at the box office in the first week!

The estimated total box office of Nezha: The Devil Boy Comes into the World is based on 8 billion, so the second-ranked Lunar New Year blockbuster, as long as the box office does not cut in half and develops according to the current trend, the final box office will not be too bad. up.

What's more, there are third, fourth, and small films that may not even make it to the ranking list? Adding all these up, the overall box office has exceeded 10 billion, which is definitely a certainty.

Based on this calculation, how much is the total box office of Nezha: The Devil Boy Comes into the World?

Looks like a lot, but it's within acceptable limits.

Lin Fan persuaded Yang Hongxia: China is our base camp, our movies should be popular here, and the poor box office performance is what we have to review.

But our real goal should be all blue stars. Only when our movies go out of China and go to Blue Star, can we stand up in front of all Blue Star people and say, our Chinese movies have risen!

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