Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 952 They are all willing to accept the fruit scenes necessary for the plot!

On Emperor Vision's side, because of this Journey to the West, it firmly sat on the top of the ratings championship. Yixue was shamed by other local TV stations for stealing countless ratings. After sweeping away, Yixin only felt that this drama was worth buying.

Of course, there are also people who want to take advantage of Lin Fan's popularity: The selection of the Spring Festival Gala program will start soon, shall we send Lin Fan another invitation to come to the Spring Festival Gala?

This proposal was immediately unanimously approved by the members of the Spring Festival Gala: I think it's okay. Lin Fan came to participate in the Spring Festival Gala the year before last, and with his own efforts, the ratings of the entire show have increased a lot. He will come again this year. The popularity of Journey to the West will definitely attract more young people to watch the Spring Festival Gala.

Not only the year before last, the song Shuilong Yin written by Lin Fan last year was also a big hit of the whole party. There is a saying, although Lin Fan did not appear on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala, the Spring Festival Gala is still popular Follow the legend of Lin Fan.

It's an exaggeration. The Spring Festival Gala is a feast that all the actors and staff work together to contribute to the audience across China. It's not all due to Lin Fan alone. But Lin Fan is indeed capable, which makes people want to see He, so I also support inviting him again.


When all the members of the program team agreed, the burden of inviting Lin Fan was placed on Zhou Yang's shoulders. After all, the person who had the most dealings with Lin Fan in the entire Emperor Vision was Zhou Yang, and Zhou Yang also had a brother, Lin Fan. What about the elders on the side?

With Zhou Yue's relationship, Zhou Yang's success rate can be increased by at least 30%.

But who would have expected that as soon as Zhou Yang called, he received the news that Lin Fan had gone abroad.

Why did you leave the country?

Zhou Yang couldn't understand, why is Lin Fan going abroad at this time?

Now is the time when Journey to the West is on the air. Lin Fan didn't seize the opportunity to add more fire to this drama. Instead, he went abroad at this juncture. What is the reason?

Of course, Zhou Yue couldn't tell Zhou Yang about Lin Fan's real purpose. This was a commercial secret that even his own brothers could not disclose.

Lin Fan has almost finished his work this year. Of course he can go wherever he wants. It's not like you don't know, none of us can control him.

Don't lie to me,

How could Lin Fan not bring Xia Yan when he was going on vacation? I just checked Xia Yan's itinerary, and she has a fan club to be held in Shanghai the day after tomorrow! Zhou Yang came prepared, and will not be fooled at will.

Zhou Yue directly messed around: Then how do I know about their young couple? Maybe Lin Fan went out to take care of everything first, and Xia Yan followed?

Zhou Yang was almost speechless: I just invited Lin Fan to see if he would like to participate in this year's Spring Festival Gala. Why do you guard against me like a thief? To participate or not to participate, I can't do anything to Lin Fan, you What are you nervous about? Could it be that you have some big project overseas to start?

What big project? Why didn't I know about it? How did you know about something I didn't even know about? Zhou Yue directly clicked three times, but he refused to admit it anyway.

Zhou Yang also had nothing to do with him: Okay, okay, I'm too lazy to tell you. Let me just ask, is it possible for Lin Fan to participate in the Spring Festival Gala this year, and you can give me an accurate answer.

If you can't come back, if you can't participate, give up.

Zhou Yang: ... I thank you!

Zhou Yue, who consciously won a game, said cheerfully: You're welcome!

Then I hung up the phone directly, feeling very comfortable: It turned out that I rejected the invitation from the director of the Spring Festival Gala. That's how I felt. It's not bad!

But before Zhou Yue was happy for a few seconds, another call came in on his mobile phone. When Zhou Yue saw the caller: Meng Anping, his mood was not so good.

He got through the phone directly, and before the other party could speak, he said directly: My boss has gone abroad, and I can't come back, and I can't participate in the awards ceremony. If the boss doesn't go, I won't go, and Xia Yan won't go either.

Meng Anping: ...No, why did you say everything before I said anything?

Zhou Yue laughed: Didn't you call just to invite Lin Fan to participate in the Golden Melody Awards?

Meng Anping was dying: Then what if I have other things?

Then what's your business?

Meng Anping: ...

I can't talk today!

Not only Zhou Yue, Yang Hongxia also received many invitation calls from the organizers, but Yang Hongxia rejected them all, and no one accepted the invitation.

As for those award ceremonies, parties, etc. that were rejected, they still sent invitation letters, so Yang Hongxia could only continue.

Anyway, the one thing Yang Hongxia has done the most over the years is to reject, reject advertisers, reject investors, reject invitations from major programs, and reject everything that reaches out to Lin Fan, wanting to grab a hand from Lin Fan Good people and things.

In recent years, Lin Fan has been able to be quiet and concentrate on doing what she wants to do, and Yang Hongxia has contributed a lot.

Otherwise, in order to deal with these interpersonal relationships, Lin Fan would not know how much energy he would spend and how many people he would be entangled with.

To be independent in this circle, apart from being strong enough, you also need an equally strong management team that can handle everything for you.

Obviously, Lin Fan did it, and Yang Hongxia did it too.


Xia Shaozhang came to pick up Lin Fan's flight in person. This trip was a secret one, so there were no fans coming to pick up the plane. Lin Fan could leave the airport calmly and got into Xia Shaozhang's car.

As soon as he got in the car, Xia Shaozhang handed Lin Fan a folder directly: Here are all screened actors who are more suitable for the heroine of the new movie. You can look again to see if there is any suitable one. If not, then choose again .”

Lin Fan was not too polite. He took the folder and opened it. They were all well-known overseas actresses. Of course, some of them had already acted in many movie roles and were already well-known overseas. A newcomer who is loved by the audience for his outstanding acting skills and impressive looks.

The only thing they have in common is probably only one, that is, they have very charming personal characteristics.

This is Lin Fan's special request.

Take Lin Fan's words: The heroine of this movie must be beautiful, not necessarily in appearance, but in temperament, which is also a fascinating beauty.

In Xia Shaozhang's folder, there are actresses selected according to Lin Fan's request.

And the more important point is: They are all willing to accept the fruit scenes necessary for the plot.

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