At this time, there was also an upsurge of discussions about Journey to the West on the Internet.

As we all know, no matter how many fans a certain person has, it is not as many as an ordinary person who has no fans. Even with Lin Fan's current achievements and status in the entertainment industry, there are still a large number of viewers who don't know that Lin Fan has a new work that will be screened at Emperor Vision.

It wasn't until the show was released on time, and until the theme song Yungong Xunyin, spread across China's north and south through the TVs of thousands of households, that everyone discovered that there was a treasured drama that was being shown!

[Emperor Vision aired an amazing TV series today, just hearing the theme song makes my scalp tingle, and my soul is about to fly out! 】

[The opening article is Wang Zha. It can only be said that he is indeed the man who has created all the rating champions in the country in recent years. Lin Fan is simply amazing, and Journey to the West is simply amazing! 】

【How did Lin Fan's brain grow? I even thought of using electronic music to write the theme song for a mythological drama! The key is to write so well! I just want to ask, is there anything in this world that Lin Fan can't do? 】

Wang Lingli read various messages and comments on the Internet while chasing dramas, feeling double happiness.

But soon, Wang Lingli discovered that the TV series Journey to the West seemed a little bit wrong.

Not only Wang Lingli found out, but even Wang's mother saw it: Hey! Is the picture quality of the current TV series so good? Are these special effects free of charge? And the setting, is it real or fake? Yes, I didn’t see it, old Wang, did you see it?”

Old Wang also shook his head: It looks very realistic, but it shouldn't be. It's a TV series, not a movie. Isn't it afraid of losing money if you do it like this?

The worries of Lao Wang and Mama Wang are not unfounded, because the Journey to the West presented to all audiences, just the scene of Monkey King's birth, is as detailed as a movie!

As for Sun Wukong's main area of ​​activity in the early stage - Huaguo Mountain, any screenshot can be used as a wallpaper, and the monkeys and grandchildren all over the mountain are also realistic to a certain extent. At first glance, it seems that the monkeys have become spirits!

Not to mention those special effects, a proper visual sense of a blockbuster movie.

Really every frame is burning money!

The Internet is even more amazed:

[It turns out that the original news was that Emperor Vision spent 15 million for one episode to buy the first-round exclusive broadcast rights of Journey to the West.

It's true! I always thought that Emperor Vision and Lin Fan were doing publicity! 】

[Fifteen million can really make an episode of Journey to the West? I remember the blockbuster movie that claimed to have an investment of 1.5 billion, what was it called, Blue Star Fleet, yes, that's the name - its special effects seem to be inferior to Journey to the West! 】

[Brother upstairs, you don’t know that. Lin Fan seems to have set up an animation studio as early as last year in order to be able to produce special effects that meet his requirements. This Journey to the West is their first achievement! 】

[It turned out to be my own animation studio, so it must have followed the highest requirements! However, Emperor Vision did not lose money on this TV series, just for such a production, every minute is worth the ticket price! 】


Not only the special effects, but the plot of Journey to the West, the participating actors, and Fu Huadao all tended to the perfect level. Take a separate episode and tell someone who has never seen it that this is a movie. It is probably a lie One standard.

Because, the production cost is really too high.

Riemann and his agent were also sitting on the sofa at home, watching the premiere of Journey to the West on time.

The agent has never stopped praising the show since its inception: It's too extravagant, too arrogant, too bullying... Once a TV series of the level of Journey to the West comes out, who will be able to watch those dramas in the future? Crude Xianxia drama?

This allows those investors who invest in TV dramas to make money, how will they make money in the future? If everyone produced film and television dramas according to the standard of Journey to the West, how could the Chinese film and television drama market still be full of bad movies?

Riemann said happily: So at the beginning, I had to get a role in Journey to the West no matter what, and you thought I was too attentive, and I was self-degrading. Now you have nothing to say?

The agent shook his head again and again: Nothing to say, nothing to say, I am so impressed! Sister Man, your vision is really good! As long as you can play a more prominent role in this drama, it doesn't matter if he is the protagonist or not. , It's all a profit, okay?

Even if you put aside the plot of Journey to the West and just look at its production level, it is enough to be recorded in the history of Chinese film and television dramas!

What's more, isn't the plot of Journey to the West not good?


The agent has been in the industry for so many years, but he has never seen a better plot than Journey to the West!


Shi Chongshan is also sitting in front of the TV, watching the first film and television drama he starred in in his life, and it may be the only one, because he will still focus on the development of traditional opera in the future.

Unless, there is a script as excellent as Journey to the West, and a character like Monkey King Monkey King appears who seems to be tailor-made for himself.

Otherwise, Shi Chongshan may only act in this TV series in his life.

This one is enough.

Great work is about quality, not quantity.

Shi Chongshan will not regret his decision in the slightest, and he will even be proud of this decision, because he has already obtained the right to adapt the opera of Journey to the West from Lin Fan, and he will be able to put it on the stage after the adaptation is completed. , performing for more audiences who love traditional opera.

With the popularity of Journey to the West, the opera version of Journey to the West will be staged, which will definitely attract more people to pay attention to the traditional opera industry.

Shi Chongshan was thinking about it when his cell phone rang suddenly. When he picked it up, it turned out to be his teacher!

When the teacher called himself, Shi Chongshan didn't dare to neglect, and answered quickly: Teacher, I'm Chongshan...

Before Shi Chongshan could finish speaking, he heard an angry voice from the other end of the phone: Chongshan, what is the TV series that Emperor TV is broadcasting, called Journey to the West, you played the monkey in it, right? ?”

Shi Chongshan's heart skipped a beat, for fear that his teacher would be angry: Teacher, that is indeed me, but I am...

Wow! The essence of the monkey show was performed, and the monkey was brought to life! I said that you can play the monkey so well, it must be you Chongshan! Hahaha, okay, you are too much for the teacher and me You have a long face!

Shi Chongshan couldn't react a little: Teacher, are you not angry with me?

Why should I be angry? You give me such a long face, why am I so angry? Oh, are you afraid that I will scold you like I scolded your junior sister Su Tong? The teacher sighed softly, You and Su Tong It's different, Su Tong was tricked into entering the entertainment circle, you like this character yourself, am I right?

Su Tong had just graduated and signed a contract without knowing anything. I want to help her solve it, but she still refuses to admit her mistakes and insists on resisting herself. Just resist, anyway, I see, she can't suffer, but she still has to be scolded.

You are different, you are devoted to traditional opera. If you don't really like this role, no one can pull you into acting. And after the performance, didn't you come back again?

Shi Chongshan was speechless: Teacher...

Don't be coy, I said you acted well, you just acted well! What, give me some autographed photos later, I told my grandson that I know Monkey King, you can't be stingy!

Shi Chongshan laughed: Okay, teacher, I have as many autographed photos as you want!

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