Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 944: The copyright is not for sale

The sample video was played quickly, but everyone was amazed by the ending song again, and they didn't realize that the playback had ended.

It wasn't until Yang Hongxia turned on the lights in the projection room that everyone suddenly understood, and then applauded involuntarily:

Mr. Yang, your filming of Journey to the West is really good! We agree to all the price and conditions you mentioned earlier, and sell the premiere rights to us!

Mr. Yang, we not only agree to all the conditions you raised, but we can also negotiate on the price!

President Yang...

The people in charge of the major TV stations rushed forward, surrounded Yang Hongxia in the middle, rushing to speak, fearing that if they were too late, the first round of Journey to the West would be snatched away by other TV stations.

Yang Hongxia hurriedly calmed everyone's emotions one by one, and waited until everyone else calmed down before throwing out the final terms and making the final bidding.

The entire bidding process lasted for several hours. According to Zhou Yue, who watched the excitement and didn't think it was a big deal, the scene at that time was really fierce and fierce.

It's a pity that Lin Fan is not here. If Lin Fan was there, maybe he could write a new script based on the situation on the scene.

In the end, the fruits of victory were won by Emperor Vision, for which they paid a very heavy price.

Shock! The first round of copyright for a single episode was 15 million, setting a new copyright record!

The Birth of the Drama King in the second half of the year, the first round of copyright single episodes sold for a high price of tens of millions!

The exclusive premiere of Emperor Vision is about to open the domineering mode!

Inventory: How much did Lin Fan earn this year?


As soon as these news came out, fans immediately went crazy:

[Tiansheng Yuji Wang: Damn it! Did I not wake up from a dream, and the episode Journey to the West filmed by Fanfan actually sold for a high price of 15 million? 】

[Adorable elementary school scum: The point is, this drama was snatched by Emperor Vision! I always thought that things like sky-high copyrights would be impossible to appear in Emperor Vision no matter what...I didn't expect that even Emperor Vision was captured by Brother Fan! 】

[You have cat cakes at a young age: Isn't the point that even Emperor Vision has approved Brother Fan's TV series? Since Emperor Vision has personally certified it,

It can be seen that Fan Ge's drama is above the standard line no matter in terms of quality or anything else! 】

[Splitting durians with bare hands: Which work of Brother Fan is not up to par? Emperor Vision is doing well, you have to trust Fanfan, Fanfan will never let you suffer! 】

[I'm fat and didn't eat your rice: Is Journey to the West finally going online? I’m so looking forward to it, I’ve been following Journey to the West since I started serializing comics, and now that the TV series is going to be launched, I will definitely support it...]


Fans and Chigualu people were extremely excited, and the matter of sky-high copyright was also heated up, so much so that the actors who were still filming on the set knew the news.

15 million for a single episode! Shi Chongshan was so surprised that his eyeballs almost fell out, My God, is an episode of TV series so expensive?

Lin Fan explained: No, the high price of Journey to the West is a special case, because it is a TV series that relies heavily on post-production special effects. The cost of special effects alone is not low, and we also have national live-action shooting, and other The cost, which led to the high production cost of this drama, had to raise the price in order not to lose money.

Of course, with the price of 15 million an episode, Lin Fan will never lose money.

Shi Chongshan didn't really understand the rules here, but he was speechless: It's too scary. But when I think that this is a TV series starring me, I feel very proud!

Hahaha, with Journey to the West as the basis, in the future, Mr. Shi, if you take on other TV dramas, you will be able to raise your salary to the first-line position!

Shi Chongshan shook his head and said, No, one Journey to the West is enough. If I don't meet a character like Monkey King and a script like Journey to the West in the future, I probably won't act in TV dramas again.

Lin Fan asked in surprise: Why is that? Teacher Shi, your acting skills are still very good. Although it is the first time you have come into contact with film and television dramas, I believe that as long as Teacher Shi is willing, becoming a professional actor will not be a problem.

Moreover, didn't Su Tong embark on the path of an actor in this way?

Shi Chongshan said with a smile: I still prefer traditional operas, and I prefer to perform monkey shows on stage. This time, it's also because Director Lin's Journey to the West is really good. The role of Monkey King, Monkey King It was so attractive to me that I bit the bullet and gave it a try.”

Otherwise, Shi Chongshan would not be able to impress Shi Chongshan even if these preconditions were slightly lacking.

Of course, Shi Chongshan has another purpose: By the way, Director Lin, I've always wanted to talk to you, but I never had the chance. Now that I'm done talking, I'll just ask you directly. Blame me for being abrupt.

Teacher Shi, tell me.

It's like this, Director Lin, I want to buy the copyright of the opera adaptation of Journey to the West from you. I don't know what requirements you have here?

The key is how to say the price?

Shi Chongshan has always devoted himself to traditional operas and has no sideline business. The biggest sum of money he has ever received is the remuneration given by Lin Fan for his role as Monkey King.

Now to buy the copyright from Lin Fan, to be honest, Shi Chongshan's wallet is still very empty.

But even so, Shi Chongshan gritted his teeth and mentioned this matter to Lin Fan. If he didn't dare to mention it, Shi Chongshan felt that he would regret it in the future.

Lin Fan saw Shi Chongshan's uneasiness in his eyes: Does Teacher Shi want to adapt Journey to the West into a traditional opera?

Yes, I do have this idea, and I don't know if Director Lin has any understanding of our traditional operas. I think there are many contents in Journey to the West that can be adapted into operas, and the audience will definitely like them.

Lin Fan nodded in approval: Indeed, Havoc in Heaven, Three Dozens of Bones, True and False Monkey King and other contents are all suitable for adaptation into operas.

Shi Chongshan's eyes lit up: Then Director Lin agreed to sell me the copyright of the opera adaptation?

Copyrights are not for sale.

Shi Chongshan's face darkened instantly.

Seeing Shi Chongshan's lost look, Lin Fan was embarrassed to tease him: Although the copyright is not for sale, I still support Teacher Shi's adaptation of Journey to the West into an opera. But the cooperation model needs to be changed, such as dividends, Shi Chongshan What do you think, teacher?

When Shi Chongshan heard that he could still adapt Journey to the West, he immediately became happy: Anything is fine, just listen to Director Lin, whether it is dividends or other models, I can do it!

Just let me put Journey to the West on the stage of traditional opera!

Lin Fan smiled and said: That's fine, I'll ask someone to draw up a contract later, Teacher Shi, happy cooperation!

Shi Chongshan grasped Lin Fan's outstretched hand, as if afraid that he would regret it: Happy, very happy!

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