Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 940 Hey! Where is the monster, report your name!

Yang Hongxia used magic to defeat the magic in the case of the whole network's brainless blowing of Lin Fan. The coincidence accounted for a large proportion, but Lin Fan knew that Yang Hongxia had also paid a fee for the navy.

Lin Fan had reason to suspect that the news that he had fallen out with the fans' support club was actually Yang Hongxia's professional sailor, who deliberately brought up the rhythm of black fans.

Otherwise, how could it be such a coincidence that every turning point in this matter was under Yang Hongxia's control?

And it must be mentioned that the black fans sued by Yang Hongxia are really suing, not just posting a lawyer's letter to warn them.

Now, the legal department of Earthman Studio is gearing up to fight this lawsuit well!

Afterwards, Yang Hongxia and Lin Fan also made a summary of this matter: There is absolutely no one in the world who can be liked by everyone, not even money. Once you find that everyone around you is praising you, even you If people you don't know are saying good things about you, then you are not far from the end.

The normal state should be that people who like you will like you as always, and people who don't like you will never like you no matter what you do.

Black fans actually have a need for their existence, they can let you see clearly the incomparably real side of this world. Moreover, the black fans on the bright side are good black fans.

Lin Fan came to a sudden: So, the black fan who said that I had a falling out with the fans before rhythmically said that you were hired by you, Miss Xia!

Yang Hongxia coughed dryly: This is not the point. The point is that Journey to the West is about to start filming!

Yes, after the movie Butterfly Effect is released, the filming of Journey to the West will begin. This film and television drama that has been missed by the entire entertainment circle for a long time, Lin Fan is planning to schedule it during the National Day.

Although one of Lin Fan's two cultural variety shows is scheduled for National Day, one is a variety show and the other is a film and television drama, which will not cause any conflict.

And Emperor Vision has made up its mind this time, and must get the premiere rights of Journey to the West.

After all, the previous Fengshen Yanyi premiered on Emperor TV, but it made Emperor TV once again climbed to the top of the ratings list with a big advantage.

You must know that since the rise of other TV stations in other places, a large part of the national ratings has been taken away by these satellite TV stations. Emperor TV's dominance in ratings has long been divided by other satellite TV stations.

The only one that can still support the dignity of Emperor Vision's overlord,

There is probably only one Spring Festival Gala left.

Oh, yes, now there are two more cultural variety shows, National Treasure and China in the Classics, which can be regarded as consolation.

But in terms of TV dramas, Dishi is really powerless to compete with other satellite TVs.

But now it's better, the ratings of TV series made by Emperor Vision are not good, but Lin Fanxing! Now, as long as Lin Fan buys the broadcast rights of film and television dramas, he can sit firmly on the throne of ratings champion. Who wouldn't want such a good thing?

Of course, there are so many people who want it, that the filming of this show is about to start, and the ownership of the first round of broadcasting rights has not yet been determined.

But this is not Lin Fan's concern. Yang Hongxia will naturally solve all the problems other than creation. Lin Fan only needs to ensure that the quality of the work passes the test.


Journey to the West set.

Shi Chongshan was sitting in front of the dressing table, and Lin Fan led the staff of the makeup team to do styling for him himself.

The Monkey King played by Shi Chongshan has two types of shapes. One is that when Monkey King was just a monkey, he was completely naked and only covered with monkey hair to hide his shame.

The other type is the appearance of Monkey King after he came to the world and began to wear human clothes.

The latter shape focuses only on the head and hands, and other parts can be covered with clothing, which is relatively easy.

But the former has to do full-body styling, which is not only a test of the stylist's skills and techniques, but also a big test for the actors.

Today is the day for Shi Chongshan's Sun Wukong to set his makeup. It is quite a heavy task to finalize these two types of looks within one day.

That's why Lin Fan did it himself, styling Shi Chongshan.

Lin Fan reproduced the Monkey King's appearance strictly according to the 86th edition. There is no way, this appearance is so deeply rooted in the hearts of the people that Lin Fan can't accept other Monkey King's appearances at all.

For this look, eye makeup and other parts that will be exposed must be painted on the actor's face first, and then a special effect mask made at a large price is put on the actor's face. Meticulous adjustments perfectly blend the actors' makeup and special effects props.

In this way, Sun Wukong's face can be regarded as a good shape.

Lin Fan watched Shi Chongshan turn his face, looked in the mirror to see if there was any disobedience, and asked, Mr. Shi, how do your eyes feel? Is there any discomfort on your face? Does it affect your speech?

Shi Chongshan reached out and touched the mask on his face. It was so soft that he could touch it, and there were golden monkey hair props on his face. Looking in the mirror, he seemed to have transformed himself into a monkey essence. He couldn't help sighing: No I think Director Lin's make-up and styling skills are so good! This face looks real, and there is no discomfort at all!

Having said that, Lin Fan still understood that it would be uncomfortable no matter what to cover his face with a thick layer of props.

It's just that Shi Chongshan has a very high tolerance for this discomfort, especially since he was born as an opera actor, he has long been used to such heavy makeup.

We must know that there are many opera actors who can't bear the head-cutting alone. Even senior opera actors who are used to strangling their heads will still have various sequelae, such as migraine headaches, eye muscle relaxation and so on.

Lin Fan said: Mr. Shi, don't hold back. Once you feel any discomfort, you must speak up. I don't like to go into battle with injuries here.

Shi Chongshan nodded cheerfully: Okay, Director Lin, I understand.

But in his heart, Shi Chongshan still feels that as long as he can bear it, he can bear it. This is his once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to play the role of Monkey King, but he must not miss this role and opportunity just because he can't endure hardship. .

Lin Fan could see that Shi Chongshan didn't listen at all, but there was no way to force him to admit that he was uncomfortable, so he could only arrange on-site staff to pay more attention to Shi Chongshan's state, and remind himself as soon as possible if he found something wrong.

After the makeup on his face was finished, Lin Fan asked Shi Chongshan to change into a golden chain mail and a purple gold crown with phoenix wings. Looking ahead, he shouted: Hey! Where is the monster, report your name!

A lifelike Monkey King jumped out of the book and came to reality!

Okay! Everyone at the scene was overwhelmed by Shi Chongshan's state, and they applauded loudly.

This made Shi Chongshan seem to have returned to the opera performance stage. Facing the audience who applauded him, his eyes could not help but turn red: When can traditional opera be loved by modern young people like TV dramas, that would be great.


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