Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 935 Sister Xiaoyu, you are so amazing!

What Lin Fan said was not all lies.

Because with the achievements of these two films on Earth, Lin Fan believes that even a pure newcomer can be praised as a big name.

Lin Fan didn't need any big names in the world to increase the attention and popularity of these two movies, because Lin Fan himself could support all the traffic needed for a movie.

In addition, Lin Fan prefers to use newcomers and enjoy the pleasure of training compared to mature actors who have their own views and persistence on how to play a role.

Of course, it doesn't have to be a pure newcomer. Actors with certain acting experience are also fine. The key is to have good acting skills, a suitable image, and be obedient.

Taking the three requirements given by Lin Fan, Yang Hongxia began to prepare to screen out a list of more suitable actors, and then sent out audition invitations one by one to select the most suitable actors.

As for the addition of these two movies, Lin Fan's workload this year has completely exceeded the standard, it is impossible for Yang Hongxia to take the initiative to mention it to Lin Fan.

Even if Lin Fan thought of it by herself, Yang Hongxia wasn't worried that Lin Fan would quit.

Because the producer of these two films has been replaced by Xia Shaozhang, Lin Fan dares to challenge himself, does he dare to challenge his future father-in-law?

Yang Hongxia just thought about that scene, and thought it was so beautiful, she really wanted to see it!

Xia Shaozhang took over the position of Yang Hongxia's producer, coordinating the various tasks of the two blockbuster films, which also made Yang Hongxia completely relaxed, and had time to care about the status quo of the other two artists under her control.

First look at Li Xiaodong.

Well, this kid plays the adult younger brother in The Butterfly Effect, and has been following Lin Fan's butt all the time, doing roadshows and publicity for the movie in a professional manner.

It's also rare that this kid has such a detached temper. After he came overseas, he never went out in private once. Every day he either went to road shows with the crew or stayed in his room.

What are you doing in your room?

Research new scripts.

Yang Hongxia was originally worried that Li Xiaodong would be so dazzled by the results of Butterfly Effect that she forgot how much she weighed, so she made Lin Fan's tailor-made script for him,

Give it to him in advance, so that he can study it carefully when he is free, so as not to cause any trouble overseas.

You know, the total box office of the movies that Li Xiaodong has participated in (guest starred in) has exceeded 10 billion. If he ran into a brokerage company that wasn't particular about it, he might have advertised that Li Xiaodong would become a billionaire filmmaker.

Under this kind of honor, few people can look at themselves rationally, completely remove themselves from it, and not be attached to that vanity.

But in fact, Li Xiaodong persisted in his heart.

In other words, there is no persistence, just like what Li Xiaodong himself said to his agent: Where am I? Even if one day the total box office of the movies I star in exceeds 10 billion, so what? Compared with Brother Fan, it is still too far behind.

Moreover, Brother Fan might have shot all his movies, and Brother Fan wrote the script, so he just hugged Brother Fan's thigh.

There is no such thing as pride and complacency.

What's more, now that Li Xiaodong has got the new script, he is so focused on the new script that he has no time and energy to think about what he has and what he doesn't have.

And Yang Hongxia's second glance, of course, looked at Zhou Xiang and Lian Xiaoyu.

Zhou Xiang has always been very obedient, she has a patient temperament, and she can always complete every plan that Yang Hongxia made for her step by step without rushing.

Yang Hongxia has always been very confident in her vision, the only time she misjudged was Zhang Youling. Yang Hongxia felt that Zhang Youling would leave Xinghe with her, but in fact Zhang Youling chose to stay in Xinghe.

Although judging from the results of the past few years, Zhang Youling's decision to stay was so stupid. After all, if she hadn't stayed in Xinghe back then, there would be no such thing as Zhou Xiang now.

Maybe Xia Yan has to take part of the role in Xia Yan's hand.

But such a result could not cover up the fact that Yang Hongxia was blind to Zhang Youling. And with this reference, Yang Hongxia will pay more attention to the artist's patience when choosing artists in the future.

I can endure loneliness, but I am not willing to be mediocre.

Zhou Xiang is like this. On the road to success, Zhou Xiang is very able to endure loneliness. But once there is a chance of success, Zhou Xiang will never slack off in the slightest.

Of course, Zhou Xiang's manager Lian Xiaoyu also gave Yang Hongxia a big surprise.

After her own systematic training, and letting Lian Xiaoyu accompany Zhou Xiang, she has grown from a humble beginning to the present, and has become the number one flower in the Chinese film circle. Lian Xiaoyu has gradually adapted to the role of agent.

Until now, Lian Xiaoyu's growth has been astonishing to become a qualified, even an excellent agent.


Ah Choo! Lian Xiaoyu rubbed the tip of her nose, Who's scolding me? It shouldn't be, I don't seem to have done any bad things recently?

Could it be that my father is urging me to go back on a blind date again?

It shouldn't be, this year has passed, the blind date craze should have receded long ago, no matter how anxious my father is, I'm afraid he won't be able to find a suitable person to force him to go back to the blind date.

Zhou Xiang's assistant poured Lian Xiaoyu a cup of hot water graciously: Sister Xiaoyu, do you have a cold?

It's good to have a cold. Lian Xiaoyu took the hot water and thanked him, If I have a cold, I can directly decline this invitation, saying that I infected Zhou Xiang.

The little assistant didn't know much about it: Aren't these invitations bad?

It's not bad, it's inappropriate. Lian Xiaoyu picked out a few magazine invitations, Look at these magazines, although they are all fashion resources, some are aimed at male audiences, and some are for promoting another female artist. Bundle our Xiangxiang together to hype.

It seems that they are all good resources, but if Xiangxiang takes over, at least his image will be damaged, and at worst, he will be tied up by other people for a long time in the future, and he cannot protest to the outside world, otherwise there will be countless dirty people. Water rushed over. Don't bother with such an invitation.

And these, I have inquired about these brands in private, and there is no problem with the resources. But the point is that their person in charge is a big pig. He likes to force artists to eat and drink with them after commercial activities.

Lian Xiaoyu directly threw these invitations into the trash can: In the future, if you encounter these brands at the event site, hide as far as you can, and don't let yourself suffer! If you really can't avoid it, give I called, and he smashed my dog's head!

Anyway, in my father's hands, there is a legal team that has never lost a lawsuit!

The little assistant looked at Lian Xiaoyu with a look of admiration: Sister Xiaoyu, you are so amazing!

Lian Xiaoyu waved his hand vigorously: Basics, don't be six!

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