Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 927 Director Lin, I am really convinced!

Finished filming?

Wen Hongjun was dumbfounded.

Didn't you agree that when you start filming, let me take a look at the script? I didn't even see you start filming, why did you finish filming?

Regarding this, Lin Fan had no choice but to explain: Screenwriter Wen, I'm really sorry, I originally agreed to invite you to come and read the script before the filming started. But after the filming of Fengshen Yanyi, Journey to the West The preparations for the project have not been fully completed, and I am still idle, so I started to make movies.

Anyway, Liang Wen has already finished the preparations for this film, and the filming can start at any time.

Lin Fan originally thought that he would shoot a part first, and then slowly shoot later, without affecting the overall shooting plan at all. But who would have thought that the filming of this movie would be so smooth.

If you are not careful, it will be over.

This is also because the actors selected for this movie are all from his own family, otherwise Lin Fan would not be able to do so smoothly if it were replaced by other actors.

It's so easy to use our own actors.

Just finished the filming of Feng Shen Yan Yi, and can directly and seamlessly join the filming of the next film and television drama. If it was replaced by other actors, the schedule alone would not be able to coordinate.

Therefore, Lin Fan has been urging Yang Hongxia to sign as many artists as possible. Anyway, I don't have to worry about not having a movie to shoot, no matter how many artists I have in hand, Lin Fan can arrange them.

Wen Hongjun was also very helpless: Let's finish the filming. The key is, can I still read the script?

How can I say that I am an outsider? At the beginning, I just said this matter casually. Even if Lin Fan didn't tell himself on purpose, there was nothing he could do.

But Wen Hongjun really wants to read Lin Fan's script. Only by knowing Lin Fan's level of suspense script can he persuade Lin Fan to accept his script and cooperate with him to produce the most perfect suspense in China. The movie comes out.

There is one thing to say, although Wen Hongjun admires Lin Fan very much and thinks that Lin Fan's creative level is very high, but when it comes to suspense scripts, Wen Hongjun feels that he still has some say.

After all, in the past ten years, in the Chinese film and television drama market, the most popular suspense movies, suspense TV dramas, and scripts have all been written by Wen Hongjun.

But among masters,

In addition to sympathizing with each other, it is also very likely that the other party will not be pleasing to the eye for no reason. In order to prevent Lin Fan from being displeased with him, Wen Hongjun lowered his posture, just to win a chance to cooperate with Lin Fan.

And this time, it was an opportunity that Wen Hongjun could seize, so Wen Hongjun would not give up until the last moment.

Who would have thought, but Lin Fan said generously: What script are you watching? Would you like to watch the sample with me, scriptwriter Wen?

Wen Hongjun turned pale with shock: Has the sample been cut out?

Lin Fan was very melancholy: Yeah, the work efficiency of the friends in the editing room is too high!

It made me want to excuse that the post-editing was not completed, and I couldn't be lazy for a while, not to mention how sad it was.

The brain circuits of the two people were clearly not on the same line, but somehow they talked together, and then they walked shoulder to shoulder and ran to the editing room to watch the newly released sample.

According to Lin Fan's vision, the final version of this movie should be about 120 minutes long, and two hours to tell a suspenseful story is just right.

However, as a sample, it obviously did not meet Lin Fan's final requirements. It lasted a full 150 minutes, and there were still many redundant shots in it, which needed to be edited again.

But this does not affect an excellent suspense screenwriter, who can appreciate the core of the movie and the ideas it conveys.

Wen Hongjun never thought that suspense dramas could be filmed at a philosophical level.

The interlocking setting in this movie, as well as the result that the hero will face every time he makes a choice, and the embarrassing ending, suddenly there is a feeling that I don’t understand suspense at all. Feel.

The key is that at this time, Lin Fan still has to ask his own opinion: Screenwriter Wen, how about my movie, can it catch your eye?

If Wen Hongjun didn't know that Lin Fan had no enmity with him, he would have thought that Lin Fan was here in Versailles on purpose to mock him!

It's so exciting! Really, Director Lin, I never thought that a suspense drama could be filmed like this. It is really unexpected and reasonable, and the ending is also very intriguing.

Wen Hongjun really admired Lin Fan at this moment: Director Lin, I am really convinced, I never believed that there are all-rounders in this world, but seeing Director Lin, I realized that I am narrow-minded .Some people, such as Director Lin, are all-rounders!

While Wen Hongjun was admiring, he also felt a little sad. After all, Lin Fan could write such a good suspense script, so wouldn't he never have the chance to cooperate with Lin Fan in a suspense drama?

Clinker, Lin Fan's next sentence made Wen Hongjun suddenly feel that there is no unparalleled road: I don't know if the scriptwriter Wen is interested in joining our Earthman studio? Of course, if we don't want to join, we can also choose another way of cooperation.

People like Wen Hongjun, who are already well-known screenwriters in the industry, usually have their own studios. After all, no matter how good a screenwriter is, there are times when a tool person is needed to help fill in the script.

It is also very common for one person to be solely responsible for writing, revising, checking details, etc. of a script from beginning to end. Most unknown screenwriters do this.

But a famous screenwriter like Wen Hongjun doesn’t need to be like this. Many people are willing to help him work for free in order to get a piece of advice or affirmation from Wen Hongjun, so that he can have a chance to stand out in this circle. .

That's why Lin Fan proposed that even if Wen Hongjun didn't want to join him, there could be other ways of cooperation.

After all, Lin Fan has a lot of series in his hands, usually the first and second scripts are very good, but when it comes to the third or even the fourth one, he can't watch it at all, all relying on his feelings to support the scene.

Lin Fan intends to shoot all these series, but he is too lazy to revise the follow-up scripts by himself, so he urgently needs an excellent screenwriter to help him complete these tasks.

Wen Hongjun is a very good choice.

Lin Fan was worried that Wen Hongjun would not agree, or even get angry, feeling that he was humiliated, after all, he was also a famous screenwriter.

But unexpectedly, Wen Hongjun agreed very readily: No problem, I am willing to join Earthman Studio!

Lin Fan was still in disbelief: Then you joined, what about your team?

Wen Hongjun said in a daze, Team? What team? I don't have a team. I write all my scripts by myself.

Lin Fan: ...he is a ruthless person!


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