Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 918 The most important thing is to pass Director Lin's interview first

In the Shanghai Metropolitan Theater, the last performance of the Chinese opera tour is going on as scheduled.

Su Tong sat under the stage, carefully watched the performances of the professional theater actors on the stage, and listened to the occasional applause and applause from the scene, and his heart was filled with emotion.

In recent years, more and more young people are willing to enter the theater to watch and learn about traditional Chinese dramas. , is a very good signal for traditional dramas.

For a long period of time, traditional drama has been rejected by a large part of the group due to the impact of foreign culture, and has a prejudice against it as too earthy and too vulgar. As a result, during that period of time, traditional drama There is a gap in talent, and there are even bleak scenes where no one is watching the show.

Fortunately, Huaxia has always been vigorously promoting and carrying forward traditional drama culture. A group of veteran drama artists did not choose to give up. They reformed and innovated the content of traditional opera, worked hard to train successors, and explored the potential and value of traditional opera. Overcoming the impact of foreign culture and modern life, it has regained its vitality.

The most intuitive manifestation is that when Su Tong just graduated and performed on stage as a professional opera actor, there were really only a handful of audiences in the audience.

But now, Su Tong looked around and said that it was impossible to have all the seats full, but at least 80% of the seats were full.

Moreover, it can be seen from the expressions of the audience that everyone watched it with great interest, and they were not the kind of tool people who appeared here to cope with the task.

During the two-hour performance, at least a dozen warm applause broke out in the middle of the show. At the final curtain call, the actors also received enthusiastic feedback from the audience.

It is worth mentioning that Su Tong's brother who specializes in monkey shows also gained several fans. Su Tong saw those fans and went to the backstage dressing room to find his brother's autograph and take a group photo.

Senior brother! Su Tong waited for all the little fans to leave before showing up, Senior brother's performance tonight is absolutely perfect, I haven't seen such a good performance for a long time.

Junior Sister, why are you here? Shi Chongshan hadn't finished taking off his makeup, he quickly stood up from the dressing table, a little anxious, Is there something wrong with that incident?

What is that thing about?

Of course it was to meet Lin Fan to see if he could be interviewed for the role of Monkey King.

Although Shi Chongshan has been busy with his national tour recently,

He doesn't have much free time to pay attention to the entertainment industry, but it doesn't mean he doesn't know Journey to the West.

It can even be said that when Lin Fan was serializing the Journey to the West comics, Shi Chongshan had already been paying attention.

After all, as a professional monkey show actor, Lin Fan's Journey to the West even featured a stone monkey as the main character. Even if Shi Chongshan himself didn't pay attention, other people in the troupe would tell him if they saw it.

Not to mention, for some reasons, Shi Chongshan actually knew and cared about Lin Fan to a certain extent.

It's just that the two sides had no chance to get in touch before, and Shi Chongshan didn't think about being able to play Monkey King, so so far, the communication between the two sides is zero.

Until Su Tong took the initiative to come to the door and asked Shi Chongshan if he would like to interview for the role of Monkey King.

To be honest, Shi Chongshan's first reaction when he heard the news was that his little junior sister was controlled by some organization, right? Otherwise, how could he lie to himself?

But after thinking about it, what could the little junior sister lie to herself?

If you want money, you don't have money, if you want status, you don't have status. In terms of contacts, if you have what you have, your junior sister has it; if you don't have it, your junior sister still has it. What can she lie to herself?

A hundred catties of meat?

So Shi Chongshan agreed to Su Tong to meet Lin Fan after today's performance.

It was a good idea. After the performance, Shi Chongshan and Su Tong met at the scheduled place, because today Su Tong also had a full day of work schedule, so he really didn't have time to come to Shi Chongshan, but Su Tong arranged for his own driver to pick him up. Shi Chongshan has been waiting outside the theater.

But now that Su Tong rushed over specially, Shi Chongshan subconsciously felt: what happened to this matter!

Unexpectedly, Su Tong waved his hand and said: Brother, don't worry, nothing happened, it's because I can't sit still.

As the introducer, Su Tong originally thought that with his experience in this industry for so many years, he should be able to stabilize himself and go to see Lin Fan after completing his work step by step.

But in fact, Su Tong couldn't wait for a moment.

After finishing his work in a hurry, Su Tong went straight to the Shanghai Metropolitan Theater, thinking about picking up Shi Chongshan, and hurried to the appointment.

It's a pity that Su Tong has finished his work, and Shi Chongshan has not finished his work, so he has to wait again.

After Shi Chongshan's performance was finally over, Su Tong couldn't wait any longer, so he came to the backstage to pick him up.

It's fine, Shi Chongshan heaved a sigh of relief, and sat back in front of the dressing table again, Then junior sister, please wait a moment, I'll leave soon after removing my makeup and changing clothes!

Although Su Tong himself was very anxious, seeing that Shi Chongshan was more anxious than himself, he immediately felt as if he had received some kind of comfort, and his mood eased a lot: Brother, don't worry, the appointed time has not yet arrived, even if Even if we arrived early, we still have to wait. Take your time, there is still plenty of time.

Shi Chongshan sighed while taking off his makeup: I also know that there is still a lot of time, but this role is really important to me. Junior sister, you don't know, that is, I have no money. If I have money, I want to make Journey to the West I bought the copyright and adapted it into a drama.

Su Tong thought: Brother, if you have this idea, you can mention it to Director Lin when you meet him later.

Shi Chongshan paused for a moment: Do you think Director Lin will agree?

After all, I really don't have much money to buy copyrights.

But Su Tong felt: It's good to mention what Director Lin thinks. I feel that Director Lin is still willing to help promote traditional culture. Look at the songs that Director Lin released before, such as Compendium of Materia Medica, and then look at it. National Treasure knows it. As for the copyright fee, I can also help.

How can this work, how can I borrow your money...

Su Tong interrupted Shi Chongshan: Brother, you said you borrowed it. I just lent it to you and didn't give it to you. What's wrong with that? Besides, after you take down the role of Monkey King, you might not need it. I helped!

Shi Chongshan didn't hear Su Tong's implication, he just thought: I'm satisfied to be able to interview for the role of Monkey King. As for the salary, I really haven't thought about it.

I'm not talking about salary...

Su Tong looked at Shi Chongshan who wanted to promote traditional opera, and suddenly felt that there was no need to explain: Forget it, let's talk about taking the role of Monkey King first.

Shi Chongshan also nodded: Yes, the most important thing is to pass Director Lin's interview first.

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