Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 914 0 alliances fight for hegemony!

This site-wide small speaker announcement seemed to open the door to a new world. In the next minute, a steady stream of site-wide announcements were pushed out.

[Antarctic Ice Cover all-site speakers: new user 202225465**** rewarded 100w points for Journey to the West! Congratulations to Journey to the West for being promoted to the Silver League! 】

[Antarctic Ice Cover all-site speakers: New user 202258415**** rewarded Journey to the West with 100w points! Congratulations to Journey to the West for being promoted to the Silver League! 】

[Antarctic Ice Cover all-site speakers: Mengmeng rabbit rewards Journey to the West with 100,000 points! Congratulations to Journey to the West for being promoted to the Silver League! 】


Yu Mengmeng: ...Grandpa, that's my account!

Grandpa Yu said: I will make up for your loss twice!

Grandpa, please, please donate as you like! Don't save me money!

The other old men also followed suit: Mengmeng, help me see, have I succeeded in tipping?

Will there be new content to watch after the reward is over?

When will this author post new content?

Yu Mengmeng explained: Grandpas, didn't I just say that? Rewards are useless to Fan Fan. Fan Fan is super lazy, so he won't add rewards.

Then aren't we rewarding for nothing?

That's okay, anyway, I think this is pretty good-looking, and it fits my taste very well, so I should take it as a compliment to the author. I hope he can write the following content as good as the previous one for the reward's sake. .”

Someone else elbowed Grandpa Yu: Old Yu, did you hear that, Mengmeng said that rewarding is useless, why are you still rewarding?

Grandpa Yu kept pressing the reward button: I'm an ordinary fan, do I need a reason to reward my idol? I'm not like you old guys who are so utilitarian. Still want to urge Pan Fan to add more?

Think beautifully!

I won’t be like this, I just want to give my family a general reward, no matter whether he adds more or not, no matter whether his writing is good or not,

Anyway, I just want to support Fanfan. What's more, the general writing is really very good!

The old men were speechless: I didn't see it, you are so good at talking!

However, there is still some truth to it.

As a result, the entire Antarctic ice sheet was overwhelmed with site-wide announcements one after another, and it took half an hour to stop.

Then netizens saw that on the exclusive page of Lin Fan's Journey to the West, there was an additional badge of honor: Hundred Leagues Fighting for Hegemony!

Less than half an hour after Journey to the West was launched, it has gained more than a hundred alliance leaders, and all of them are the highest level of the Silver League!

This result is no worse than any of the great gods on the website!


At the same time as the network was being updated, Han Hai Publishing House was also cooperating with Yang Hongxia to promote the publication of Journey to the West.

However, this is Yang Hongxia's first publicity for a literary work, and she is not very proficient in many places, and she can even be said to be a complete layman.

But the core of promoting this kind of thing will not change, that is to grasp the key points and constantly enlarge the advantages of this point to achieve the purpose of attracting customers to buy.

So what is the biggest advantage of Journey to the West?

Is it its high literary value, or is it the construction of a brand-new Chinese mythology system, or its breathtaking writing method?


The biggest advantage of this film in Bluestar Huaxia is nothing but the fact that the author is Lin Fan.

Although Lin Fan was very reluctant to publish such an excellent work, when it was first published on Blue Star, the publicity was all focused on himself. But I have to admit that this is not the earth, but the blue star.

Blue Star does not have the basis for the dissemination of Journey to the West, there is no Sun Wukong, the great sage who has been passed down for hundreds of years, and there are no professionals who study Journey to the West literature... This is the first time that this is shown on Blue Star. For the masses who don't know anything, its biggest advantage is that the author is Lin Fan.

Lin Fan could only comfort himself: Forget it, after all, this is the first movie in my life. When I made my first movie, didn't I rely on fans to support me?

Then draw a lottery on his super blog to give back to fans for their support.

[Lin Fan: 1,000 fans will be drawn to give away a signed version of Journey to the West, the old rules, the three-game program will automatically draw. 】

As soon as the news came out, what excited me the most was not Lin Fan's loyal fans all the time, but the batch of book fans Lin Fan had just harvested!

[Take a stick from my old grandson: Brother Fan's Journey to the West is going to be published as a physical book? This must be supported! To read the ancient Chinese version, you must also read the physical book to have a better feeling! 】

[Smack me! pump me! : Brother Fan, although I have just become your fan, my love for you will never be any less than other fans! 】

[Does Yang Jian have a third foot in addition to his third eye: Journey to the West is so beautiful! It is simply a divine book, I directly recommended it to my graduate tutor, and even the tutor admired Brother Fan's talent! 】

[Whether Nezha is a man or a woman: Will the physical book publish all the content at once? I really can't wait to update every day, there are really too few, such a good Shu Fan, how can you bear to only show us three chapters a day? Don't you think this is too cruel for us? 】


After the excitement of the book fans, it is the fans who join in the fun. Xiao Wan sifts through and finds that this group of fans is really just joining in the fun.

Most of their comments revolve around:

Of course you have to participate in the lottery, why not the free autograph book

Although I don't understand the original text of Journey to the West, it does not prevent us from collecting a signed book

And It doesn't matter if you don't understand, anyway, the comics will continue to be published. When the time comes, when you read the comics and compare the original text, you can always know what the story is about.

The attitude is quite casual.

And inexplicably reasonable.

Because Xiao Wan also planned to do the same.

No way, who made the reading threshold of Journey to the West so high?

Besides taking care of Lin Fan's daily life every day, Xiao Wan squats on the set whenever he has time, holding Journey to the West and chewing hard.

After all, as Lin Fan's assistant, Xiao Wan didn't allow himself to fail to understand Lin Fan's works.

Also squatting next to Xiaowan and studying hard, there was also a large group of actors from the crew of Fengshen Yanyi. Compared with Xiao Wan, these actors are obviously more painful.

Because Xiaowan can't understand, it won't affect her very much. But if the actor can't understand the script, it's a bad dish.

As a result, other crew members in the entire film and television city saw Lin Fan's crew, from the director and heroine to the 18th-line actor who only appeared in a few episodes in the play, hugging Lin Fan every day when he had nothing to do. I was writing a book, and read it there with great relish.

Sometimes I can catch them discussing some fragments in the book or a certain detail with each other. They are often arguing red-faced. When they can't argue, they will invite old actors such as Tutor Guohua. The learning atmosphere is so strong that it is enviable. .

The directors or producers of other crews warned their actors earnestly: Look at Lin Fan's crew next door, what are their conditions, the crew led by Lin Fan Xiayan himself, the actors are still so studious and motivated , Never forget to enrich yourself.

If you are half as self-motivated as the crew next door, we won't have to worry about this drama!

An actor who knew some information retorted in a low voice: It's just a script!

The director stared: I'm just talking about the script! What do you think I'm talking about?

Everyone: ... All right, director, just as long as you are happy.


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