Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 910 Breaking the update is the most hateful!

Let the Antarctic ice cap initiate the second creation of these two works by Lin Fan?

Qiu Guanglei thought he didn't hear clearly: Mr. Yang, you mean to authorize the writers of our website to write fanfiction of Journey to the West and Fengshen Yanyi?

Yang Hongxia affirmed: Yes, Tongrenwen, that's the word.

Didn't Lin Fan say that? These two works have the potential for a second or even third creation, and the studio may have to rely on these two works for retirement in the future.

Now that Lin Fan said so, of course Yang Hongxia took advantage of the popularity of Lin Fan's writing to squeeze the majority of online writers and write these fanfiction.

Moreover, the emergence of fanfiction can better present the charm and potential of these two works to everyone.

Qiu Guanglei was afraid that Yang Hongxia would mess around because she didn't understand these things, so he kindly reminded: But, this... fanfic is not so easy to write, and most people who can write well don't write fanfic. On the contrary, those who like to write fanfic, Usually it’s just for fun.”

For self-entertainment, it is natural to make up your mind, and the quality is really difficult to control.

That's why you need your website's help in screening! Yang Hongxia didn't care, I understand that there are very few high-quality works, and most of them are mediocre works.

We can be responsible for the various expenses of this event and make a grand prix, but we don't have the energy, let alone your professional personnel, to sort out the real high-quality goods from the massive mediocre works.

More importantly, Yang Hongxia has a natural barrier with the literary circle after all, and this barrier cannot be easily broken.

Although Yang Hongxia can attract excellent writers to submit articles through high bonuses, the effect is definitely not as good as launching a contribution activity in the name of the Antarctic ice sheet, and the difference in efficiency will be very large, not to mention the quality of submissions .

As for expecting Lin Fan to recreate Journey to the West by himself?

Forget it, Yang Hongxia felt that it would be better to lure Wen Hongjun into the company and work for herself.

Facing Yang Hongxia's request, Qiu Guanglei hesitated.

To be honest, this request is not too much. It is even said that as long as Lin Fan can agree to publish his works on the Antarctic ice sheet for serialization, he only needs to hold a separate contribution event for Lin Fan. There is nothing he cannot agree to.

Especially when Yang Hongxia is willing to finance herself, the Antarctic ice sheet is just a waste of manpower and material resources. Anyway, such activities are held several times a year.

But Qiu Guanglei had to say something up front: Director Lin's two works have just been serialized, and we are going to hold such an event. I am worried that the effect will be relatively mediocre.

Generally speaking, it all depends on Lin Fan's popularity. Qiu Guanglei is worried that some level writers on the website don't have time to finish reading Lin Fan's works. After all, they have to type every day, so how can there be so many? Watching others in your free time?

Generally, fanfiction can be supported by at least one to two years of precipitation. It has a broad reader base, a solid world background, and detailed settings. It can withstand scrutiny and exploration, otherwise...

It can only be written as a sweet novel, the kind that just talks about love and doesn't do serious things.

Qiu Guanglei believes that what Yang Hongxia wants is not this kind of sweet novel.

Yang Hongxia raised her hand to stop Qiu Guanglei's next words: Mr. Qiu hasn't read those two films by Lin Fan, has he?

Qiu Guanglei nodded: Yes, although I am very familiar with Mr. Qi of Hanhai, Mr. Qi will not tell me about the content of the confidentiality agreement. It's just that Mr. Qi revealed to me from the side that this Both are absolutely excellent.

I trust Mr. Qi's vision very much, and at the same time, I hope Mr. Yang will not blame Mr. Qi, because Mr. Qi really has not disclosed any specific content.

It’s just a constant, 361°, fancy way of praising these two films with me, saying that there is nothing in the world, I can’t sit still, I’m afraid I’ll regret it for the rest of my life if I’m too late to talk to you about cooperation .

But Qiu Guanglei made up for it again: I also did my homework and read all the comics of Journey to the West that are being serialized. If the content is more consistent with the comics, then I am very sure that this one must be very good. !

President Qi is also kind, of course I won't blame him. On the contrary, if I can reach a cooperation with President Qiu, I have to invite President Qi to have a meal to thank him.

Yang Hongxia took out a printed version of Journey to the West from the Earthman Studio from the drawer of her desk, and handed it to Qiu Guanglei: This is the internal version of our studio, and it is relatively simple. I hope Mr. Qiu will not dislike it.

Qiu Guanglei quickly took the book: Is this the original version?

Yes. This version will be given to Mr. Qiu. I believe that after Mr. Qiu finishes reading it, he will have a different view on my suggestion. Therefore, it is better to put the serialization on the Internet for two days in advance, and wait for Mr. Qiu next time. Come here, shall we talk again?

It seems that Yang Hongxia is very confident in Lin Fan's film.

She hopes that after I read it, I will change my mind and think that she is right?

Uh, maybe Lin Fan's is really good.

Several thoughts turned in Qiu Guanglei's mind: Okay, I'll go back and read this book carefully first, and when we meet next time, I will definitely come up with conditions that satisfy Mr. Yang.

Yang Hongxia personally sent Qiu Guanglei to the elevator entrance, watched Qiu Guanglei go down in the elevator, then turned back to the office, and then arranged for Xiaoye: Next time I receive a call from President Qiu, I will make an appointment for tomorrow afternoon.

Xiaoye wondered, Sister Xia thinks that Mr. Qiu will call today to make an appointment for the next meeting?

Yang Hongxia patted Xiaoye's shoulder in a good mood: Will you make a bet and guess what time this Qiu will always call?

Xiaoye pushed her guts to the max, and guessed, Before six o'clock in the afternoon?

Be more courageous, I guess he will call in an hour. Yang Hongxia rubbed her chin, After all, I only gave him the first thirty chapters, and one hour should be enough for him to read. Is it over?

Xiaoye was speechless: Sister Xia, you are so cruel.

What is the most uncomfortable thing to ask a person?

When I saw Zhenghe in Kanshuangwen, I suddenly found that the author had stopped updating. This matter will definitely be ranked in the top three!

And after Qiu Guanglei left Earthman Studio, he got into his car, drove all the way back to his company, went straight to his office, and then solemnly released the printed version of Journey to the West, which couldn't be more rudimentary. on your desk.

After reconfirming that no one will come in to disturb him in the next half hour, Qiu Guanglei finally turned to the first page, and saw written in black and white on the printing paper:

The first round of spiritual root cultivation and outflow of xinxing practice Daosheng

The poem says:

The chaos is undivided, the sky and the earth are chaotic, and there is no one to see.

Ever since Pangu broke through Hongmeng, he has opened up the distinction between clear and turbid.

Overwhelm all living beings to look up to benevolence, and to create all things to be good.

If you want to know the good luck and the Yuan Gong, you must read the biography of Shi'er in Journey to the West.

Gai heard that the number of heaven and earth is one hundred and twenty-nine thousand and six hundred years old...


Qiu Guanglei: ⊙▽⊙!

Classical Chinese version? !

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