Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 907 You have been conquered by my arrogance

Cheng Guohua held a cloth bag in one hand and a thermos cup in the other. With a smile on his face, he nodded gently to the staff he met along the way, and walked slowly towards the large conference room.

Today is the first day of the script reading session for Lin Fan's new play. Generally speaking, the script reading time will not be very long. It is relatively perfunctory for one to three days, and the normal seven to ten days, but Lin Fan's new play , it’s hard to say.

Because Lin Fan required all actors to have a clear understanding of the whole story, the background of the story, and the subsequent development in addition to thoroughly understanding their own roles.

If it is a familiar story, it is not a big problem. However, from the setting, to the background of the story, to each character of this play, everything was created by Lin Fan.

More importantly, the script sent to each actor, in addition to the final version that has been adapted and can be used directly for shooting, also has a version in Mandarin Chinese.


So, everyone, just obediently come to participate in the script reading.

If you don't participate, you are afraid that your understanding of this role is completely wrong. Everyone finally got this role after going through five hurdles. I don't want to start filming, but in the end, I will be rejected because I don't understand the role.

Especially, if he got on Lin Fan's blacklist because of this, he would regret it to death.

Therefore, when Cheng Guohua stepped into the big meeting room, he found that all the actors had come, and together with the staff, the whole meeting room was packed to the brim.

Hey, Mr. Cheng is here! Everyone at the scene greeted Cheng Guohua one after another.

Hello, Teacher Cheng!

Congratulations to Mr. Cheng, you have won the achievement of tens of billions of male supporting roles!

Cheng Guohua cheerfully responded one by one: Here we are, everyone came so early. Hello, hello, I remember you, you are Lao Xu's student! What tens of billions of male supporting roles, I just took a ride with Director Lin , was taken away by Director Lin! As long as you act well, if you can get guidance from Director Lin, then you will gain a lot of money!

Yes, Cheng Guohua played important supporting roles in Lin Fan's three films, and with Lin Fan, he also became a member of the tens of billions box office club.

It was as if a pie fell from the sky, and it fell right into Cheng Guohua's mouth.

I don't know how many people in the circle,

I was sour and envious of Cheng Guohua, and at the same time secretly regretted it. When Lin Fan was making his first movie and was looking for actors everywhere, why didn't he recommend himself?

If I had been more proactive and shameless at the beginning, would I be able to reap a tens of billions of achievements now?

Unfortunately, there is no regret medicine in this world.

Once Lin Fan has gained a firm foothold in this circle, it will not be so easy to join Lin Fan's crew.

After all, Lin Fan is notoriously nostalgic. Actors like to use familiar ones, and they also have to bring newcomers from his own company before recruiting externally.

Although openly running for roles seems to be a very fair thing, because every actor has a chance. But it is very difficult to stand out from the crowd of actors and successfully win the role.

If those actors have this kind of strength, are they afraid that there will be no filming?

Therefore, the actors who can appear in this meeting room are either Lin Fan's royal team or powerful factions. Everyone is bent on making the show well, and the bad atmosphere in the entertainment industry does not exist here.

Everyone was talking and laughing, and the atmosphere was unusually harmonious.

When Lin Fan walked in, the laughter disappeared immediately, and the atmosphere at the scene became inexplicably tense.

Lin Fan couldn't help complaining: It turns out that my acting skills are already so good, and you have already been conquered by my arrogance before I entered the role?

Cheng Guohua said with a smile: Isn't it? Your majesty is very majestic, which makes us stand in awe.

As soon as Cheng Guohua opened his mouth, the sound of his words, his solid line skills, and his ups and downs, all of a sudden received a lot of praise.

Lin Fan also couldn't help boasting: Every time I hear Mr. Cheng's lines, I feel it is a kind of enjoyment. Everyone should learn more from Mr. Cheng. My requirements are not high. If everyone has Mr. Cheng's six successes, I will Satisfied.

Ah~ Everyone wailed.

I think I'm about as far away as China from Cheng Lao's 60% line skills.

Director Lin, let's have a discussion, 50% right? 50% I can still work hard, 60% is really too difficult!

Li Xiaodong also booed: Brother Fan, please let me go, how about I pay for the dubbing of my character myself?

Lin Fan readily agreed: Yes, if the lines are not good enough, you can pay for the dubbing fee yourself! Make a note of the finances, and they will all be deducted from their salary!

The staff responded loudly: Okay!

Everyone unanimously turned their attention to Li Xiaodong.

Li Xiaodong was also aware of how much loss he had caused to everyone. In order to avoid everyone's eyes of condemnation, he slid down from the chair bit by bit, and the whole person shrank under the table, only showing With one palm, make a kowtow gesture on the conference table.

I was wrong, I was really wrong! In order to make up for my mistake, I will add a chicken leg to everyone's box lunch today!

Do you want to be forgiven for a chicken leg?

Then, add another egg?



After some haggling, it ended with Li Xiaodong inviting everyone to have hot pot for lunch today, seeing that this matter has been temporarily exposed.

However, after the turmoil for a while, everyone's relationship has obviously become closer. Li Xiaodong is indeed a person who is committed to being a comedian, and the lively atmosphere has always been his forte.

Lin Fan also felt that everyone was less nervous, so he officially entered today's script reading session.

Surrounding reading, as the name suggests, means that everyone reads the script together.

The so-called script reading is a method between the script and the formal performance or performance. The formal performance needs to be fully convincing, and attention should also be paid to camera positioning and scene scheduling, but peripheral reading is not necessary.

Actors only need to read the script dialogue of their characters, and the narrative scenes and narration will be read by the on-site staff, so the script reading is also called script reading meeting, script study, reading meeting and so on.

Generally, in a formal script reading, in addition to the main actors and directors of the crew, there will also be producers, screenwriters, art directors and other staff present.

Everyone read and listened to it, and if they found any problems during the process, they could raise them on the spot, and the director, screenwriter, and everyone discussed and revised it.

The whole process, in addition to helping the actors understand the characters and the whole script, is also conducive to the communication between unfamiliar crew members and improving the ability to collaborate with each other.

Nowadays, in the entertainment industry, there are not many crews who can seriously do a good job in reading sessions, and stars who can seriously participate in reading sessions, hehe, are even rarer.

Without him, this circle has gone bad!

However, Lin Fan is one of the rare directors who has always insisted on holding a reading session. The actors and staff who have participated in Lin Fan's movies and TV series are very clear about the importance Lin Fan attaches to the reading session.

It's just that Lin Fan had another reason for today's script reading.


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